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It's growing quick. I hope it doesn't get to tall Lol. I have to make sure I control the tempature so that I can have better control the stretch
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 24 semanas de vida de esta sativa africana pura, 14 semanas desde el cambio a horario de floración 12/12h 🌲🧡 Hoy al amanecer he saqueado esta gran planta, la cual indiscutiblemente se ha coronado como la mejor de la temporada, he cosechado enormes colas y docenas de cogollos medianos, todos duros como rocas, pegajosos como la miel y tremendamente olorosos! ¡Mi bodega de sativa se recupera y ennoblece definitivamente... a fumar! Hasta la próxima y gracias por estar ahí... SALUDOS Y SALUD A TODOS!! ================================ Info de la cepa Malawi Gold: "Malawi Gold procede de Malawi, un país del sudeste de África, y es una de las plantas más psicoactivas del mundo." Anesia Seeds - Genética: Landrace africana - Sativa pura: 100% - Tiempo de Floración - 10-13 Semanas - Rendimiento en interior: 600/650 g/m² - THC Alto 20% - Sabores: Floral y Limón ================================
Malawi Gold · Anesia Seeds
DS120w · Secret Jardin
Agua de Montaña ·
Miel ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Aminoácidos ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Humato Blood ·
MMA Ultra ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Hidro Blood ·
Ormus ·
Guamato AZ ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Enzimas ·
Ormus ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Purín de ortiga ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Humato Blood ·
Lacto Auxinas ·
Ormus ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Lacto Harinas ·
Guamato LE ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Ormus ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Melaza ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Ormus ·
MMA Ultra ·
Guamato LE ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato Blood ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Calabaza MMA ·
MMA Frutas ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato Bones ·
Lacto Frutas PK ·
Ormus ·
Bio PKS EM ·
Guamato LE ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio PKs EM ·
Lacto Complex ·
Hidro Fúlvicos ·
Ormus ·
Humato PK ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Melaza ·
GA3 ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Bio Bones+ EM ·
MMA Plus ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Ormus ·
Humato Bones ·
Bio CalMg EM ·
Melaza ·
Guamato LE ·
Alga Flora MMA ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Lacto Mineral PK ·
Bio Algas EM ·
Ormus ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Hidro Bones ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato PK ·
Guamato LE ·
MMA Plus ·
Ormus ·
Humato Plus ·
Lacto Complex ·
Calabaza MMA ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Alga Flora MMA ·
Coco Bloom EM ·
Guamato AZ ·
Melaza ·
Humato PK ·
Ormus ·
Bio Plus EM ·
Humato Blood ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Lacto Algas ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato PK ·
MMA One ·
Melaza ·
MMA Ultra ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Melaza ·
Lacto Frutas EM ·
Guamato LE ·
Humato Bones ·
Guamato AZ ·
MMA Plus ·
Bio Coco EM ·
Ormus ·
Agua de Montaña ·
Humato Plus ·
Bio Fish EM ·
Melaza ·
Lacto Complex ·
MMA Mineral ·
Agua de Montaña ·
MMA Ultra ·
Alga Flora MMA ·
Guamato AZ ·
Humato Bones ·
Week 1 of flower!!! im excited and nervous at the same time. I was going to Veg for another week but there were a couple factors that made me want to flip. Last week I did a final transplant into my 7gal pots, 2 days later I start to see pistils. I am a new grower and was like oh crap did I just force her into flowering and gonna herm them since im still on 18-6 light schedule??? I am in a couple discords that are growing communities so i posted some pics and confirmed they are in fact pistils. This is my first grow and not only was I excited to start flowering but also scared im going to ruin them if I dont flip so I did. From more research this is called pre flower and I could have stayed in veg from what I have found but flipped anyways and please correct me if im wrong as Im still learning. The pics you see are day 3 wk1 of flower, I flipped the lights to 12-12 on night 2-29. The girls are already starting to stretch. IM really hoping that my little sour diesel dwarf stretches to meet the Purp and northern lights canopy or else I am going to need to find something to prop her up to meet them. As you can see in the pics I added my trellis netting. My plan was to hopefully get these girls to stretch enough and start filling in the squares. My goal is to fill every square with a flower site. It might be a bit ambitious but still gonna try. This is 2 fold, 1 allow spacing to open up the inner canopy and allow light into the depths of these girls to encourage those lower sites to reach the top. 2 support for the flowers as they mature. Yea they looking alittle bushy and I know I should defoliate but my thought was to wait until the stretch is done then do my full lollipop and remove alot of those fan leaves blocking bud sites and also get better air flow in there. My plan for nutrients is to top dress with my gaia green 4-4-4. power bloom 2-8-4 and worm castings every 2-3 weeks depending on how they take to it. I just hope this is enough. So here's to week 1 of flower!!! any tips, advise or suggestions are welcome and thank you for looking!
