The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Welcome back!! It’s the beginning of week four. I now consider the seedling stage over and now we’re going strong into veg. Vamos!! FRIDAY - Day 22 11 October 24 - Topped both bottom branches. - Added a few LST staples to begin shaping her. - Just an other day under the lights. - Going to start thinking about up potting her in the near future. SATURDAY - Day 23 12 October 24 Watering day, 1 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 1 litre - 61.1 PPM Final - 1 litre at 6.45 PH at 62.8 PPM Runoff - N/A - Thinking of removing her giant fan leaves soon, they’re becoming cumbersome. - Did my final planned topping of the two top branches. - Now just have to give her time and continue shaping her. SUNDAY - Day 24 13 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - She doesn’t seem too bothered by yesterday’s training. - She’s got a few days now to recover. - All is moving along according to plan. MONDAY - Day 25 14 October 24 - Just a day under the lights. - Also a good recovery day. TUESDAY - Day 26 15 October 24 Transplant day into a 5 gallon pot and her final home. 60% Gaia Green soil 20% Worm castings 20% Perlite 8 Tbsp Gaia Green All Purpose 4 Tbsp Gaia Green Power Bloom 5 Tbsp Diatomaceous Earth 1/2 Tbsp Dynomyco Amended it all and transplanted. Watering day, 5 litres of dechlorinated tap water. - Base water 5 litres - 61.2 PPM - Add 2.5 ml Cal-Max - 167 PPM - Add 5 ml Supermax - 200 PPM - Add 15 ml Miicrobial Mass - 300 PPM Final - 5 litres at 6.48 PH at 301 PPM Runoff - N/A - Removed the lowest fan leaves. - Removed LST staples to let her acclimate to her new home. - Will resume LST in a few days. WEDNESDAY - Day 27 16 October 24 - Just a day under the lights recovering from a big day yesterday, extended light hours and a transplant. - She’s looking perked up and pretty happy so everything is looking good. - Probably resume LST staples tomorrow. - I’m done with my planned toppings so from here on out it should just be LST until we flip to flower. THURSDAY - Day 28 17 October 24 - Ahhhhhh I tweaked a branch manipulating it with my gorilla hands. - It not completely broke off so hopefully she can repair it and recover. - Going to give her a bit more time to recover before restarting LST. - Just a day under the lights today. Well this is the end of week four. It was a busy week with the transplant, all planned toppings are completed and now it should just be some LST from here on out. Join me tomorrow for the beginning of week five. Vamos bendejos!!
Que pasa familia, vamos con la séptima semana de floracion de estas Lemonpaya feminizadas de fastbuds. Vamos al lío, de las 3 plantas, me quede con 2 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. También se trasplantaron a su maceta definitiva, en este caso de 7 litros que además provocó un shock que también solucione. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Las flores empezaron a formarse y progresan a buen ritmo. No entiendo que a sucedido , uno de los 2 ejemplares tiene un bloqueo severo de nutrientes, estoy controlando el Ph correctamente y la alimentación ración pues corte a ver si vuelve a reestructurarse. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Die trichome sind alle milchig ich warte noch 1 letze Woche und dann kommt die Ernte 😊👌🏻 Danke @skunkydog für die Unterstützung mit vielen Infos Mein erster Grow und ich bin bis jetzt zufrieden die Blüten sind richtig schön geworden
Que pasa familia, vamos con la séptima semana de floración de estas Papaya sherbet feminizadas de fastbuds. Vamos al lío, de las 3 plantas, me quede con 2 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. También se trasplantaron a su maceta definitiva, en este caso de 7 litros, que el mismo trasplante provocó un shock, que también fue solucionado inmediatamente. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Las flores empezaron a formarse y progresan a buen ritmo. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la séptima semana de floración de estas Rainbow Melon feminizadas de fastbuds. Vamos al lío, de las 3 plantas, me quede con 2 por espacio, siempre pongo alguna semilla de más por si no abriese alguna por no perder ese hueco del indoor. También se trasplantaron a su maceta definitiva, en este caso de 7 litros. Tenían algo de shock por el trasplante pero ya fue solucionado. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 20/22 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Las flores empiezas a formarse y progresan a buen ritmo. Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Die trichome sind alle milchig ich warte noch 1 letze Woche und dann kommt die Ernte 😊👌🏻 Danke @skunkydog für die Unterstützung mit vielen Infos Mein erster Grow und ich bin bis jetzt zufrieden die Blüten sind richtig schön geworden
Ladies and gentlemen, today is day 27, and this girl is doing great.. i just gave her a feeding around the rim of the pot .. she's leaning a little bit because my eternity grow plant is taking up all the tent, and this poor little girl is struggling to get light.. She's looking good though she will prevail and I believe end up being a great plant.. Kannabia seeds much appreciated. You guys are great genetics, so far doing great as well.. God bless everybody and happy growing ✌️. P.s i'm unable to upload the maxibloom nutrients in the general hydroponic silica that she's getting as well..
