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Donnerstag Woche 5 Bisschen Nährstoffe könnten fehlen könnten aber auch die Wurzeln gewesen sein! Waren heute früh zum Teil trocken! Sagte noch.... Aufpassen! Hab es wie zuvor gemacht und unterhalb alles entfernt damit sie die Energie besser nutzen kann, weiß nicht ob das fiming geklappt hat aber die Haze hab ich gespreizt und nochmal gescrogt beidseitig! Auch wieder Bio bizz light und Canna Professional 50/50 und 5 ml rhizotonic! Lampe ist bei 10 cm internodien auch kurz ziehen! Wenn es klappt! Wasser hab ich raus laufen lassen um einen Brand zu verhindern auch Ph neutral also 5,5 Die Alien schaut ganz gut aus außer das sie meines Erachtens etwas zu hellgrün ist! Wachsen tut sie ohne Probleme! Ich dumm Dusel hab noch gesagt.... Ey eigentlich Klasse Sache mit den Wurzeln kannst die direkt düngen! Musst nur die Wurzeln feucht halten!! Dünger haben sie keinen bekommen allerdings ab ich beim Töpfen drauf geachtet das Wurzelwerk nicht zu beschädigen also Topf drücken und langsam seitlich raus Ziehen! Dann sind die Steine auch kein Problem... Normalerweise sind sie eingewachsen! An den Blättern sieht man es ich hoffe nicht das ich sie geschrottet habe! Wurzeln waren über Nacht ausgetrocknet zumindest fast alles was draußen war! Trotz nach Wässern! Topfen haben beide gut überstanden allerdings macht mir die Haze sorgen! Schauen wir die nächsten Tage!! Wachsen alle schön weiter und die Technik hat meines Achten nach auch geklappt! Abstand liegt bei 5 und bei 10 cm Ich hab da auch mal einen Trick gehört bezüglich der Wurzeln, Blütezeit und zusätzliche Produktion aber wann man es macht und außerdem ist es ein sehr großes Risiko! Gleich zu setzen mit dem spalten des Stammes!! Man reißt einen Teil der Wurzeln ab um die Produktion zusätzlich anzukurbeln aber reißt du zu viel ab... Dann hasst du dich selber weil du die Pflanze damit umgebracht hast! Rein theoretisch müsste das ja Reichen wenn du die Pflanze etwas trocknen lässt und dann anheben tust, durch die Steine reißt es auch bedingt!! Nur wann du das machen sollst kann ich nicht genau sagen!! Egal... Kommt Zeit kommt Rat!!! Erst mal auf das Wesentliche beschränken verfeinern kann man immernoch!! Und bei 3 pflanzen, will ich kein Risiko eingehen!! Nicht unbedingt!! Wenn man einmal nicht aufpasst macht sich gleich der Hauswächter auf zur vesite! Typisch Schlange!!! Lass bloß die Pflanzen in Ruhe!! Dienstag Schauen beide wieder gut aus! Nach dem sie Eisen bekommen hat kann man auch sehen das die Verbrennungen aufgehört haben und sie wieder Farbe bekommen hat. Die Alien wuchert wie Unkraut!! Aber das Fimen hat nicht geklappt.... Egal! Anderes Mal! Dachte mir, nachdem er auch schon im grow Room präsent war, zeig ich mal sein Terrarium! Damit auch der letzte Tierfreunde nicht sagen kann es wäre Tierquälerei! Nur er hat das Privileg die obere Etage in Anspruch nehmen zu können, denn die Türen stehen offen!! Und er darf!!!