Finally I cut her down on Day 87. She had a difficult start but eventually produced thick fat buds. Looks delicious. I did not weigh the wet weight because I hung the plant in its entirety. I will post the dry weight later. To be continued.......
Hello everyone 😎 Week 4 of flower for the Banana Purple Punch auto from Fast Buds 💥 She grew fast with a beautiful green color,for the nutrient 4ml/L terra bloom & 1ml/L power buds from Plagron Mars Hydro SP-6500 70% Have a nice day 😋
We have been in bloom since around Feb. 29th/ Mar. 1st. Everything looks wonderful. I've read a lot that automatics don't like repotting and defoliating at all, but I listened to my "green thumb" and took away some big leaves and relined my ladies about 5-7cm. So they are a little higher. I carefully removed the soil to the clay balls and put some new soil between. I really hope they don't explode because of this. Either I set my filter about 30-40cm deeper. So I have a better control of the humidity. That's all that comes to my mind right now. I'm really excited to see what comes out of this.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ________________________________ 📅 D105/R01 - 28/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.9 pH: 5.2 🌡️ T: 21-25 °C H: 50-65 % 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 Ripening starts 🚀 🎬 Added timelapse and screenshots and monthly rate of T-H and VPD 📈📈📈 from TrolMaster App Translate ________________________________ 📅 D106/R02 - 29/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.7 🌡️ T:21-24 °C H: 50-65 % 🌊 🍗 💧 Added pH+ 💼 🧠 If someone who followed the diary from the beginning is asking himself what about mother plant "Mamma Aglio", here I posted some picture of her which demonstrate the difference between a bad and a good grow 🚀 🎬 Added pics of Nicole and pics of "Mamma Aglio" to show the difference between a bad and a good grow with sounds and TrolMaster logo. Added usual timelapse and screenshots. ________________________________ 📅 D107/R03 - 01/03/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 6.4 🌡️ T: 20-24 °C H: 45-65 % 🌊 2L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse and screenshots. 4 pics added ________________________________ 📅 D108/R04 - 02/03/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 6.7 🌡️ T: 20-25 °C H: 45-70 % 🌊 1L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse ________________________________ 📅 D109/R05 - 03/03/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 6.7 🌡️ T: 21-25 °C H: 45-65% 🌊 RES Changed 💦💦💦 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 I'm starting the flush, as trichomes look milky and quite ready. In this last week the ripening will be complete and th girl would be ready for harvesting. 🚀 Flush started 🎬Added 8 pics of trichomes, Timelapse and sceenshots. Two pics and two videos of my "garden's pre-harvest magic" 😋😋😋 ________________________________ 📅 D110/R06 - 04/03/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.2 pH: 7.5 🌡️ T: 19-25 °C H: 55-65% 🌊 🍗 Flawless finish 💧 💼 🧠 1 day with pure water and now I added Flawless finish 🚀 Flushing 🎬Added Timelapse and sceenshots ________________________________ 📅 D111/R07 - 05/03/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.2 pH: 7.5 🌡️ T: 20-25 °C H: 55-65% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 Flushing 🎬Added 8 pics. Added timelapse and screenshots. I also prepared a timelapse of the entire week with some music 🎵🎵🎵 and weekly rate of T-H and VPD 📈📈📈
Día 42 (27/02). Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 898 PPMs - pH 6,5 (mínimo ajuste con pH+ para subirlo desde 6,2) Plantas sedientas con un intervalo de riego cada 4 días. A partir de ahora regaré cada 3 días Día 43 (28/02) Las ramas crecen muy rápido y se van colocando para recibir el máximo posible de luz. Es impresionante su evolución día a día! Día 44 (29/02) Han crecido 17 cm desde que cambié a 12/12. Alucinante! 😍😍😍 Día 45 (01/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 891 PPMs - pH 6,25 Añado un poco de substrato al top y a los bordes de la maceta antes de regar, porque se ha compactado ligeramente. Día 46 (02/03). Las plantas siguen su crecimiento imparable. 3 cm al día 😍 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - 🎚️Controlled by TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X System Main Controller - Es genial tener el TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X ya que puedo tener una visualización rápida de la temperatura y la humedad en tiempo real, y también de las últimas 24 horas y de los últimos 7 días (week) Así puedo ir ajustando la extracción para tener una VPD ideal, y tener una pantalla que te indica si estás en rango, en función de si estás en Fase Vegetativa, Floración o Stress Es genial a su vez tener un tabla / grafico visual de VPD en función de las fases. Mira las últimas fotos para ver esta tabla tan interesante! ("Trolmaster VPD Graph" photo)
