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9/24 Busy as fuck and personal emergencies always hit during harvest season. I took a few tops from my favorite gmo just so I have some if the weather fucks me. I'll take more today probably. WATERED YESTERDAY. I'll post pictures of dry flowers and do the reports. Three are still standing. That huge gmo is going to extracts though. 9/25 9/26 We are getting a week of rain. After looking at my trichs I decided to pull the GMO's I had left. I was sick of cutting branches due to grey mold and I was starting to lose buds to botrytis. Trichs got to about 10% amber on most. Maybe more. I worked like a mule. I was going to leave my favorite gmo and the sherb pie. However, my wife had multiple medical emergencies that required hospitalization. I couldn't risk letting my girls turn to mush if she had to stay. I'm glad with my decision. Everyone now I see is asking about bud rot and pm cures. This happened at the same time last year. She was hospitalized during late late flower. I couldn't keep this updated and I took the plants ad quickly as I could and rough wet trimmed some of them. Some plants got hung whole. I have been in trim jail. I have finished two plants and that is working my balls off. The one in the fifty and the event horizon. I'll do the harvest reports and add pictures but with my wife how she is and the work load I'm going to have to wait. I also left buds to ripen right before the rain and got lots of nice amber flowers that I froze to make a temple ball. I have lots of content. I just need time and a place to do it. I have one lone survivor. The seedling in the ten that seems to be a sativa hybrid. She's a beast and I think can handle the rain due to the fluffy buds. If I see problems I could easily carry it inside. I'll be back with some pics and videos but for now breaks. 9/28 Busy as FUCK. SICK. Been in and out of the hospital with the wife. Looking back on diaries she's in the hospital when I'm harvesting the past few years. I got two strains curing right now. I got a shit ton drying and I'm in trim jail. I haven't taken picturesor been on here but ill be more active i just havent hadcthe time. I'll wait until shits dry and I can do my harvest reports. I'll look to see if I have any pictures I can upload My sativa hybrid survived the rain. All this rain has made its leaves turn yellow and start to drop. It needs food I think. I'll check the trichs but I know it's not ready. The buds are like soda bottles but they are loose. Like a string of calyxes. I don't flgrow sativas so I'll have to ask for some help. I'm trying to decide if I should feed it. It looks hungry. I'm going to have to scope it and then I'll feed if necessary. I'll take pictures and a video when I have the chance.
Die Woche 5 der Blüte ist rum. Die bisher wärmste Woche mit Tagestemperaturen zwischen 25-31°C und Nachttemaparaturen zwischen 15-21°C haben die Ladys gut überstanden. Ich hab hier und da ein paar zu große Blätter entfernt oder Blätter die Buds verdeckt haben. Ansonsten habe ich hier und da ein paar Blattläuse mit der Hand oder Pinzette abgesammelt. Die blattuntereiten wurden auch großzügig auf Blattläuse und Eier kontrolliert. Auch hier mussten ein paarmal der Hand zerdrückt werden, aber soweit hält es sich in Grenzen. Auch von Mehltau war nichts mehr zu sehen. Alle Ladys sind gut stabil und entwickeln wunderschöne buds💚 die GorillaZkittlez sieht schon ziemlich final aus. Ich denke das es maximal noch zwei Wochen braucht bis sie getrocknet werden kann. Sie hat richtig schöne harzige dichte buds die ich outdoor nicht erwartet hätte. Und sie verteilt auch den intensivsten Geruch 💚 der Geruch geht stark in Richtung Zitrus mit würzigen untertönen. Die