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1st Organic Grow - Again! Daiquiri Lime

3 years ago
3 years ago
NOTE: Some think my week counting is strange, it is simple, my Week 1 matches the Week 1 of the feeding schedule I am using, BioBizz, or in other words, when she is no longer a seedling is when Week 1 for me begins, about 21 days in. If you would like to know how many days into the grow since she was a seed, the first photo each week will also give the number of days since seed. Yeah 1st organic grow, again, what they say about good genetics is thus far correct. 4 Nov - After wasting month and a half on shitty specials, 20% germination rate, (those that started were mutants right from the get go), I was able to get some Dutch Passion quality seeds. It has proved to be much quicker, tap root 1.5cm 36 hours in. Organic mix is a quality local product mixed specifically for 420, has great reviews, is heavily fortified with all kinds of good biology. It does have coco and perlite premixed but I loosened it up just a bit by adding in a bit more coco and perlite just to keep any issues with too much water retention at bay. Going straight into 24 light cycle set at about 40% on the TS1000 24" up, the important number is its dialed in to 125µmol, will crank that up to 300 after it has some more time to adjust and get rid of the shell perhaps. The Photone App for IOS is fantastic tool to have, takes most of the guess work out of rather or not the lights are set right (hey I'm an engineer and have brown thumbs, I need numbers and tools). Later down the line there is BioBizz organic goodness to enhance the organic taste profile. Also waiting is a 7 gallon fabric pot, word is this gal likes to get big for an auto and the 7 gallon should fill up the tent nice. - 80 hours in and shell off, added a delicate drop of water as you can see in the pic, to keep the cotyledon moist along with high humidity, 90%, to keep it softer, thus easier to pop open. As you can see my mix is rather loose, and I am in fabric seedling pots, super airy so I want to run very high humidity. Above 90, got it set for 95 let's see. -8 NOV, woke up to an off humidifier and thus the medium needed a 10ml drink of tank water 6.4pH room temp 24C°. Got humidifier sorted out, and set for 90% - 9 NOV, 96 hours since paper towel method start, she has opened, switching to 18/6 light cycle, 200µmol, 90%RH. 27C° - We shall call this Day 1. Medium is staying nice and slightly damp with the high humidity and the use of the fabric pots.. - 10 NOV Day 2. Is growing, slightly pale probably just need a bit of water, tent is holding a steady 90%RH which keeps medium slightly damp. Fed 20mL 6.4pH. Tent temps running highs of 26 to low of 23. - 11 NOV Day 3 - Moving steadily along, RH, 90%, fed 20ml water 6.4pH. Bumped the light up to 300µmol. First run with this mix and I think plain water will be fine for the next few weeks. It lists of ingredients are Perlite, Vermiculite, Mycorrhizae, Worm Castings, Blood Meal, Bat Guano, Fish Bone Meal, Kelp, Epsom Salt, Dolomite, Azomite, Humic Acid, Gypsum, Rice Hulls, Pumice, Oyster Shell, Soybean Meal, Alfalfa, Coco Coir, Fish Amino Acid. -12 NOV Day 4 - Day 4 - She is a bit pale, not sure why, any ideas anyone? Details of medium is above, is organic, over 4 days a total of 100mL settled tap water 6.4-6.5pH has been fed, RH now running 80%, temp 26C°, panel set to 250µmol. 13 NOV Day 5 - The yellowing continues, is it the humidifier tank water, its just from the tap at about 7.4pH, could that be causing a problem, as a precaution started using adjusted water to 6.0. So is it a pH issue? If not what else is there? Dutch Passion states this strain does not likes to ease into nutrition as opposed to suddenly, could the medium be too hot for her, the vendor of the soil told me that it was good for auto seedlings, but still what DP says,,,, hmmmm what to do? I think I will lower the humidity to about 80% and let her go till she is really thirsty, which in these pots might not be too long. 14 NOV Day 6 - AM - Did not succeed with maintaining 80%RH, woke up to 65%, 25C°, but the medium was very dry first few inches, and she had a bit of a droop going on, so fed 40mL 6.0pH which is her first water since Day 4. Also wanted to see if these fabric pots were too airy with the medium so cut a water bottle to fit around it to reduce some of that