she is moving so fast that i think next week will provably b the last one lets see, for now all i do is water and remove dry leafs , observe them trichomes and that's it, nothing else to do but enjoy my self looking at her.
Her color is full on finish and dnt think she will show any new ones, non so ever we can see reds, pinks purples, greens and a bunch more , smell do not at all, cant smell her, mb the rest is absorbing her smell but for now she is the one i grew with lest smell so far ... great for the ones that need discretion
not feeding at all anymore just plain water not even ph no idea should be around 7 .0 or something, its rain water <3 <3 <3
As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love you guys put in the community, in to growing and it all, i am blessed to walk among all of you and am blessed with it all.
Genetics :
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With true love comes happiness <3 <3 <3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing in return and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3