StrawberryBanana denke ich wird 1-2 Wochen länger dauern als die GorillaZkittlez. Sie sieht aber auch schon ordentlich aus. Der heasbud wird ein ordentlich fettes Ding. Der Geruch ist unglaublich lecker aber noch nicht ganz definierbar, geht aber in die fruchtige Richtung. Die GorillaAuto hängt etwas hinterher, wird aber wahrscheinlich soviel abwerfen wie meine StrawberryBanana und GorillaZkittlez zusammen. Die GorillaAuto hat einen sehr intensiven Zitrus Geruch mit Pinie/Kiefer im Hintergrund. Bis jetzt mein Favorit der drei Ladys rein vom Geruch. ____________________________ Düngen/Gießen: Die Ladys wurden in dieser heißen Woche jeden Tag gegossen, an den zwei Tagen mit 30°C und kaum Wolken wurden die Ladys Morgens und Abends gegossen. Im Durchschnitt bekam jede Ladys pro gießen ca 700ml-1L. Der ph-Wert lag dabei zwischen 6.5 und 6.7. An Tag 51/30F gab es als Zusätze auf 5L Wasser: 6ml BioBloom von BioBizz als kleinen Blütebooster, auch 1.5ml GreenSensation. Davon nur recht wenig, weil der Hauptdünger GreenHouseFeeding ist und der nicht ganz mit dem GreenSensation zurecht kommt. Davon abgesehen brauchen Automatiks auch etwas weniger Nährstoffe. Auch gab es 5ml PowerBuds und 3ml PureZym auf die 5L. An Tag 52/31F gab es nur Wasser, dafür morgens und abends. An Tag 53/32F gab es auf 5L Wasser 10ml StickyFingers von XpertNutrients und am Abend wieder Wasser. An Tag 54/33F gab es wieder Wasser. An Tag 55/34F gab es nochmal Wasser. An Tag 56/35F gab es auf 5L Wasser 5g BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding, 6ml BioBloom von BioBizz, 1.5 ml GreenSensation, 5ml PowerBuds von Plagron. Am Abend gab es auch nochmal 300-500ml für jede Lady. Der ph-Wert lag dabei immer zwischen 6.5-6.7. Auf eine nächste Woche voller Freude und schönen Gerüchen💚
Hello Friends 👋🏾 I had a few problems with nutrient deficiency as you could see last week, I managed to solve the issue. I started feeding them nutrients again, as they really started growing fast. I did a lot of defoliation and lollipoping today, as I want the plant to focus all its energy to the top. They drink roughly 3-4L every 3-4 days, I increased my VPD to 1.3 and will go up to 1.4 in 2 weeks, shortly before flushing. I’ll lower the feeding to 2L and will check how long it lasts. Thanks for all your advice and feedback so far ☺️ I appreciate every single one following my journey
Hola amigo de cultivo! Han pasado tres semanas desde el transplante de esta pequeña, creí que tendría una mala noticia al subir la ultima vez dado que pasaron 3 semanas sin lluvias, pero sin duda que ha sido muy gratificante llegar y encontrar este color en las hojas, el suelo se mantiene perfectamente gracias al Bactogel de Agrobacterias y mantiene la humedad perfecta. La capa de mulch no deja calentar el sustrato y la planta es muy resistente que es lo importante. Sinceramente estoy agradecido por todo esto! Un abrazo grande para todos 💚☘️💐
They are getting fatter each day, as you can probably notice one of them is showing real signs of stress with brown spots and dead yellow leafs. I am adding Calmag this week and making sure Ph is set, will most likely only water them and add calmag. I think next week will be the flush and then harvest. Still trying to battle humidity, hopefully I get a dehumidifier this weekend and manage to reduce it a bit. Hopefully no mold -_-
Week 7 (27/06/2024 - 03/07/2024) 27/06/2024 - Height 54cm. 28/06/2024 - Height 57cm. 29/06/2024 - Height 59cm. 2000ml of water (6,2pH, BioBizz Grow 1ml/l, Bloom 1,5ml/l, TopMax 1ml/l, 970 µS/cm). 30/06/2024 - Height 60cm. 01/07/2024 - Height 62cm. 2000ml of water (6,3pH, BioBizz Grow 1ml/l, Bloom 1,5ml/l, TopMax 1ml/l, 940 µS/cm). 02/07/2024 - Height XXcm. 03/07/2024 - Height XXcm.
