Hoffe nach den Überraschungen in der letzten Woche verlaüft diese wieder ruhiger. Habe den Leitwert des Drain bei beiden Pflanzen auf ph6 und 2000 microSiemens Ende letzter Wiche reduziert bekommen. Interessanter Weise waren die Leitwerte bei den Pflanzen trotz exakt gleicher Wasser/Düngergabe um den Faktor 2 auseinander. Der ph-wert lag bei beiden bei 4,8 [Warum auch immer]. Hab die Werte durch Spülen mit Leitungswasser und Osmosewassermix mit Leitwert 500 auf die oben beschrieben Werte gebracht und hoffe das die Damen es mir verzeihen und mich trotzdem in 3 Wochen mit reicher und vor allem leckerer Ernte belohnen werden. Gieße jetzt jeden 2Tag, so viel, dass genügend Drain entsteht um die Werte zu kontrollieren. Drain liegt bei Ph ca. 6,0 bei max 2,5mS andernfalls wird mit Osmose oder Leitungswasser (0,8mS und Ph7.2) gegegengehalten. Da sie in Stofftöpfen stehen, ist es hoffentlich nicht so dramatisch etwas zu viel Wasser zu bekommen.
Very dynamic effect. Keep head clear and no stress. Crafty vaporiser effect is the best.
The girls started to pre flower this week. I decided to try a scrog net out hopefully it will help with yields come harvest time
F+29 20190125 - Plants still gaining more and more resin. Very nice production. I am so happy doing this! Going to give them another feeding tonight. F+30 20190126 - FB#2 has started showing some clawing, and I will have to do some research to diagnose. F+31 20190127 - With the help of some forum inquiries, there was a Nitrogen Toxicity appearing to start on FB#2. To be safe, since both plants got the same amount, they were both flushed with unfiltered, PH corrected, tap water. F+32 20190128 - Both flowers appeared to have improved since the flush. Nice amounts of Resin are easily visible, and the smell is amazing at this point, like a wift warm berries travelling into my nostrils. So sweet. F+33 20190129 - One more flush today, just to be safe. I adore these fabric smart pots. They drain everything but exactly what needs to be there, and they are easy to handle. I also enjoy being able to bust through the fabric to help with LST. F+34 20190130 - Plants still improving. They appear to have bulked up a bit more, and gained some more frosty resin. F+35 20190131 - I can see more pistils turning orange. I estimate about 2-3 weeks to go. FB#1 appears to be behind in it's maturation, but not its bulk or resin production.
Friends Growth Period about 9 Weeks, Blossoming 10 Weeks, Plant With Great Christmas Tree Structure. As far as nutrition is never said, it's never enough or more, he wants, for the rest any mold problem .... Very sweet aroma requires filter in the cultivating chamber.
Stoked on her. She turned out wonderful. Smells like rotting strawberries and gas. I’m so glad I could grow her out normally. No purple colors but she has a pink hue to her. I’m pleased. Into the cure closet she goes. She will cure for a couple weeks and I can’t wait to press her into some rosin 🍓
After long period, i decide to post the last update of my genetic test, im very exited about the harvest, all the plants grow up very well specially the Blue dream, the kraken (very big and huge buds) and the critical, all smell different, 4 of all suffer cause the trasplant and dont grow so much, but have severall different genetics in one tent arent very simple, and im very happy to see the results. In 2, maximum 4 week i will cut all the plant, and i give a smoke report. Sweet smoke guys.
Couldn’t manage the stretching anymore ... heartbreaking but this is the end for this G14.
so she grows with ease and very well has good natural shape with a main cola and lots of side branches would be good in a sog grow not sure about scrogg or lst as didn't try it she takes nutes well iv been rough with the autos lately just letting them grow in with plants in veg not really trying with them but if grown with more care and attention she could have been a lot better yield wise but I'm happy with what shes produced under the conditions and would recommend to anyone thanks to all who comment, like,help and follow happy growing guys
TWO WEEKS TO 1st HARVEST TARGET ~9 weeks Day 85 F25 AM 38% 75f - flushed each plant with 3 gallons ph 6.3 water - runoff showed average of 5.9ph - waited 4 hours then I split 2 gallons of molasses water ph6.5 (1TBL/gal Unsulphured molasses, 1/4tsp/gal Cha-Ching) - PM 44% 75f Day 87 F26 AM 38% 75f - no water - moved lights 1 inch closer (12 inches) - PM 38% 73f Day 88 52 F27 AM 36% 73f - no water - checked several buds on multiple levels and I am not seeing more than a couple amber trichomes (under 5%) and I am seeing many new clear trichomes (10-20%) brown pistils are the majority now, but there is a lot of new growth popping out on some tips - PM 38% 75f Day 89 53 F28 AM 39% 75f - watered all with 3 gallons ph 6.5 water to soak crystals - 6 hours later, I flushed another 5 gallons of ph 6.0 water (3tsp/gal Bembe, 1.5tsp/gal Sweet Berry, 1/4tsp/gal Cha-Ching) thru the PH plants - runoff ph on all plants was right at 6.0-6.1ph PERFECT - PM 39% 75f Day 90 54 F29 AM 40% 75f - no water - PM 39% 75f Day 91 55 F30 AM 36% 75f - watered all with 5 gallons ph6.3 water (1.5tsp/gal Bembe, 1.5tsp/gal Sweet Berry, 1/4tsp/gal Cha-Ching) - gave Triplnt another 16 oz of ph 6.3 water (1TBL/Big Bloom 1tsp Grow Big, 1tsp Tiger Bloom, 1tsp Boomerang, 1/2 tsp Microbe Brew, 1/2tsp Kelp Me Kelp You, 1/4tsp/gal Beastie Bloomz per gallon) - PM 41% 75f Day 92 56 F31 AM 38% 75f - no water - clipped a sparse tester branch off PH1 with 10% amber trichomes, trimmed and hung to dry - PH1: 41% 80f - PM 35% 75f
Will definitely grow again. Harvested some earlier than others, really tried to get an idea of how much of a difference what point of the harvest window you harvest makes to the effect. Very high quality genetics - big thanks to Barney's Farm! 👌
this is week 5/6 of my super OG autoflower. I would like some feedback as this is my first grow. Using a small areogarden with 10w led and a separate 80/100w grow light. Red blue bulbs. Not sure the leafs looking that great? What do you guys think? I cut some fan leafs off due to the bottom of the plant not getting so much light. Is this ok to do? Feedback please. Thanks guys