🏆 Last chance to vote!
Donnerstag Woche 5 Bisschen Nährstoffe könnten fehlen könnten aber auch die Wurzeln gewesen sein! Waren heute früh zum Teil trocken! Sagte noch.... Aufpassen! Hab es wie zuvor gemacht und unterhalb alles entfernt damit sie die Energie besser nutzen kann, weiß nicht ob das fiming geklappt hat aber die Haze hab ich gespreizt und nochmal gescrogt beidseitig! Auch wieder Bio bizz light und Canna Professional 50/50 und 5 ml rhizotonic! Lampe ist bei 10 cm internodien auch kurz ziehen! Wenn es klappt! Wasser hab ich raus laufen lassen um einen Brand zu verhindern auch Ph neutral also 5,5 Die Alien schaut ganz gut aus außer das sie meines Erachtens etwas zu hellgrün ist! Wachsen tut sie ohne Probleme! Ich dumm Dusel hab noch gesagt.... Ey eigentlich Klasse Sache mit den Wurzeln kannst die direkt düngen! Musst nur die Wurzeln feucht halten!! Dünger haben sie keinen bekommen allerdings ab ich beim Töpfen drauf geachtet das Wurzelwerk nicht zu beschädigen also Topf drücken und langsam seitlich raus Ziehen! Dann sind die Steine auch kein Problem... Normalerweise sind sie eingewachsen! An den Blättern sieht man es ich hoffe nicht das ich sie geschrottet habe! Wurzeln waren über Nacht ausgetrocknet zumindest fast alles was draußen war! Trotz nach Wässern! Topfen haben beide gut überstanden allerdings macht mir die Haze sorgen! Schauen wir die nächsten Tage!! Wachsen alle schön weiter und die Technik hat meines Achten nach auch geklappt! Abstand liegt bei 5 und bei 10 cm Ich hab da auch mal einen Trick gehört bezüglich der Wurzeln, Blütezeit und zusätzliche Produktion aber wann man es macht und außerdem ist es ein sehr großes Risiko! Gleich zu setzen mit dem spalten des Stammes!! Man reißt einen Teil der Wurzeln ab um die Produktion zusätzlich anzukurbeln aber reißt du zu viel ab... Dann hasst du dich selber weil du die Pflanze damit umgebracht hast! Rein theoretisch müsste das ja Reichen wenn du die Pflanze etwas trocknen lässt und dann anheben tust, durch die Steine reißt es auch bedingt!! Nur wann du das machen sollst kann ich nicht genau sagen!! Egal... Kommt Zeit kommt Rat!!! Erst mal auf das Wesentliche beschränken verfeinern kann man immernoch!! Und bei 3 pflanzen, will ich kein Risiko eingehen!! Nicht unbedingt!! Wenn man einmal nicht aufpasst macht sich gleich der Hauswächter auf zur vesite! Typisch Schlange!!! Lass bloß die Pflanzen in Ruhe!! Dienstag Schauen beide wieder gut aus! Nach dem sie Eisen bekommen hat kann man auch sehen das die Verbrennungen aufgehört haben und sie wieder Farbe bekommen hat. Die Alien wuchert wie Unkraut!! Aber das Fimen hat nicht geklappt.... Egal! Anderes Mal! Dachte mir, nachdem er auch schon im grow Room präsent war, zeig ich mal sein Terrarium! Damit auch der letzte Tierfreunde nicht sagen kann es wäre Tierquälerei! Nur er hat das Privileg die obere Etage in Anspruch nehmen zu können, denn die Türen stehen offen!! Und er darf!!!
Hello everybody!!,I'm very very sad this time guys,a few weeks ago I had some kind of fungal infection because humidity went to high with the rain and I had to take away 3 of this 4 ladies plus the other one I lost at the beginning because they were 5 and it was due also to a fungal infection however she was in seedling stage and I got the evil dumping off,the good news is that I'm enjoying soo much the only one I have,she's in full flowering and she's producing amazing sweet terps,you can't imagine how disappointed I am,I would have loved to have my 5 girls in full flowering now,I'll griw her Photoperiod version no matter what,I'm in love with her suoer floral and sweet aromas,I recomend this strain to everyone,you will enjoy her so much.peace growmies and cannalovers! ❤️💚💛🌱✌️ #LEGALIZEIT!!!!!!
Day 64 (2020-07-12): Watered at 5.8 PH Day 67 (2020-07-15): Starting flush of CBD Crack. Water only @ 5.8 PH. Continuing to feed G14 for another week. 5.8 PH. Day 70 (2020-07-18: Continuing flush of CBD crack, water only at 5.8. G14 gets the same MC dose @ 5.8
Hello everybody!!,I'm very very sad this time guys,a few weeks ago I had some kind of fungal infection because humidity went to high with the rain and I had to take away 3 of this 4 ladies plus the other one I lost at the beginning because they were 5 and it was due also to a fungal infection however she was in seedling stage and I got the evil dumping off,the good news is that I'm enjoying soo much the only one I have,she's in full flowering and she's producing amazing sweet terps,you can't imagine how disappointed I am,I would have loved to have my 5 girls in full flowering now,I'll griw her Photoperiod version no matter what,I'm in love with her suoer floral and sweet aromas,I recomend this strain to everyone,you will enjoy her so much.peace growmies and cannalovers! ❤️💚💛🌱✌️ #LEGALIZEIT!!!!!!
