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Popped, image 2 days later 😀 , added diatomaceous for gnat's and perlite
Hey there, as the clones are almost ready and I will transplant them in the aeroponic system tomorrow, I allowed myself to get the pH and EC ready and stabilize it over a night. 😏 August, 20th: 23 of the 30 clones made it to the system and are now growing fine. Guess those 7 clones that didn‘t make it were old ones from below the mother plant. SanLights at 40%. ☀️
Been away couple of days Day 74 Came back and the lady’s exploded. Dropped down the nutrients since day 60 and started flushing on day 68. I’m waiting for the plants to get brown trichomes. But all in all I’m happy if I don’t fuck it up somehow Day 77 Flushed yesterday the last time. Ppm was 400. Will chop them on day 84, if nothing special happens this is the last Post until before chopping them. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR TIPpS AND YOUR OPINION YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!!! Happy Growing to everyone !
21.08.24 VD# 13 Ein wunderschönen Guten Abend ✌️ Der Pineapple Express von Barney's Farm geht es sehr gut, sie entwickelt sich für ihr Alter wie es sein soll. Heute gab es das erste mal Nährstoffe für die kleine Lady nach Dünger Schema von "Biobizz" Juju Royal Grow Soldier 0,4ml/L und Juju Royal Green Mystic 0,1ml/L. Sie hat ein schönes helles grün die ersten 3 Fingerblätter bilden sich, sie bekommt täglich mehrere Blatt sprühungen.In diesen Moment dimme ich meine Lampe von 65% auf 20% runter um gewisse Schäden zu vermeiden. Mein kleiner Turm Ventilator versorgt die Lady mit der kleinen Brise benötigten Wind um Ihren Stängel zu Stärken. Freue mich sehr das Ihr vorbei geschaut habt Update wie gewohnt nächste Woche. Mögen all eure Ladys Gesund und prächtig wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 😀👍 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 21.08.24 VD# 13 A wonderful good evening ✌️ The Pineapple Express from Barney's Farm is doing very well, she is developing as she should for her age. Today I gave the little lady nutrients for the first time according to the fertilizer scheme of "Biobizz" Juju Royal Grow Soldier 0.4ml/L and Juju Royal Green Mystic 0.1ml/L. She has a nice bright green color, the first 3 finger leaves are forming, she gets several leaf sprays a day, at this moment I dim my lamp down from 65% to 20% to avoid some damage. My little tower fan provides the lady with the little breeze she needs to strengthen her stem. I'm glad you stopped by and will update you next week as usual. May all your ladies grow healthy and splendid and provide you with tasty stuff 😀👍
Rolling along, been fighting everything from thrips and aphids to catapillars and pm. Been doing an IPM regimen of Lost Coast and Monterey BT. Also de powder around the base of my plants.
08/21/24. Going into week 8 flower Welcome back to hell. Just kidding.. kinda.. Day 57 out of the 71 stated. This girls definitely going the whole way, if not more. She’s trying to make up for time that was taken from her. With the way she’s filling out now, I’m like damn. What would she have been like had we not hit a huge long bump in the road?? I’m shocked at what she’s even doing honestly. Big ups to Pablita. 👊 I guess this diary can just be a testament to this strain being resilient af. Also, hopefully it can serve as an example that you can bring a plant back from near death. Anyhow, giving her plain water currently as I think there’s still some build up in her soil. I tried feeding her a bit and noticed immediate tip burns. Going do water again next time as well and then a VERY light feeding that time after and see the happenings. I’m just trying to take it as slow and easy as possible with her. With progress .. don’t wanna throw everything back to shit. She’s thirsty every other day. Drinks almost a gallon, and get about 10% run off. Guess that’ll be all for now. ✌️
08/21/24. Going into week 8 flower Day 57 out of stated 64. So one week left exactly. I’m not sure on that. She’s still drinking at the same rate as usual, and there’s still quite a few white hairs. I’ll be looking at her trichomes today anyway, just to see where we’re at. Either way she’s getting just water from here on out. She’s dark af and has some nutrient burn anyway, so I’m sure she’ll be fine. She’s fattened quite a bit more than I expected. Seemed like her buds would be kinda long and skinnier. No complaints here though. She’s getting pretty damn frosty and sticky too. She has a kinda piney sweetish smell. Start the count down ⏰ See yuh ✌️
08/21/24. Going into week 8 flower Day 57 out of stated 64. So one week left exactly. I’m not sure on that. She’s still drinking at the same rate as usual, and there’s still quite a few white hairs. I’ll be looking at her trichomes today anyway, just to see where we’re at. Either way she’s getting just water from here on out. She’s dark af and has some nutrient burn anyway, so I’m sure she’ll be fine. She’s fattened quite a bit more than I expected. Seemed like her buds would be kinda long and skinnier. No complaints here though. She’s getting pretty damn frosty and sticky too. She has a kinda piney sweetish smell. Start the count down ⏰ See yuh ✌️
08/21/24. Going into week 8 flower Welcome back to hell. Just kidding.. kinda.. Day 57 out of the 71 stated. This girls definitely going the whole way, if not more. She’s trying to make up for time that was taken from her. With the way she’s filling out now, I’m like damn. What would she have been like had we not hit a huge long bump in the road?? I’m shocked at what she’s even doing honestly. Big ups to Pablita. 👊 I guess this diary can just be a testament to this strain being resilient af. Also, hopefully it can serve as an example that you can bring a plant back from near death. Anyhow, giving her plain water currently as I think there’s still some build up in her soil. I tried feeding her a bit and noticed immediate tip burns. Going do water again next time as well and then a VERY light feeding that time after and see the happenings. I’m just trying to take it as slow and easy as possible with her. With progress .. don’t wanna throw everything back to shit. She’s thirsty every other day. Drinks almost a gallon, and get about 10% run off. Guess that’ll be all for now. ✌️
Looking great , smelling fruity , sticky as and chunking up nicely. One more week of food then it’s flush time .