June 23, 2024 This week we focus on watering. There really isn't much else to do. The plants are all stacking buds and getting fat. I cleaned out all the reservoirs out and started a fresh dose of nutrients. Sour Diesel A is definitely light. I really don't understand this plant. She's thirsty, drinking just as much as the rest of not a little bit more than B. I may have to top feed her tomorrow with a half gallon of recharge. Other than that, her buds are looking pretty good and super frosty. Sour Diesel B looks like she has about 2 weeks left to go. Her pistils are almost all orange on the top while the lowers are still white. I checked the trichomes just for giggles and of course it's not done yet, but sooner than the rest of the plants. Sour Diesel C had some what looks like light burn without any other signs. A friend of mine suggested it could be some sort of fungus. I sprayed her down with some Defender 4. Her buds are STACKED. She has super long colas compared to the overall size of her. Sour Diesel D is drinking the most and was completely bone dry this morning. However, she's not light. So a cleaning and refill. We will just let her do her thing. Huge main cola. Everything else is smaller. The lights aren't changing. So I have a feeling that these plants ended up small like they are due to the limited space they had during Veg. Being autoflowers, they really didn't have room to stretch out. My next run will be much better. I won't be working with 6 plants in one tent. All this has to do with the lighting also. They just didn't get enough of what they needed at first, so smaller plants I get. The environment looks alright. The AC kicked on early today and the humidity in the tent dropped down to 54%. The temp is at 75°. Near perfect temp. The heat wave is gone now, so I should be able to control the humidity more with the AC kicking on earlier. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 58.3% VPD: 1.22 kPa June 24, 2024 Not much going on today. I forgot to check Sour Diesel A for her weight. I'll check later today. However, she should be fine. No watering today nor pics. Sour Diesel A looks really good. Tons of frost and her buds are swelling up nicely. Sour Diesel B looks really good. I'm sending daily pics of the trichomes to a friend so we can figure out about when she will be ready for harvest. I'm thinking 2 weeks. He thinks more. But neither of us can tell. He's not here, so he can't see what I see, and I always get hung up around now. Sour Diesel C seems to have some sort of issue. I'm not really sure what, but the leaves are slightly droopy and I keep getting these small burn dots on a leaf or two. As I said yesterday, it could be a fungus. I'll spray her down again with Defender 4 tomorrow. Sour Diesel D has this super fat main cola. Instead of stretching up and stacking up, she has stayed short and I'm her buds are stacking outward. The main top has 3 buds that make up the tip. Very cool. She's gonna be a small yield, but one massive cola. Can't complain about that. The lighting is, as always, the same. No changes whatsoever ever. The supplemental lighting is doing something? I don't really know. I really want to install them horizontally. I just feel it will have much better coverage vs the vertical position they are currently in. I might do that tomorrow when the plants are out of the tent. The environment is still not good. 62% humidity and 78°. I need to get that temp down. And of course the humidity needs to calm down as well. It should be fine by this afternoon. Or like yesterday, late morning. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.6° RH: 59.1% VPD: 1.17 kPa June 25, 2024 Picture Day! Not a lot to do today. Water is fine. Nothing really else. Sour Diesel A is super frosty with nice bud production. She is pretty well stacked and has bud throughout the plant. Let's watch her swell up and start folding over on itself. Surprisingly, she retained some of the weight from that top feeding next week. I'll keep a close eye on the weight and moisture level. Sour Diesel B is just as frosty as A, but has significantly larger buds. I'm hoping it's a sign for what's to come with the other plants. Sour Diesel C is super stacked. She's starting to swell nicely and her frost is amazing. She is also super potent. It's wonderful. Sour Diesel D needed a couple leaves cut off. Her main cola is absolutely massive. She smells great and she is swelling quite nicely. Lighting is the same. I'm not seeing any issues whatsoever with the supplemental lights and the main light. No light burn. Lots of frost. It just shows we are on the right track. Yesterday z the AC kicked on super early. The humidity was down to 52% for most of the day. I'm hoping it happens today as well. Currently the humidity is around 60%. The temp is a bit high at 77°, but the AC will knock that right down. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.9° RH: 58.1% VPD: 1.21 kPa June 26, 2024 Not much going on today. No watering no pics, just the daily and a quick update for the plants. Btw, the scent is getting overwhelming. What a nice smell. Sour Diesel A looks great! She has bright orange pistils that have already curled up into the buds. Not on the bottoms though. But there is still a good 3 weeks left to go. Buds are still swelling pretty well. Sour Diesel B is super frosty and super fat. She may be the smallest in the group, but her buds are huge. Her pistils are orange up top and still white on bottom. Even the orange ones are still sticking straight up. I think she has another 2.5 weeks left, but I'm not so sure anymore. She is showing signs of finishing up, but then she also has signs she isn't even ose to being done. We shall see. Sour Diesel C is looking absolutely beautiful. Being the largest of the group, I have high expectations and I don't think I'll be disappointed. She has stacks galore. Tons of frost and swelling buds. From what I understand about the Sour Diesel strain is that it has elongated buds, so the cola may look skinny and tall. I guess we will find out soon enough. Sour Diesel D is less disappointing now that I took a feel of the main cola. Solid. Super solid. And she's definitely nowhere near finished up. It's still kind of early for her so she has plenty of time to swell up like a foot ball. Lighting is the same. Honestly, I don't know why I still report on it, but it is one of the most important things in the grow space. Anyway, it's the same. Still not seeing any signs of stress from any of the plants. I forgot to install the support bars yesterday, so I'll try to remember to install them tomorrow and move the supplemental lights horizontally. The environment I can say is looking much better. The humidity is high in the morning, but then it drops down to around 52% for the rest of the day. The temp is back under control, so we are sitting happily at 75°. