Overwatered the two in the back earlier this week on day 12, not paying attention like an idiot 😫. Will resume watering as normal tomorrow, day 16.
Plan on starting LST this week, depending on size. Plant in the front on the right is almost ready now.
The mutant plant in the front on the left has some really weird growth, but I’m gonna see where it goes... why not?!
Started LST for 2 of the plants on day 17. The other 2 are still a little short but will probably be ready for LST within 3-4 days.
I have now (day 19) started LST on all 4 plants. First I plant started LST on, now has the lower sites starting to fill in.
Wrapping up week 3. There is one plant clearly straggling behind the others. The other 3 (including the mutant!) are responding well to LST. For now I’m sticking to leaf tucking, and have only defoliated the couple leaves sagging into the soil. Over-watering from early in the week definitely slowed growth down temporarily, but seems to be back on track now!