So she started herming. Guess I'll have to change her name to Big Barry instead 😅 Wish I could grow a testicle everytime I got frustrated, geez. Kids these days. Anyways, I've been really good about any light leaks, and the internal temps have been consistent, so I'm blaming the 'bagseed' genetics. As soon as I saw the pollen, I started misting the plant with regular RO water, and then went in and removed as many pollen sacks as I could find. But I seriously doubt that I was able to find them all, since they're so deeply hidden within the budsites, and will likely be finding more pollen over the coming weeks -___-
My first grow, so it's disappointing but Im still proud of her. Might just spread any seeds I find in the buds, out in the yard and see how they do. I certainly won't be TLC-ing mystery genetics again, aside from the clones I took off her-- which are my first clones as well (with 100% success rate 😎). Ive never had a greenthumb so please ignore my horn-tooting lol