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.9° RH: 59.0% VPD: 1.18 kPa June 27, 2024 Picture Day! A bit to do today. Watering Day as well. Sour Diesel A got a half gallon top feed with Recharge today. I also topped off her reservoir which was only about 3/4 empty. The rest went into the top with the half gallon. She was really light and not drinking. She seems to have a lot of dry pockets and it took a bit to get them moist again. It worked. I had a bit of runoff from the dry pockets, but it's fine now. Sour Diesel B looks great. Huge fat buds all over. She didn't need a top feeding as she is drinking just the right amount. Sour Diesel C is looking great. Her buds are elongated like the classic Sour Diesel. And they are fattening up even more. I can't wait to see the end result. Sour Diesel D has a massive cola that takes up about a quarter of her main stem. The side branches also have nice big nugs on them. Looking forward to the outcome. The aroma coming from these ladies is strong and pungent. Sour and gassy loving this run so far. The lights are all the same. I forgot again to install the support bars. I'll try to remember next time I pull the plants out again. The environment is back to 60% this morning, but the temp is fine. A little high, but in range. It will all even out later today. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.0° RH: 58.2% VPD: 1.21 kPa June 28,2024 Nothing going on today. My phone screen died and I can't get the one picture off it from this morning. no watering today. Sour Diesel A looks great, but her buds aren't as big as they should be by now. She's still super frosty and an all around happy plant. Sour Diesel B looks wonderful with her fat buds all over. Her aroma is super strong. Her branches are really stiff as well. Of the 4, she seems to be the most promising for yield. but she is also the shortest of the 4. we shall see how things go with her. Sour Diesel C also has small buds for her age. I'm really not sure what happened here, but this is the second time in a row. It happened with my Tropicana Cookies as well. but that was because of incorrect nutrients, I think. Maybe. Now that it happened again and I didn't mess up the nutrients, it has to be something else. The lighting shouldn't be a problem either. I have that dialed in. The only issue I have run into that's the same with both runs is the environment. The humidity has been really high throughout the flowering stage and could be the issue. However, lately it has been dropping down to a reasonable level, but that's not until the afternoon. Sour Diesel D is just a stick with a huge cola on it. She only has 6 side branches, but they have big colas as well. however, one issue is how leafy she is. Her main cola has extremely deep leaves into the cola itself. trimming may be a bit of a pain, but that cola should be worth the effort. Lighting hasn't changed and won't change until the last week of flower... if I change it at all. The environment is its now normal high humidity in the mornings and lower humidity in the afternoon. I hope it's fine in the long run. only a few more weeks left and we are done. Let's hope we don't end poorly. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75* RH: 59% VPD: 1.21 kPa June 29, 2024 Picture Day! Last day of the week. I'd like to reflect on things we have noticed this week. Small buds, lights are on point, environment is wrong in the morning and much better in the afternoon. Sour Diesel A has kept her weight for the most part from the top feeding. Her reservoir is also draining at a good pace. Her pistils are shriveling into the buds now, so it looks super pretty. Her frost made her look like she has light burn. It's not. Don't worry. Buds look super dense and are covering the branches all around. However, they are still smaller than they should be. Sour Diesel B looks really nice. Her pistils are not shriveling up yet. I can't wait to see that happen. Then we will be on the right track for some dank bud. Sour Diesel C is now the winner of most water intake for this round. She will definitely need another watering tomorrow and she hasn't lost any weight from the top feeding. Looking great. Small compact buds. The look really dense. I wish they were bigger, but on the plus side, they have a ton of frosty goodness on them. Buds from top to near bottom of the plant. Sour Diesel D is doing her thing. Swelling more and more. Packing on weight and getting ready for the end of flower. She hasn't had much to drink and is getting light. I'll keep an eye on her tomorrow and maybe top feed some of her reservoir. The lighting is still the same and won't change next week. I've also decided to just leave the light bars in their vertical position. Next run, I'll have the bars installed. The environment is a mess today. It's 84% outside and 75°. It's nasty out. And of course it's reflecting in the tent. High humidity, temp is fine though. But really high humidity. Close to 70% for now. Not good at all. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.3° RH: 57.6% VPD: 1.23 kPa
Things are going pretty good the smaller plant that was growing crooked fixed itself and is starting to grow a lot faster. They both just started sprouting hairs and the tent is starting to smell nice. Also I only mixed in 1 tablespoon of grow dots into each 3 gallon pot. My last grow with Tropicana cookies I did 2 tablespoons of grow dots in 3 gallon pots and had tiny yellow tips throughout the grow. 1 tablespoon seems to be doing the trick this time with the poundcake.