Ciao a tutti, eccoci di nuovo, sono passati 8 giorni dall'ultimo aggiornamento. oggi siamo arrivati al giorno 40 di fioritura, i fiori sono raddoppiati di dimensioni e sono gia duri come delle pepite che si riempiono di resina giorno dopo giorno aromatizzando tutto il locale di agrumi. Negli scorsi giorni ho avuto un problema di sovrafertilizzazione, dopo una mia prima analisi penso sia un accumulo di nutrienti immobili contenuti nei concimi AN che ho aggiunto alla mia solita fertilizzazione dato che volevo azzardare e vedere se ci fossero dei miglioramenti. Era dall'ultimo post che le piante iniziavano a mostrare segni di una concimazione troppo sostenuta, nella vasca l'EC era 2.4 e a partire dal giorno 35 dopo ogni 24 ore avevo un aumento dell'EC di 0.3-0.4, cosa che regolavo aggiungendo acqua riportandolo ad un valore di 2.4 e aumentando il PH a 6 per vedere se le piante riuscissero a metabolizzare meglio i nutrienti in eccesso, pensando che le piante lo avessero sopportato dato che le conoscevo e sapevo che potevano mangiare tanto tanto. ERRORE ***** il giorno 39 sono intervenuto cambiando la vasca e mettendo solo acqua con PH=5.8 che cambierò giornalmente almeno fino al giorno 41. quando poi tornero ad aggiungere i concimi ma ad una dose inferiore. per il momento posso dire che l'aggiunta dei concimi AN non ha avuto gli effetti desiderati sulla dimensione dei fiori. Quantità e qualità della resina e dei suoi terpeni non posso notare alcuna differenza dato che attualmente le temperature sono relativamente basse e preservano bene tutti i terpeni motivo a cui attribuisco il loro grande profumo che come detto è inebrianti, adoro chiudere gli occhi e annusare le cime PURA AROMATERPIA :P Vi direi addirittura per il momento di aver esagerato con i prodotti e ho pure speso soldi inutilmente creandomi un problema di concimazione
Thanks for joining on the journal, hope to do a few more stuff from Divine seeds based on how much I enjoyed growing these plants out. Competition was a blast, thank you!!🙌
Grandaddy Purple is also ready for flower, shape came along perfect thanks to the defoliation of fan leaves, now the lowers caught up and we are ready to produce some nice flowers. Super healthy plant, excited to see what she will produce !
Another week, another water change! Again, nothing really too exciting going on this week. Pushing nutrients high on these ladies, added two trellis nets and did some tucking. No defoliation yet, really just letting the plants do their own thing. Big stripping and lollipopping coming next week!
Trainwreck is doing amazing, super nice shape, defoliation worked the way it should. This one will make a super nice shape, the lower branches caught up with the top and we are ready for flower. Living soil, no feeding, happy plant !
Hello fellow growers. Croptober is here. Still displaying flowering on the week because I only harvested 2 of 5 plants. I checked the trichromes and they were T-d off and all milky white. I will wait a few more weeks for the remaining plants. The goal is to have a couple plants at the beginning of the harvest window and harvest the rest when they are more mature and ripe. The 2 plants I harvested were the bigger ones and each yielded about a pound each. One was the tall purple nug plant and the other was the bushy one. The shorter one smelled like gas once you got all the flowers bundled together, definitely can smell the sour diesel in the genetics. The tall purple one also smelled gassy, but also fruity. I would describe it as a mango/orange smoothie kind of fruity aroma. I didn't get a lot of popcorn and even the smallest nugs looked at least like a grams worth. The bud was sticky and gave a lot of finger hash. The leaves also looked packed with trichromes so I will save them for making medicine. The plants didn't grow as tall as I expected. I've honestly had indicas grow bigger, but the quality of the herb is there. Next time I will start these seeds earlier in the year to get bigger plants. I started them in May, but usually start my seeds in late March to get the roots to develop earlier. Usually they get stunted in height when you start them early, but the roots are developing. Once they take off, they tend to grow bigger because they already have an established root system. IMO BTW. The DRY. I placed the nugs in one of those multi-level mesh containers for drying. I used the top three levels. They started off displaying around 85% humidity on the first day and on the third day are now down to 68% humidity at 76°F. They are not moldy. I handle them once daily so they don't flatten out too much on one side. This is the down side of using this type of drying technique. By the fourth or fifth day, they should be ready to start jarring. I've left them longer in the past, but they start getting really dry if you leave them in the mesh too long. Smells like it's going to be at least a two to three month cure to get that smell out, but the one I already had curing from 2 weeks ago is already smokeable. We will see how good it gets by the end of the year. I can't wait to see how the remaining plants turn out. I will let them go as far as I can to see how the smoke differs from the early and the late harvest. Sativa dominant genetics should go at least another month, but I will start with the let's check in 2 weeks rule. Thanks to everyone following. This has been a great year for growing.
No se cómo expresar mi felicidad después de casi 3 años sin poder cultivar consecutivamente he podido cosechar esta belleza gracias a @blacktunaco por la K.O una genética llena de resina con flores compactas. Cometiendo errores desde el principio se pudo obtener una excelente planta corrigiendo todo para así mejorar el aprendizaje continuo. Se dieron 12 días de lavado de raíz y 3 de estos estuvo expuesto a lluvia constante durante los 3 días por tal razón se decidió cosechar para evitar dañar las flores
All things good this week! Did my weekly water change on Monday and kept nutrients the same as last week, so right around 3.2-3.3 EC (Gunna start lowering EC around week 6 of flower). Wish I had my reservoir set up since PH has been dropping a little, been using a good amount pf PH up to kept PH around 5.9. Did a lot of defoliation, lollipopping and turned up the lights the slightest amount. Got about another 5 inches of stretch this week and shouldn't see much more. Time for the buds to develop and fill in!!! Terps is coming in strong, like you're walking through an orange field.
It was quite an experience, learned a lot and was pretty happy with the results. I could have extended the flowering period one week more but the weather was getting bad and the plants would smell a lot, the trichomes were acceptable at the time of harvest. The dry weight was around 167 grams which is 50-60g for each plant. 2 of them were harvested at 65th day of flowering and the last one at the 70th day approximatedly. I will certainly use the acquired knowledge in future grows.
Week 10 is been magical.. Sour D is showing really good smell, different one.. similar with one I smoked from the streets.. plant is a bit smaller than gelato just beside it but man, they both are reaching the stars.. my biggest plants ever.. so far Barneys farm is showing really good genetics in my hands.. let’s gooo I will cut off silicon and big bud from next week on 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
when flushing i accidentally ripped a little bud of one side stem. i kept and dried it about 4 days... it smells like cookies and already has some strong medical effects. i am pretty surprised, how well this one turned out. now i can't wait to try the clean, flushed, cured flowers 💚
Week 10 going well, Gelato is thriving.. what beautiful looking plant.. tall, with many branch sides, full of buds, everywhere 😍 the smell is getting stronger each day and it’s full of trichomes, frosty one.. I am really impressed by these 2 of genetics from barneys(gelato and sour d) but to be honest all genetics I have grown from them never disappoints.. all really good ones.. barneys farm coming hot on my tents.. let’s go