air flow. PM, after her 6 hr nap she was drooped even more, YIKES, I think the plastic might of been a bad idea thus it was removed. Another thing I noted with my setup with these fabric pots is that the very bottom never drys out, so I placed the pot onto a tray to get some ventilation to the underside. Change in height means adjustment to light, set it to 300µmol. 2 hours later she is responding as the leaves are starting to perk up. 15 NOV Day 7 - AM What a difference! She really responded nice to the underside ventilation hack. Still not the lush green color I would prefer but she is growing, her #2's are looking perky at the moment as her #1's have picked back up. Speaking of color, look at the 2 pics, taken a minute apart, only difference is the light. The TS1000 does give her a much more yellowing look than that have a CFL which the other pic is. Medium is still half a day away from needing water, will let her tell me when its time or another drink. So so far a little tricky trying to isolate the little issues thus far but feel like it is getting close to being dialed in,,, for now. One other thing to add is that her soon to be future home is sitting beside her, same medium in a 7 gallon fabric pot. Today I checked the soil pH with a cheap soil probe and was in the range of 5.5-6.5, satisfied with that. Moving forward, each feeding that she gets I will add some of the same water to the awaiting pot in an effort to keep her environment in the same zone. Next grow think about seed straight into final pot, kind of the same way it happens in nature, the way that many say is not the best, hmmmm Day 7 Mid Day, shortly before lights out for 6, looking decent but telling me she wants a drink, 60mL 6.0pH, tent 28C°, 70%RH. Day 8 - Looking good this morning, responded well to the black mesh to block light to the roots and her 60mL drink about 12 hours ago, she will need more by midday as she is now getting into a regular routine. Another 3-4 days at this rate she should be about ready to move to the 7 gal pot. Things are starting to level out, the cycle of water through the medium is consistent now with the fabric pot raised off the plastic surface. The top would be bone dry and the bottom 10mm would always be damp. Now as the top is just at the point of being dry I can tell that the bottom is about 4 hours away, that is what a really like about these fabric pots, the ability to feel all over. Day 9 - She is really cruising now, fed her 30mL 6.0pH last night, her #2's grew 3X overnight. 40mL in the am. Yesterday I moved to a 20/4 light schedule and the results show great response. She is right on target with my pre-grow plan of transplant on the 16th day after her tap root emerged, that is in 3 more days. She should have a nice 3 sets by then at this rate. Day 10 - Her growth is really taking off now, 3rd set of leaves are on the way! Day 11 - She should be ready for transplant tomorrow. Day 12 - Transplant Day - End of Seedling Day - She has moved! So after giving it some thought I changed my original plan of transplanting straight to the 7 gallon and opted for transplant to a 1 gallon first. She has taken it just fine and 12 hours later she is in need of a drink, that however will wait till tomorrow, Week 1 veg here we come!
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 hrs
30 °C
60 %
4 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 0.5 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 0.25 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 0.25 mll
Week 1 Veg is here, she is doing great. Bumped lights to 450µmol / 32 DLI, took 500mL 6.0pH, BioBizz WK 1 schedule at 1/8th. - 22 Nov - In the tent this morning got first whiff of her scent she is now putting out, smelling good! - 25 Nov Week 1 Day 5 - Room heat situation is much better since doing some prep work for the still to arrive 4 rolls of R24 insulation, room temp down to 24 with tent at 27 with the AC set to 18. So looking forward to the R24. The girl is doing great, 4 nice nodes with some growth popping out on the nodes below. Her smell is divine. 500mL with 1/4 dose BioBizz Root Juice, 6.2pH, last night her first drink in 3 days. Her top right now is soaking up 485µmol / 36DLI on 20/4. Week 1 Day 7 - She is doing great, temps are around 26c° 60% RH. About 2-3 days away from transplanting her to the 7 gal pot. Water every other day at the moment.
