As we round the corner on this week the finish line is starting to come into sight! Ending the week on Day 68 from seed and these girls are really starting to shine! Front left is just a crystal packed beast with golf ball sized buds (or bigger) well spaced out along the stem, more like blueberry tends to grow. Front right is showing very similar traits, while back left and right are larger more connected buds, more like Slimer tends to grow. Cool to see the two different bud structures in the same grow, fun thing with autos you know they will be close but always some differences! Buds are just plumping and firming, getting ready for their big day on another few weeks.
Water intake has slowed as expected for this stage in life, 32L every four days instead of every three. Was an easy week work wise, just a light defoliation of mainly the back two plants, probably 20 or so leaves each. Back two are still seeming to be maybe a week behind front two, but they seem to be catching up fast. May have to get the second reservoir set up at the end of need to ween first two off the feed earlier than last two. Good thing is I have three full sets of AutoPots so not a problem, although I may have a problem with collecting grow gear hahaha. Can't help myself, I see stuff selling for super cheap used or clearance from stores closing and think "sure I could use another set of those". Got my last set of 15L pots in upgrade packs on clearance. Each pack came with the pot, the tray, and the 5.0 valve with all the fixings for just !!! Honestly how do you say no to that I don't know.
Lights 90% @ 16" @ 750-800umol/s
Water 32L every four days
UV lights one hour per day mid cycle
6" Exhaust 30%
4" Intake 50%
6" oscillating fan x2 50%