8/21/24. Going into week 8 flower Are we there yet? Haha.. no. Day 57 out of stated 70. 13 days? Hmmm I don’t know. I thought she might go longer than that, BUT now I think it’ll be less. I suspect another week and she’ll be ready. Appearance wise, I’d say she’s pretty much there.. trichomes say other wise. Still quite a bit of clear with the start of milky coming. It’s all gonna be about ripening now. Water/fed her today. She’s yellowing heavily or I would have already stopped. I’m guessing this is just her type of fade. No real colors going other than yellow. Maybe that’s because she’s a banana 😄 I increased the light to 80% a couple days ago just to be a pushy bitch. I’ll decrease it way down to probably about 40-50% in a few days because I like to do that when they’re finishing up to help bring temperature down and I think it makes them wrap it up. These pictures don’t do justice to the fatness of these buds. They’re obese and not ashamed. Body positivity with this girl. Somehow some of the buds have suicided. Aka jumped out of their spot in the trellis and tried to hit the floor. I can’t do anything about it really. Can’t reach them and can’t be bothered. Smell? Skunky rotten fruity…idk. And coffee? You can smell it through the place and maybe at the neighbors LOL Wellp. Waiting game now. See yuh next time ✌️
8/21/24. Going into week 8 flower Are we there yet? Haha.. no. Day 57 out of stated 70. 13 days? Hmmm I don’t know. I thought she might go longer than that, BUT now I think it’ll be less. I suspect another week and she’ll be ready. Appearance wise, I’d say she’s pretty much there.. trichomes say other wise. Still quite a bit of clear with the start of milky coming. It’s all gonna be about ripening now. Water/fed her today. She’s yellowing heavily or I would have already stopped. I’m guessing this is just her type of fade. No real colors going other than yellow. Maybe that’s because she’s a banana 😄 I increased the light to 80% a couple days ago just to be a pushy bitch. I’ll decrease it way down to probably about 40-50% in a few days because I like to do that when they’re finishing up to help bring temperature down and I think it makes them wrap it up. These pictures don’t do justice to the fatness of these buds. They’re obese and not ashamed. Body positivity with this girl. Somehow some of the buds have suicided. Aka jumped out of their spot in the trellis and tried to hit the floor. I can’t do anything about it really. Can’t reach them and can’t be bothered. Smell? Skunky rotten fruity…idk. And coffee? You can smell it through the place and maybe at the neighbors LOL Wellp. Waiting game now. See yuh next time ✌️
Flushed the soil at day 67 to get PH below 7 Day 70 PH back at 6.5 (drain) Next time i feed only half gram/liter of GHF.
COSMOS F1 CBD ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS This lady was my first grow in a solo cup from start to finish so I was satisfied with the grow. Knowing she would flip about 5 weeks and growing in organic soil I knew she would not get that big. She still produced frosty dense buds and was about a foot tall. Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! THANK YOU ROYAL QUEEEN SEEDS!! COSMOS F1 CBD/ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS
COSMOS F1 CBD ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS This lady was my first grow in a solo cup from start to finish so I was satisfied with the grow. Knowing she would flip about 5 weeks and growing in organic soil I knew she would not get that big. She still produced frosty dense buds and was about a foot tall. Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! THANK YOU ROYAL QUEEEN SEEDS!! COSMOS F1 CBD/ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS
COSMOS F1 CBD ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS This lady was my first grow in a solo cup from start to finish so I was satisfied with the grow. Knowing she would flip about 5 weeks and growing in organic soil I knew she would not get that big. She still produced frosty dense buds and was about a foot tall. Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! THANK YOU ROYAL QUEEEN SEEDS!! COSMOS F1 CBD/ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS
Visto que ya estamos a mediados de agosto y pareceria que quieren empezar a florecer voy a empezar esta semana con el bloom. Mitad bloom mitad grow 51d nuevo tratamiento preventivo con TD + Solabiol, Foliar. Una vez el tratamiento para evitar que las lluvias limpien la planta suelo ponerlas bajo techo. En cuanto deja de llover las vuelvo a sacar. dia 54 126ctms la nº1 y 102 la nº4 y una clara evidencia que ahora empieza lo bueno. Como puede observarse han ensanchado las ramas , han crecido notablemente y empiezan a mostrar claramente sus primeros pistilos.
Hey there, as the clones are almost ready and I will transplant them in the aeroponic system tomorrow, I allowed myself to get the pH and EC ready and stabilize it over a night. 😏 August, 20th: 23 of the 30 clones made it to the system and are now growing fine. Guess those 7 clones that didn‘t make it were old ones from below the mother plant. SanLights at 40%. ☀️
Der Start in Woche 8 ist regnerisch und bewölkt bei kühlen Temperaturen und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit 😳 The start of week 8 is rainy and cloudy with cool temperatures and high humidity 😳 Day 62 "Haircut" for "Hilde" 😏😉