1.3. - Entering one of the final weeks. Creamatics will be getting pure water from now and Fritters will be feeded at least this week. Buds are looking great, they're smelly and dense 😎
4.3. - Creamatics are almost ready, I will leave them for few more days. Fritters still have one week left at least. Aroma is really strong and I can feel it all over the room. Buds are fat and frosty 🍏 Watered 💧
6.3. - Today was probably last feeding day for Fritters and tomorrow I'm going to harvest the Creamatics as it will be the last day of 10th week. Looking forward to see the results. Watered 💧
7.3. - Week wrap-up: Harvest day for Creamatics! Fritters are still fattening, so I guess they have one more week of flushing left 🍏
1.3. - 7.3. 2024