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 hrs
25 °C
55 %
27 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 0.5 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 0.5 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.1 mll
Week 2 Day 1 - She was ready for some water this morning, 500mL pH?, Week 2 BioBizz sched @ .25%. Yeah the question mark after the pH is not a typo, hung over from a going away party last night I totally spaced checking the pH. Oh well should be alright, I hear that with organics it is not that big of an issue but I still want to be in the 6.2 ballpark, I know my tap water runs about 7.4ish so thats what she got plus or minus whatever the BBzz contributed. So 3 hours after lights on she is looking just fine, a bit droopy but she always is after her 4 hour dark period. 6th set is on its way and plenty of growth is popping out in the lower branches. If there is an issue with the pH blunder I think it would of shown by now, 12 hours later. Week 2 Day 2 - doing fine, she will be ready for transplant tomorrow into the 7 gal. Will be hanging the insulation today which will be a huge help to the electric bill, currently able to maintain 25C° in the tent, 21C° for the room with the AC set to 18C°, RH running 55%, lights 500µmol / 36DLI Week 2 Day 2 PM - Decided to transplant this evening, she was in need of a drink. Into the 7G she goes, 1000mL 6.2pH. Her rootball looked very healthy so I am very pleased with the results of transplanting an autoflower, now twice. Day 3 - Looking good this morning, a bit droopy perhaps from her new home and that she is a bit dry so 1000mL 6.2pH water she got. 28C° 60%RH 565µmol 40DLI. Her lime essence is really putting out now, smells awesome! Week 2 Day 4- She is really doing well, taking in 1L per 24hrs at the moment. Started LST today. Day 5 - She had another LST session today and the usual 1000mL she has been taking daily lately, this time another round on BioBizz WK2 @.25%, 6.3pH Week 2 Day 6-7 Day 6 was a rest day for her, been through a lot this week and her vigor was slowing a bit. She got transplanted, started LST, and got 2 doses of BioBizz WK2 @.25% this past week. Day 7 the new growth as a result of the LST is coming along nice.
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 hrs
25 °C
55 %
27 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 1 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.13 mll
Week 3 - Day 1 Minor LST & 1500mL water 6.2pH, 24C° 50%RH 575µmol 40DLI Later this week she will get a dose of BioBiz week 3 schedule at 33%. BioBiz has a couple of schedules, the one I am following is their All-Mix sched, adjusted for autos. WK 1 I was dosing @ .125%, WK2 @ .25%, .33% this week and will get up to .5% in 2 weeks. Dutch Passion calls out this strain as not reacting well to sudden dose increases, thus the effort to take things slow. Week 3 Day 2 - LST adjustments continue, growth sites all over her and working to keep the canopy as level as possible. Week 3 Day 3,4,5 - She has been drooping more and more lately, this since her transplant and the LST. So aside from pausing LST for a bit I have been going through other things to eliminate the possible causes. On the night day 2 I adjusted the fan to ease the wind the wind they were getting, she was looking much better the morning of day 3, still drooping slightly. On day 4 she was ready for a drink, first in 3 days, 1000mL, and a dose of BioBizz at 33%. She could of used a drink several hours prior to this point but wanted to make sure the over watering is not a cause to the droops. 10 hours later on the morning of day 5 she was almost back to normal, but she once again started to droop by mid day. The water she had the night before helped but not fully so I am next going to look into the health of the soil she is in. I got a soil organic matter test kit developed by a university on the way to hopefully let me know the state of the microbe activity. Another thought is; most everyone advises for auto flowers to lower the nutrient level in feeds from the label. To me that makes sense for synthetics but what about organics where the nutrients are feeding the soil not the plant, could I be underfeeding the soil by cutting the BioBizz doses way back? First timer here so working through this, I think the soil test will shed some light on the issue. On the plus side she is still growing and putting out an awesome smell, yummy. Week 3 Day 5 evening I gave her a foliar of BioBizz Alg-A-Mic @ 1mL/L and in the morning of day 6 see was looking pretty good. Trimmed off a few leaves and gave her a bit of LST. 8 decent looking flower sites are starting to stretch quickly. Day 7 - Got the organic soil test kit in and as sort of suspected, the result was relatively low on their scale indicating that the soil was underfed. This coincides with some research I did for people using BB with autos, I found plenty of people dosing at 100% the label with excellent results. Not going to jump to 100%, but am bumping todays feed up to 50% the week 3 sched with the addition of a 2mL/L dose of Root Juice to liven up the soil. 1000mL, 6.1pH, soaking up 630µmol / 45DLI See ya in week 4
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Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 hrs
25 °C
55 %
27 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1.5 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 1.5 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.38 mll
Week 4 Day 1 - In the morning she looks great, very healthy looking. The boost in nutrients to the soli looks like a good move, next day or so should show some significant growth as she is now really starting to sky rocket. Later in the week when it is time for another nutrient feed, I will be on the BioBizz WK 4 sched @75%. Week 4 Days, 2,3,4 - She is just cruising right along, reasonably sure that I have the soil and nutrients headed in the right direction. Today day 4, she had 1500mL with BB week 4 sched at 75%. Week 4 - Days 5,6,7- Well she has gone from being a plant to being a bush. No real issues going on, watering every other day at the moment, (1500ml per with BioBizz at 75%). She has also been treated to a foliar using Alg A Mic and Fish Mix, both at 1mL/L. So thats it thus far as she reaches the end of Week 4, see ya in Week 5 she says'
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Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
20 hrs
27 °C
55 %
27 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 3 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 3 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.6 mll
Hello Week 5! Since testing the soil and boosting the BioBizz % of their feed chart, more on that in a second, she has been doing great. LST her first 4 weeks did a decent job of leveling out her canopy, she's flowering now so time to let her go do her thing. So being my first grow (or should I say first 'thus far' successful one), I did what I thought was the proper way to introduce nutrients to autos. "Use only a quarter or a half of what the label says" is what I found to be the consensus. I did find some BioBizz growers that did have a higher level, some at 100%, but they were growing in coco whereas I have organic matter soil. So the first 3 weeks she was, or should I say the soil was being a bit underfed, this conclusion was derived from a organic soil test kit that showed low levels of the essentials needed. So I started to bump up the levels to where I am at 100% now to what the BioBizz All-Mix schedule recommends. Currently watering every other day, nutrients are only added every other watering. She might get 1 more foliar, if so it will be later in the week and will be with Fish Mix and Alg A Mic at 1mL/L. Taking in 1500mL at the moment, I am adjusting the water to 6.2pH. The lights are giving her 840µmol / 60DLI.