Día 42 (27/02). Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 898 PPMs - pH 6,5 (mínimo ajuste con pH+ para subirlo desde 6,2) Plantas sedientas con un intervalo de riego cada 4 días. A partir de ahora regaré cada 3 días Día 43 (28/02) Las ramas crecen muy rápido y se van colocando para recibir el máximo posible de luz. Es impresionante su evolución día a día! Día 44 (29/02) Han crecido 17 cm desde que cambié a 12/12. Alucinante! 😍😍😍 Día 45 (01/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 891 PPMs - pH 6,25 Añado un poco de substrato al top y a los bordes de la maceta antes de regar, porque se ha compactado ligeramente. Día 46 (02/03). Las plantas siguen su crecimiento imparable. 3 cm al día 😍 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - 🎚️Controlled by TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X System Main Controller - Es genial tener el TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X ya que puedo tener una visualización rápida de la temperatura y la humedad en tiempo real, y también de las últimas 24 horas y de los últimos 7 días (week) Así puedo ir ajustando la extracción para tener una VPD ideal, y tener una pantalla que te indica si estás en rango, en función de si estás en Fase Vegetativa, Floración o Stress Es genial a su vez tener un tabla / grafico visual de VPD en función de las fases. Mira las últimas fotos para ver esta tabla tan interesante! ("Trolmaster VPD Graph" photo)
Hello everyone 😎 Week 4 of flower for the KK auto from Dutch Passion ❤️‍🔥 Spider Farmer SE-7000 70% For the nutrient 4ml/L terra bloom & 1ml/L power buds from plagron Have a nice day 🤩
FAT BANANA 🍌 AUTO / RQS WEEK #7 OVERALL WEEK #2 FLOWER This week no issues to report she's doing really well so far buds are looking good and growing at a high rate. Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look!! It's much appreciated!! Thank you ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS!! FAT BANANA 🍌 AUTO / RQS
Week5 March 1st day 30 I transplanted one( the one with no broken branch) inti the 7gal today watered and did some LST I really hope it adapts to its new home I’ve never transplanted before I used extreme garden MYCOS hope it works also moved the light up a bit and plan on going 100% once I transplant the other one March 2nd transplanted the other one (broken branch one) my shop didn’t have 3.0😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 so i used DNC Great Lakes water only soil hopefully this works and I mixed some 3.0 I had left from the other pot cross fingers for nice transition to its new home March 5 been three days since transplant can’t really tell if they adapted to there new homes yet some sings of stretching since transplant I’ve never transplanted before and I’m not sure if they need water or not so imma chill let them go for couple more days then I’ll water scared to over water them right now since I transplanted them don’t want to over stress them other one in 3.0 seems little droopy to me compared to the one in Great Lakes but Great Lakes soil seems bit dry sooooo idk I’m going keep an eye on them
This week was all good she starting to go right into flower now she's got a nice smell to her .kind of like fuel or gas.Will be interested to try more of the seeds that I have .I will just put them in the ground because of my coco grow that I've got to concentrate on later this month. Will have a lot of diaries to deal with.thank you for looking at the diary and will be an update on this plant every week till finish. Happy growing and remember it's 420 somewhere
Day64/Flower16 03.03 Optimized my setup. I can handle humidity better now. Just in time. Puuh. I also changed back to hesi nutrients. Plants are really thirsty now. Watering every 2 days. Actually using about 12 liters. About 3 liters per plant every second day. Plants are really looking nice. Super excited. Plants are super easy to train, amazing flexibility. You can almost do knots with the branches. :) Growers life is an adventurous life...yeah... Day67/FL19 06.03 Everything looks fine. Planning to water them everyday as long as i'm not busy. Trying to figure out the exact amount of hesi nutrients..
