It was a slow week, peeking at a fungul infection'
This is my first grow and it’s all organic as well 👌🏽.I didn’t experience any deficiencies and besides the fact that they are pretty small I have to say I’m pleased. We will see what my total harvest will be I’m guessing around a quarter pound 4 ounces maybe little less 🤷‍♂️🏽
Awesome growth! Topped above the second node, then Mainlined to have 6 main nodes total through lollipopping. She was trained using LST, until week2 flower.
hi guys, This strain is fast becoming a fat lady😃💪 I love the smell, it reminds me of lemon and orange now with that touch of "fizz" if you know what i mean👍 .... it forgives mistakes (I gave her a little too much .. so she got burned a bit ...😐 she does not like much fertilizer .... very surprising .... noticed for the next time👆 ... but otherwise everything looks pretty good .. let's see how long she still grows, since she already looks premature .... because of this year's heat wave, all my plants have had problems in the root zone. these problems are now unfolding their effect .. the root zone has taken so much damage that the roots can no longer properly feed the plant, resulting in finishing wayyyy too fast ... shit happens The resin production is of the hook and she is producing more and more😍 The grow: ph 5.8 Ec.0.9 i will lower it to 0.8 and inrease N a bit at the same time RHD:45% very good for this stage.. have a nice one people till next week
Only got 7 grams but it was just for fun, I like growing for fun and experimenting. I will grow in small cups again I think and train the plants more.
Plant got rootbound in week 10veg but competition rules were grow with supplied materials, bloom was very productive. Smell is dank, hits how dank weed was when you started smoking weed.
Bastante bonita, buen producción a pesar de que le dio botrytis en la copa principal y tuve que cortar por prevención. Un olor muy original, honestamente me gusto mucho, la considero fácil de cultivar con un plan de nutrientes medios.
Day 30 toady, i switched to 12/12 3 days ago e the babies are already stretching hard and some are showing preflowers i'm pretty happy i'm watering with no nutrients as i'm using Canna Pro Plus soil and it should have enough nutrients for the first 3/4 weeks of flower. I cleaned the bottom of the plants from lowers branches and leaves and i will continua till day 14 of flower and i fixed it with a bamboo stick i got gifted from @AlpineGoat i will fix the other branches in the next weeks i'm pretty stocked with this grow this genetics are really solid growing strong and fast! Good job @Exotic_Seed!!🙌👍
Day 8 of Flowering, this babies are stretching hard and starting to show white pistils and i couldn't be happier! Even if the soil is pre fertilized i just added 0,5ml of Biomagno FiorituraOM to help the plants start flowering, as @Mangodudu said EC was only 1,2 it shouldn't get them overfert. The structure il very nice and the plants are vigorous and always with praying leaves, i defoliated pretty hard and fixed every branch to a bamboo stick, so they don't have to carry the weight of the buds in the next weeks and focus all the energies in the bulking up the buds. I also just lowered the lights to get some light stress and help the plants stretch harder, and the response was amazing they just doubled the size in this first week of flower, I'm also very happy with this canna plus pro soil, it takes the water and drys very fast it think it's thanks to all the cocco in it.
Day 8 of Flowering, this babies are stretching hard and starting to show white pistils and i couldn't be happier! Even if the soil is pre fertilized i just added 0,5ml of Biomagno FiorituraOM to help the plants start flowering, as @Mangodudu said EC was only 1,2 it shouldn't get them overfert. The structure il very nice and the plants are vigorous and always with praying leaves, i defoliated pretty hard and fixed every branch to a bamboo stick, so they don't have to carry the weight of the buds in the next weeks and focus all the energies in the bulking up the buds. I also just lowered the lights to get some light stress and help the plants stretch harder, and the response was amazing they just doubled the size in this first week of flower, I'm also very happy with this canna plus pro soil, it takes the water and drys very fast it think it's thanks to all the cocco in it.
I experimented with this as it was a free seed and I wanted to see what would happen if I removed any additional nodes and just kept focus on the man node/ cola. She weighed in a solid ounce dry maybe less give or take a few days of curing/ drying. Smoked really nice and packed a punch which kinda made me regret using this beautiful strain in my experiment as I would have loved more from her but at the same time she taught me a lot with regards to nutrient levels and how plants react depending on which way they're trained or defoliated which has really helped me with future grows so for that I will certainly be running this strain again! Thanks Barneys ... Awesome genetics as per usual 👏
one thing i liked was it started to get a little purple but that didnt really come through in the end. also i like the fast flowering. what i didnt like was that it truly was a bitch to grow, and if this were a bingo night i'd have crossed out nearly all the possible deficiencies and pest issues you can get. After being really happy with the purple punch genetics this one has been l bit of a disappointment really. i'd love to see more information strainspecifically to come with the package of seeds. like for instance if its a heavy feeder, if it likes the lights close or far away, and how long the flowereing period usually takes. Probably not growing this again anytime sooon though.