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07.09.2024 Erntezeit! Ich werde weiter berichten. 31.10 letztes Update mit den Videos.
Dos semanas de vida para esta plántula, de momento tiene un crecimiento normal, las raíces ya sobresalen por la base buscando sustrato. La semana que viene la trasplanto a una maceta intermedia para continuar desarrollando un potente sistema radicular que me asegure un crecimiento vigoroso durante todo el cultivo. El sustrato del recipiente está especialmente preparado para potenciar el desarrollo radicular, debido a componentes como: Microorganismos sólidos (MMS), Bio Carbón activado con MM, auxinas, micorrizas y la técnica del encapsulado inferior para favorecer el desarrollo vertical de las raíces. Como detecté algún bicho en otra planta aplique diatomeas en polvo, de ahí algunas manchas blancas en las hojas y Neem como foliar, el bicho is dead!! Mantengo húmedo el sustrato con pequeños aportes de nutrientes como: ácidos húmicos, MMA, Miel, Melaza u ormus, el ph lo controlo con vinagre blanco de manzana que ayuda también al enraizamiento, el EC promedio de esta semana es de EC: 0.75. GROWING TIP: Agua!! Mineralizada, viva y estructurada. La importancia de la calidad del agua para el cultivo es vital para mi, he recorrido los manantiales, ríos y arroyos de mi zona con el medidor de EC y el de PH para conocer las aguas que me rodean, recojo siempre que hay oportunidad agua de lluvia de la terraza de un vecino, nunca me falta agua pura, desecho regar con agua del grifo. Para mi, y actualmente, la mejor mezcla de agua que puedo ofrecer a mis plantas es agua de lluvia 75% con otra de un manantial de montaña de agua alcalina (Carbonato cálcico PH: 9.2) y muy mineralizada (EC: 0.85), esta agua yo mismo la consumo regularmente, consigo una mezcla de agua pura con un EC alrededor de 0.19, me garantizo así el aporte de calcio y otros minerales. En épocas donde no llueve uso agua pura de manantiales y arroyos con EC de 0.3. Estas aguas las filtro y almaceno a obscuras en mi casa, la cuestión es que el agua parada pierde oxígeno y también desordena su estructura molecular haciéndola caótica. Para poder recuperar esta estructura y oxigenación el agua debe estar en movimiento como en la naturaleza, yo me ayudo de un agitador magnético para volver a tener agua viva, el agitador crea un vórtice implosivo que en 10 minutos pone las cosas en su sitio y carga de oxígeno nuestra agua, una vez hecho este proceso voy añadiendo los nutrientes uno a uno y sigo agitando hasta el final. El agua tratada con esta técnica, mejora la asimilación de nutrientes, el intercambio catiónico e inunda de oxígeno nuestro sustrato y raíces, también con esta técnica se pueden bajar las concentraciones normales de EC en un 30% y conseguir los mismos resultados, prueba y verás!! Saludos!! Hasta la próxima.
TThis week I decided to move from my small ass bedroom and pre fab me a area in my nice ass basement with great element and ceiling. I'll have a couple little videos. Still not done revamping that spot. But I'm hanging 3 mars hydro I just ordered from my beautiful rafters. Lay some mylar and a platform of a sort. Use some reflective tarp to outline my space. Switch out the basement lighting with 3 green led lightbulbs. 24/7 access to obsession. You're welcome. Still got the 4x4 pulled up there so everything is accessible. check in later
3 week flush. Keep in mind this my first grow so I’m open to criticism. Can anyone predict the yield?
First day of my first Grow Diary, friend gave me these so I thought I would see what they got, 4 x washing machine and 2 x Jaffa Cake, I will be scrogging, topping and performing some LST to open them up. Transplanted cuttings straight into the 12lt pots, I used the white shark powder around the root area during transplant. Food Making Notes: 1. Canna A, Canna B, Startbooster 2. Measured E.C at 1.2 3. pH'd from 6.5 down to 5.8 4. Added White Shark (just a sprinkle) Feeding was done primarily around the root zone, after a few days I will begin to saturate the whole medium. Update (+3 days): - Washing Machine have really settled in and has had some great growth, I have started doing LST and topping at the 4th node, video and pictures added. - Jaffa Cake not doing so well at the moment, they seem to have transplant shock, I am taking it easy for the moment, spraying them with a Super Thrive foliar spray, within the next feed I am planning to reduce the E.C to 1.0 and add super thrive to the food, along side the start booster and great shark. Update (+6 days) - Washing machine growing really well, got two growing perfectly and two of growing three leaves and many branches. - Jaffa Cake is now recovering from it's transplant shock, made a dome for them to create a high humidity environment while rooting in the pot, dome was sprayed with a mix of water and super thrive, I also made up a different batch of food with 50% of the nutrients, E.C around 1.0 (500pm).