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
20 hrs
27 °C
55 %
27 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 4 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 4 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.7 mll
Week 6 Day 1 - She is doing great. Going to be out of town for the next 3-4 days so delayed a day her current watering (2L every other day) till tomorrow am right before my departure. Hope all is well upon my return. Week 6 Day 6 - Really starting to take off now
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
20 hrs
25 °C
45 %
27 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 4 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 4 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.8 mll
Week 7 - Doing just fine. Total time spent since she was a seed in a paper towel is days 60 days on Week 7 Day 1.
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
20 hrs
25 °C
45 %
27 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 5 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 5 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.9 mll
Week 8 is here and Budville is getting chunky and skunky. If this was not my first grow I would probably would have started some defoliation by now but decided to just be patient and see what the end result will be. She is right on track to be harvested around the end of this month, we shall see. Waterings have picked up greatly, getting 2L about every 36hrs with BioBizz every other watering, @ full strength based on their schedule. Set up an intake fan bringing in cool air from the A/C in the room. Able to keep the RH down around 40-45%, with temps running about 27C°. Budville is getting between 900 & 1100µmol , 65/72 DLI from the TS1000.
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Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
20 hrs
25 °C
45 %
27 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 5 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 5 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1 mll
Week 9 is ere, 75 days since seed. Buds are getting very large.
1 like
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
20 hrs
25 °C
45 %
27 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Here we are,,, coming down the home stretch 82 days in and she is just about ready to come down. Plenty of leaf color changing going on and her trichomes are for the most part all cloudy up in her buds, not rushing her but she needs to come down by weeks end as I have to get the 3X autos that are vegging now in their starter area. Made the call, she is coming down in about 72 hours, gave her a final drink and will leave the lights out for 48 hours starting tomorrow.
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
20 hrs
25 °C
45 %
27 L
2 L
30.48 cm
87 Days in and it is time to cut her down, showing about 15% amber in her tricomes. Hung to dry in a 60% RH 25C° area with plenty of air flow. Back with a harvest report after dry & cure, so see ya in about 3-4 weeks for the final results.
Week 11. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Well after a 30 day cure it is time to report on my first crop. We are blown away with the quality of this herb, really nice in the vape with a strong lime aftertaste. Buzz is strong so although the harvest weight was a bit less that what my goal was, there is enough here to last me at and friends at least 2-3 months. Looking forward to the next plant from this strain that is in the seedling stage right now.
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Spent 79 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
65 g
Bud wet weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Pot size
Lamp distance


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Godesskatcommentedweek 03 years ago
PeppaWutzcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy growing 👊😃
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Kynarethcommentedweek 83 years ago
nice grow mate!!
LoSBigBluecommented3 years ago
@Kynareth, Thanks man!
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 13 years ago
Healthy looking plants, just a few quick things from looking at your lights power output and how far away they are from the plants themselves. I would try and get the lights closer to improve the amount of PAR they are getting. Your log says 86 for daytime temp, but in the photo, the thermometer says 79 F . Cannabis plants love heat and humidity this early on. It is the bud during flower that does not like the humidity or high heat.
Wackytabacky_420commentedweek 03 years ago
Best of luck and Happy Growing!😎🌱💚💪💪
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy growing my friend! Nice reading your diary! Say hello if you ever visit my profile🌬️💨 Peace & love L.S.T
Dubstepahcommentedweek 13 years ago
Love to watch day by day growing diaries 💚
the end.
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