Mais uma semana dos clones das plantas bravas , seguem se desenvolvendo bem e fiz um HST nelas . Os botões estão em plena fase de crescimento, tenho dado aminoácidos, micro e macro pouco N e muito K. Segue a vida por aqui as plantas vão bem obrigado.
9/24 Busy as fuck and personal emergencies always hit during harvest season. I took a few tops from my favorite gmo just so I have some if the weather fucks me. I'll take more today probably. WATERED YESTERDAY. I'll post pictures of dry flowers and do the reports. Three are still standing. That huge gmo is going to extracts though. 9/25 9/26 We are getting a week of rain. After looking at my trichs I decided to pull the GMO's I had left. I was sick of cutting branches due to grey mold and I was starting to lose buds to botrytis. Trichs got to about 10% amber on most. Maybe more. I worked like a mule. I was going to leave my favorite gmo and the sherb pie. However, my wife had multiple medical emergencies that required hospitalization. I couldn't risk letting my girls turn to mush if she had to stay. I'm glad with my decision. Everyone now I see is asking about bud rot and pm cures. This happened at the same time last year. She was hospitalized during late late flower. I couldn't keep this updated and I took the plants ad quickly as I could and rough wet trimmed some of them. Some plants got hung whole. I have been in trim jail. I have finished two plants and that is working my balls off. The one in the fifty and the event horizon. I'll do the harvest reports and add pictures but with my wife how she is and the work load I'm going to have to wait. I also left buds to ripen right before the rain and got lots of nice amber flowers that I froze to make a temple ball. I have lots of content. I just need time and a place to do it. I have one lone survivor. The seedling in the ten that seems to be a sativa hybrid. She's a beast and I think can handle the rain due to the fluffy buds. If I see problems I could easily carry it inside. I'll be back with some pics and videos but for now breaks. 9/28 Busy as FUCK. SICK. Been in and out of the hospital with the wife. Looking back on diaries she's in the hospital when I'm harvesting the past few years. I got two strains curing right now. I got a shit ton drying and I'm in trim jail. I haven't taken picturesor been on here but ill be more active i just havent hadcthe time. I'll wait until shits dry and I can do my harvest reports. I'll look to see if I have any pictures I can upload My sativa hybrid survived the rain. All this rain has made its leaves turn yellow and start to drop. It needs food I think. I'll check the trichs but I know it's not ready. The buds are like soda bottles but they are loose. Like a string of calyxes. I don't flgrow sativas so I'll have to ask for some help. I'm trying to decide if I should feed it. It looks hungry. I'm going to have to scope it and then I'll feed if necessary. I'll take pictures and a video when I have the chance.
The overwatering issues continued to harm the plants. Had to take of a couple of lover branches as the leaves turned yellow and died. This is still happenning... Hope that the plants do recover as the one Zilk Road is promising due to how it is growing. One of the Zilk Roads will for sure be replaced.
Sexta semana, fiz um flush nos vasos mais queimados, as outras plantas apresentam deficiência de magnésio também, segue sexta semana de flora e apesar dos problemas as flores tão bem resinadas, vou aplicar flowermind essa semana e ver se melhora. Obrigado por
trichs are milky this time i decided to chop as milky is peak thc and not wait to start amber this way i see it buds stay green even after a few months in jars Trimming initially only - and hang down in shaded ventilated place for 10-14 days Then moving to jars wood boxes for olding process.
trichs are milky this time i decided to chop as milky is peak thc and not wait to start amber this way i see it buds stay green even after a few months in jars Trimming initially only - and hang down in shaded ventilated place for 10-14 days Then moving to jars wood boxes for olding process
trichs are milky this time i decided to chop as milky is peak thc and not wait to start amber this way i see it buds stay green even after a few months in jars Trimming initially only - and hang down in shaded ventilated place for 10-14 days Then moving to jars wood boxes for olding process
Day 85 23/09/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 and calmag today. Day 87 25/09/24 Wednesday Feed today using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only. Day 89 27/09/24 Friday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with Plagron PK13-14 today. Picture and video update 😎 Day 91 29/09/24 Sunday (End of week) De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 only today. Will try get another nutrient week out of her before flush 👌💚
Day 144 23/09/24 Monday (Start of week) De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag today. Seeing her starting to really take shape now, buds forming well, trichomes now flooding in. She's looking good 😍 Day 146 25/09/24 Wednesday De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 today with Plagron PK13-14. Day 148 27/09/24 Friday Feed again today using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag. Picture and video update 😎 Day 150 29/09/24 Sunday (End of Week)
So i grew this white widdow outside, without anything. The plant did a Great Job!