Things are progressing nicely. Will put it in flower tent in next week or 2. Second plant of perpetual grow ended up being a dud. A blackberry kush seed has recently been sowed. Photos/video taken 56 days after breaking soil.
Gestart met de scrogg ik heb 2 planten die nog wat klein zijn maar dat groeid wel bij 😏De komende tijd lekker vakjes vullen met toppen 😉😉
Day 7 - Everything seems to be going ok they are all growing about the same pace! Day 8 - They are all growing pretty equal right now , extremely happy with how things are going!✌️🏼🌱 Day 11 - one plant has some twisted leaves hopefully it’s nothing serious😫 will be keeping a eye on her, other than that they all seem to be growing great! Thanks for following & happy growing friends!✌️🏼🌱 Day 13 - have a few with some weird leaves & growing a little slow, other 3 are growing pretty good! Hopefully they all do alright, fingers crossed! Happy growing friends!
All of the ladies are now starting to flower except the NHL I think it’s a little behind but all in all they are growing great! Day 31 - Everything seems to be going great, fed the ladies yesterday havnt had any more issues yet (Thankfully) thanks for following & happy growing friends✌️🏼🌱 Day 33- A few of the ladies have some dead leaves not sure if it’s normal or if something is wrong.. they all seem pretty healthy other wise!
Day 7 - 1 plant is a little behind but all In all everything seems to be going great! Thanks for following & happy growing friends!✌️🏼🌱 Day 8 - All is well! Happy growing friends✌️🏼🌱 Day 9 - Ladies got fed today! Still doing good! Day 10 - Getting bigger🌱🌱 Day 11 - Got water today at 6.5, One is still growing a little slow but overall going great!👍🏼✌️🏼🌱 Day 12- Really hoping the slow one catches up the others are growing quick! Day 13- Got water today at 6.5 PH, will get fed again Monday!
We are a couple who decided to plant cannabis for the first time during the covid-19 quarantine, and it helped us get through it, during and after grow =] Before deciding to plant, we studied a lot and saw many diaries here, so we didn't have many surprises during the cycle, also because we were able to see, compare and know what to expect from our plant. It was really cool to see the result of what we had studied happening in practice, we learned a lot from Grow Diaries. Definitely we will do a lot of different things next time, but overall we were satisfied to be able to smoke our own weed. Grow diaries helped and motivated us a lot, both to learn new things and to organize and register our grow. Our intention is to continue growing and sharing our experience here. Weed love you to leave comments and tips in our diary, it helps us to learn and improve more and more. Thanks and see you all next grow! 👽😜👌
We are a couple who decided to plant cannabis for the first time during the covid-19 quarantine, and it helped us get through it, during and after grow =] Before deciding to plant, we studied a lot and saw many diaries here, so we didn't have many surprises during the cycle, also because we were able to see, compare and know what to expect from our plant. It was really cool to see the result of what we had studied happening in practice, we learned a lot from Grow Diaries. Definitely we will do a lot of different things next time, but overall we were satisfied to be able to smoke our own weed. Grow diaries helped and motivated us a lot, both to learn new things and to organize and register our grow. Our intention is to continue growing and sharing our experience here. Weed love you to leave comments and tips in our diary, it helps us to learn and improve more and more. Thanks and see you all next grow! 👽😜👌
Esta la pasaremos junto las 2 Runtz x Strawnana y la tiger bomb al armário grande, cuando acabemos el seguimientos de Royal Queen Seeds! Entrenaremos el Scrog por primera vez.🤙🏻
Esta la pasaremos junto las 2 Runtz x Strawnana y la tiger bomb al armário grande, cuando acabemos el seguimientos de Royal Queen Seeds! Entrenaremos el Scrog por primera vez.🤙🏻
Esta la pasaremos junto las 2 Runtz x Strawnana y la tiger bomb al armário grande, cuando acabemos el seguimientos de Royal Queen Seeds! Entrenaremos el Scrog por primera vez.🤙🏻
Esta la pasaremos junto las 2 Runtz x Strawnana y la tiger bomb al armário grande, cuando acabemos el seguimientos de Royal Queen Seeds! Entrenaremos el Scrog por primera vez.🤙🏻
Esta la pasaremos junto las 2 Runtz x Strawnana y la tiger bomb al armário grande, cuando acabemos el seguimientos de Royal Queen Seeds! Entrenaremos el Scrog por primera vez.🤙🏻
Esta la pasaremos junto las 2 Runtz x Strawnana y la tiger bomb al armário grande, cuando acabemos el seguimientos de Royal Queen Seeds! Entrenaremos el Scrog por primera vez.🤙🏻