Hi there! In the next grow ill use the lollipop technique for sure because there is a lot of mini buds at the botton on the plant that arent getting enough light to get fat. There is some serius signals of overfeeding, but ill try to adjust it in this week.👻
At 95 days from seed, 40 days into bloom, she is still drinking about 2 liters (1/2 gal) per day. I am noticing new pistils being made on buds that otherwise look 3 weeks away from being ready to harvest. They were mostly observed on the highest parts of the highest kolas. This is probably a sign of light stress as it only the parts closest to the light. As I noted, my canopy height isn't very uniform. There is 8-10" of difference between the top of my highest kola and the top of my lowest kola that I wouldn't consider popcorn bud. I raised the light up so it was 16" above the highest kola. This means that its 24" to the lowest. Before I raised up my light, it was probably less than 12" from it to the highest kola. Not ideal but that is the result of not using a SCROG screen and my less-than-perfect training. I think I was stressing the highest kolas with light that was too intense. I've seen pictures of seriously deformed kolas before and I'm not that bad yet. I hope the shape of my buds remains typical and new pistil creation stops or slows. The light was probably too close. I don't think I did serious, long-term damage. At 98 days from seed, 43 days into bloom, she is still drinking about 2 liters (1/2 gal) per day. Not much to report today. She is filling out and looks more and more frosty everyday. Her smell is mild but really nice. The breeder's description of her sweet fruity smell is spot on The buds that were not closest to the light are looking like they are a few weeks from harvest. The buds that were closest to the light still have the new pistils that don't look anywhere close to harvest. It is high summer so temps are slightly higher than I'd like but it is all working out acceptably. Not much to do but keep changing the reservoir, watching her put on weight and waiting.
shes getting there now, considering shes under a 100w light shes doing well. stinking now too, smells like a bag of haribo tangfastics, really sour with a mixed fruit hint, stem rub smells exactly like fresh cut grapefruit honestly haha hard to pick out a specific fruit smell from the bud though its just fruity, yous know what i mean anyway ha. really sensetive to nutes, getting burn even after low dose and feed, water, water, feed schedule.
Everything dried in about 7 days and burped 3 times a day for 8 days 19mins at a time. Trust me the longer you wait the better it smells. Makes wonderful wax and rso.
01/08/18 - I fed them all 1 litre each, one of them seems to be praying up but the other two Seem a little bit droopy still. 02/08/18 - #3 is praying like usual and the other two are getting better Day by day I’m going to be giving them another feeding tomorrow, I have seen roots stretching out to the sides of the pots so I might saturate the whole pot. 04/08/18 - horrible sight today looks like rusty cracks in some leaves , not got a clue what this. 05/08/18 - browning has continued since last night and it’s all on the new leafs not the older ones. i fed them without any calmag , so I think it could be a deficiency of some sort (cal/mag).the mad thing is, it’s only two of the girls, one of them is completely fine nice green leaves not yellow marks that turn orange/brown. It definitely has nothing to do with my ph or all three girls would be showing some symptoms seeing as they all get fed with the same soloution.✌️🏻 07/08/18 - everything’s cleared up their was slight nute burn in the process but everything seems a lot better so I decided to start LST. all the new leaves are the colour they should be with no nute burns or calcium deficiency 🙏🏻
both lights are about 8 inches away and holy punch is now 11 inches tall. did a lot lollipoping on day 54 hop it wasn't to much for the smaller power flower it seems to be coming back fine though
Everything dried in about 7 days and burped 3 times a day for 8 days 19mins at a time. Trust me the longer you wait the better it smells. Makes wonderful wax and rso.
Thanks once again to RQS for sending me this girl. She's not the most fruity smoke, but more of a pine with a unique tropical/banana peel to it. A nice strain for the cannasseur, and one I'm really enjoying, especially for my back. Thank you to everyone who follows, likes, comments and supports in any way. In means a lot and keeps the passion to grow and continue uploading content on here and IG. Because I have 4 seperate plants/strains in one tent, under one light, I've had to calculate these by dividing the conditions by 4 (4 plants in total sharing same conditions). This is the fairest and only way to work it out on average as a full tent. Happy growing! 🐺
Day 6 of flower sorry for the very late update been a busy few weeks..... she has some issues my cat knocked the pump plug out of the wall and she sat in stagnant water for two days 😑 she is strong and will bounce back quickly. The scrog filled out nicely and she started her stretch I will clean up some of the larger leaves in the next few days before we get to far into flower I sat her in 24 hours of dark to start the process I like this method though many people have different views this is the one I like to do and I have never had any issues