This week went ok she started expanding her leaves and geting bigger. I'm still feeding her the same amount of nutrients and pH of 6.5 .she has nice purple stripes in the stems which I'm quite pleased about so hopefully she will turn out a nice looking plant. She will be going outside later on this month with a supplemental lighting at the end of the day and maybe flowered towards the end of this year or during the summer . Thank you for looking at the diary and we'll be an update next week and remember it's 420 somewhere
Día 42 (27/02). Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 898 PPMs - pH 6,5 (mínimo ajuste con pH+ para subirlo desde 6,2) Plantas sedientas con un intervalo de riego cada 4 días. A partir de ahora regaré cada 3 días Día 43 (28/02) Las ramas crecen muy rápido y se van colocando para recibir el máximo posible de luz. Es impresionante su evolución día a día! Día 44 (29/02) Han crecido 17 cm desde que cambié a 12/12. Alucinante! 😍😍😍 Día 45 (01/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 891 PPMs - pH 6,25 Añado un poco de substrato al top y a los bordes de la maceta antes de regar, porque se ha compactado ligeramente. Día 46 (02/03). Las plantas siguen su crecimiento imparable. 3 cm al día 😍 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - 🎚️Controlled by TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X System Main Controller -
Día 42 (27/02). Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 898 PPMs - pH 6,5 (mínimo ajuste con pH+ para subirlo desde 6,2) Plantas sedientas con un intervalo de riego cada 4 días. A partir de ahora regaré cada 3 días Día 43 (28/02) Las ramas crecen muy rápido y se van colocando para recibir el máximo posible de luz. Es impresionante su evolución día a día! Día 44 (29/02) Han crecido 17 cm desde que cambié a 12/12. Alucinante! 😍😍😍 Día 45 (01/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 891 PPMs - pH 6,25 Añado un poco de substrato al top y a los bordes de la maceta antes de regar, porque se ha compactado ligeramente. Día 46 (02/03). Las plantas siguen su crecimiento imparable. 3 cm al día 😍 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - 🎚️Controlled by TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X System Main Controller -
Día 42 (27/02). Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 898 PPMs - pH 6,5 (mínimo ajuste con pH+ para subirlo desde 6,2) Plantas sedientas con un intervalo de riego cada 4 días. A partir de ahora regaré cada 3 días Día 43 (28/02) Las ramas crecen muy rápido y se van colocando para recibir el máximo posible de luz. Es impresionante su evolución día a día! Día 44 (29/02) Han crecido 17 cm desde que cambié a 12/12. Alucinante! 😍😍😍 Día 45 (01/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 891 PPMs - pH 6,25 Añado un poco de substrato al top y a los bordes de la maceta antes de regar, porque se ha compactado ligeramente. Día 46 (02/03). Las plantas siguen su crecimiento imparable. 3 cm al día 😍 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - 🎚️Controlled by TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X System Main Controller -
Día 42 (27/02). Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 898 PPMs - pH 6,5 (mínimo ajuste con pH+ para subirlo desde 6,2) Plantas sedientas con un intervalo de riego cada 4 días. A partir de ahora regaré cada 3 días Día 43 (28/02) Las ramas crecen muy rápido y se van colocando para recibir el máximo posible de luz. Es impresionante su evolución día a día! Día 44 (29/02) Han crecido 17 cm desde que cambié a 12/12. Alucinante! 😍😍😍 Día 45 (01/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 1,5 ml/l + Rise Up 0,5 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 891 PPMs - pH 6,25 Añado un poco de substrato al top y a los bordes de la maceta antes de regar, porque se ha compactado ligeramente. Día 46 (02/03). Las plantas siguen su crecimiento imparable. 3 cm al día 😍 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - 🎚️Controlled by TrolMaster TCS-1 Tent-X System Main Controller -