Ladies and gentlemen, today's day 27 of veg and as you can tell, I mainlined her . In the video I explain how I plan on mainlining, both tops after the fifth node.. But what I failed to mention was that I will also be topping again as well at that point.. So from there on it will be LST and try to get as good of a yield, as we can out of this girl.. Pineapple dream sounds like a good one.So the more of it I can get, the better right lol .. God bless everybody i hope everybody's doing well and so are their plants..happy growing ✌️
Soweit so gut. Die Blüte neigt sich langsam aber sicher dem Ende bzw geht in die letzte Phase, ein paar Wochen brauchen die Ladies aber noch. Hinten rechts scheint von Anfang an schneller und dementsprechend auch eventuell eher fertig zu sein, mal schauen wie sich das entwickelt. Die Ladies werden etwas "rostig" aber ich denke das ist in dem Stadium kein Problem bzw einfach der Zahn der Zeit, der an ihnen nagt. Der Geruch wird stärker und die Spannung steigt 🙏🏻💚
Start of Week 3 flower | cut only 2-3 leaves blocking light | stretch is done End of Week 3 flower l gave them another light defoliation to have the whole canopy reaching light | buds really start to form rapidly | smell is also really nice Currently running : 28° C at 50% rlf 630 - 750 ppfd 1200ppm CO2
Este es el principio de la semana 2, justo ese mismo día hice transplante que lo subiré hoy jejeje, hice mezcla de sustrato+super soil 100l
Die dritte Woche der Blüte startet und die Ladies bekommen ihre Mischung aus Orgatrex und Bactrex. Auch hier deaktiviere ich rechtzeitig die Bewässerung, gebe erstmal die Hälfte der Nährstoffe und ein paar Tage später die andere Hälfte. (Die Red Mandarine bekommen die selbe Behandlung, nur eine Woche nach hinten versetzt.) Die Ladies haben einige Blätter verloren und ein zweites Netz bekommen - das Leben ist ein geben und nehmen. Die Lampe läuft auf ca 170w Leistung.
Всем привет, на связи Мистер Грут, решил тут показать свои творения, возможно кому то будет интересно, такие гровы больше ради удовольствия, тут будет 3 сорта, сорт Partizan нету в списке и я не могу добавить После суток замачивания, помещаю орешки на пророст, надеюсь будут живые Очень рад, что все орехи дали корешок, помещаю их в шприцв 50мл, закрыв черной изолентой от проникновения света
Tried to run a lamp at 650 watts unfortunately it was getting to hot in the tent. So this run will probably be a test run off mostly 480 watts. I think 550 led would be a sweet spot, but I don’t have an idea of how to run it like this. Maybe I will buy a new lamp that is fully adjustable. I removed some of the biggest fan leaves that shaded lower branches. It was kind of early at 16-17 day of flower. I hope it will halt the stretch a little and let the lower branches catch up a bit. Blue zushi no 1 and b-45 no 3 are the most eye catching right now with thick branches and big flowers forming. Immediately after removing some leaves they started to point the leaves upwards. I think it’s clearly a stress response. Slight praying is a good sign but very upward leaf position clearly indicate some kind of problem. 4.03 Blue zushi #1 is clearly a beast, not to tall, thick stems, huge balls of early flowers. Aroma is insane straight up skittles with extra twist, just amazing. 💚 B-45 on the other hand has some deepest purple hues I’ve seen so far. I think she’s going to be a true looker.