semana 4 dia 22 dia 23 st a la sour diesel pequeña dia 24 riego con 500ml y sus fertilizantes estoy esperando que el sustrato se seque sobre todo en la diesel auto mas pequena dia 25 no tengo luz full expectrum y estan con clf unos dias. dia 26. se le ven los pistilos de prefloracion dia 27: riego con 500ml con sus fertilizantes dia 28:
Hi everyone 🤗 This week the two Kosher Tangie Kush were harvested by Amsterdam Genetics 😍. extremely good phenotypes. The blue cheese pheno 2 and 3 were placed in the darkroom according to the video. These were harvested yesterday, from which the pictures will come in the next update :-). All others need 2-3 weeks. I wish you lots of fun with the diary, stay healthy 🙏🏻 and let it grow 🌱
Hi everyone 🤗 This week the two Kosher Tangie Kush were harvested by Amsterdam Genetics 😍. extremely good phenotypes. The blue cheese pheno 2 and 3 were placed in the darkroom according to the video. These were harvested yesterday, from which the pictures will come in the next update :-). All others need 2-3 weeks. I wish you lots of fun with the diary, stay healthy 🙏🏻 and let it grow 🌱
Hi everyone 🤗 This week the two Kosher Tangie Kush were harvested by Amsterdam Genetics 😍. extremely good phenotypes. The blue cheese pheno 2 and 3 were placed in the darkroom according to the video. These were harvested yesterday, from which the pictures will come in the next update :-). All others need 2-3 weeks. I wish you lots of fun with the diary, stay healthy 🙏🏻 and let it grow 🌱
Hi everyone 🤗 This week the two Kosher Tangie Kush were harvested by Amsterdam Genetics 😍. extremely good phenotypes. The blue cheese pheno 2 and 3 were placed in the darkroom according to the video. These were harvested yesterday, from which the pictures will come in the next update :-). All others need 2-3 weeks. I wish you lots of fun with the diary, stay healthy 🙏🏻 and let it grow 🌱
Hi everyone 🤗 This week the two Kosher Tangie Kush were harvested by Amsterdam Genetics 😍. extremely good phenotypes. The blue cheese pheno 2 and 3 were placed in the darkroom according to the video. These were harvested yesterday, from which the pictures will come in the next update :-). All others need 2-3 weeks. I wish you lots of fun with the diary, stay healthy 🙏🏻 and let it grow 🌱
Hi everyone 🤗 This week the two Kosher Tangie Kush were harvested by Amsterdam Genetics 😍. extremely good phenotypes. The blue cheese pheno 2 and 3 were placed in the darkroom according to the video. These were harvested yesterday, from which the pictures will come in the next update :-). All others need 2-3 weeks. I wish you lots of fun with the diary, stay healthy 🙏🏻 and let it grow 🌱
Hi everyone 🤗 This week the two Kosher Tangie Kush were harvested by Amsterdam Genetics 😍. extremely good phenotypes. The blue cheese pheno 2 and 3 were placed in the darkroom according to the video. These were harvested yesterday, from which the pictures will come in the next update :-). All others need 2-3 weeks. I wish you lots of fun with the diary, stay healthy 🙏🏻 and let it grow 🌱
Time for the stretch! Lots of flowering growth happening now. I can see where the bud spots will be so I’m going to have to stop moving the branching around in the Scrog, also the branches are getting thick and less pliable.
Time for the stretch! Lots of flowering growth happening now. I can see where the bud spots will be so I’m going to have to stop moving the branching around in the Scrog, also the branches are getting thick and less pliable.
Time for the stretch! Lots of flowering growth happening now. I can see where the bud spots will be so I’m going to have to stop moving the branching around in the Scrog, also the branches are getting thick and less pliable.
Time for the stretch! Lots of flowering growth happening now. I can see where the bud spots will be so I’m going to have to stop moving the branching around in the Scrog, also the branches are getting thick and less pliable.
Time for the stretch! Lots of flowering growth happening now. I can see where the bud spots will be so I’m going to have to stop moving the branching around in the Scrog, also the branches are getting thick and less pliable.
Start of week 3 of flowering. This Glueberry OG girl is hungry, but the least hungry of the 4. She's also now up to 6 liters per feeding. Bud sites are developing nicely, added B52 to the feed this week too.