Well was my first DWC. I think I did rather well. There is a video on my YouTube channel of the harvest. Link on my profile. Pineapple Express auto from Amsterdam marijuana seeds came out good. Imagine if I knew what I was fully doing. 😂🌱 got it hanging to dry . Will be back to do smoke report and final weight when dry and processed. Thank you spiderfarmer the tent setup and SE3000 are great. The 4 inch smart controller extraction fan is amazing. So easy to use. Thank you AMS looking forward to testing her, and more grows to come. 🤜🤛🌱
There is a weekly video series of this grow
on my YouTube as well. 👍
Thank you grow diaries community for the likes, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel. I appreciate the support and anyone I can help. 🌱 Happy growing everyone 🤜🤛🌱
To purchase Spiderfarmer equipment
US&Worldwide: https://www.spider-farmer.com
UK: https://spiderfarmer.co.uk
CA: https://spiderfarmer.ca
EU: https://spiderfarmer.eu
AU: https://spiderfarmer.com.au
To purchase a SE3000 please follow appropriate link below:
Link for 3x3 tent: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083K89FFJ
Link for 4" inline fan: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08S7BKS3Q
Discount code on amazon and Spider farmer site:Saveurcash