The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
All going well and everything has stopped stretching 3.1.25 Taking purple lemonade and cosmic queen out and put in smaller tent ant took pink nuggets and smoothie out of smaller tent and into this one Gave all 1L pk tea 5.1.25 Purple lemonade 78cm Small jelly breath 64 Large one 89 Slurricane 86 Lemon haze 99 Tangie 75 Hubbabubba59 Cosmic queen 56
April, 5th I think San Fernando Valley stopped Streching she can concentrate no in developing the Buds😆 It is getting quite full in the Tent, the Plants growing with alot of Plantmaterial Iam watering Dailly with beneficals, and feeding every other Day, until now with the Vegetation Fertilisers, but from tomorrow on they get Bloom fertilisers The silica Todressing worked wonderful, i could strenghthen the connective Tissue Iam quite happy with this Gentics, they were vigor Growers Hoping for delicious Buds😜
First of the 4 plants that goes down, i am going to give one more week to the other three. 🍁🍁
Everything is normal, waiting for the flowering time.
April, 5h. The Plants are still stretching, and they produing nice Flowers additionally to alot of energy is needed Iam waatering them daily, and feeding every other Day, I still stay with myy Vegetation Fertilisers, until they stop Stretching Next feeding Iam going to aadd some P+K, because they need it too I topdressed them with Silica to strenghtn the connective Tissue of the Plants and it works very well Plants are llooking very happy and green, and iam sure they stop soon the stret ch, and concentrate in the Flowers One Plant moved into another Tent, to have more Space to spread
April, 5th We are coming to an End. The Triple G sits in 15l Smartpots filled with my Soilmix and amended with EASY BOOST ORGANIC NUTRITION from RQS Iam Watering them with Beneficals and Bloom Fertilisers from @GreenBuzzLiquids One Plant was already Harvested, the other ones coming soon Iam going to do a single Application with "Clean Fruits" and then Iam going on with Feeding them until Harvestday The Last Days ,Buds were maturating, Pistils turned more orange, and the smell......hmmmmmmmm i think 10-14 more Days #keep on Growing
April, 5th We are coming to an End. The Triple G sits in 15l Smartpots filled with my Soilmix and amended with EASY BOOST ORGANIC NUTRITION from RQS Iam Watering them with Beneficals and Bloom Fertilisers from @GreenBuzzLiquids One Plant was already Harvested, the other ones coming soon Iam going to do a single Application with "Clean Fruits" and then Iam going on with Feeding them until Harvestday The Last Days ,Buds were maturating, Pistils turned more orange, and the smell......hmmmmmmmm i think 10-14 more Days #keep on Growing
April, 5th I was shooting millions of Pictures from this graceful Queen. She got the Right Name Iam soo in Love with her The Ladies are sitting into 15l Smartpots filled with my Soilmixx the Soilmix was amended with EASY BOOST ORGANIC NUTRITION from RQS Additional they geetBeneficals and Bloom Fertilisers from @GreenBuzzzLiquids The Fruits are maturatingl very well, buds are swelling, Pistils are changing to Orange and she is smelling very Flowery, fruity Its a Pure Pleasure to open the Tent
Lovely weeks weather. Nice growth and lots of bud points. hit 13 hours lights today also which is nice
I harvested the 2 last gorilla Zkittlez and 1 blue sherbet x purple punch. One gorilla Zkittlez was more one the sativa "shape". I let the buds dry on a net during 3/4 days after that few days in a wood box. After few days pit the buds on a jar with an hygrometer.
Well she has grown that's for sure. She needs to be transplanted to a bigger pot. Also defoliated... I will attempt this tomorrow. I need to acquire a bigger pot. Worse case scenario I use a 5 gallon bucket, and drill some holes. I'm switching to flower 12/12 this week. So she is going into a 15 gallon pot now and getting a good trim. Go check out Viparspectra products they have what you need. Use code, "GDVIP" for an extra discount.🤗
Well, these ladies are growing like weeds! 😃 I am getting ready to do their second topping. They seem to be taking nutrients well. I am planning on vegging them out for at least 3 more weeks. Going to have some monsters! 😎 Sincerely, thanks for all the support. 🙂
This is the end for this girl, another few days based on trichome then complete darkness for 48 hrs. Such a beauty to grow. Last uploaded file is a video of her sitting in the dark, really shows how her dark coated buds. Cheers and Happy Smokes 💨 💨
Hi all , this journey was wonderful. From the first month I knew this was going to be a wonderful experience and I was right. with the flower was not lead time no problem. I would recommend this model to anyone who likes fragrant flowers. and especially giant flowers. thank you for watching. and many thanks belong mainly to the bank.
05.04.21 Anfang der 3ten blüte Woche.Hab mich jetzt dazu entschieden das biegen und binden ein zu stellen natürlich halte ich weiter die Blätter unter dem netzt aber ich erlaube den Ladys jetzt durch das Netz auf zu steigen hab ja noch genügend Platz nach oben(hoffe ich). Das Wachstum is immer noch ziemlich stark ich denke mal das wird sich diese Woche auch nicht wirklich viel dran ändern und sie zieht vom trinken her stark an hab anfang der ersten woche 1x 4l mit Zusätzen gegossen und das hat 7 Tage gehalten bin jetzt an Tag 15 und muss alle 4 Tage 4l giessen gutes Zeichen denke ich mal..... 06.04.21 hab heute nur Blätter unters netzt gesteckt und schon von meinem nächsten Grow geträumt..... 07.04.21 wieder ein Tag vergangen und mehr als Blätter unterm Netz halten und hier und da mal ein Blatt entfernen war heut auch wieder nicht los... 08.04.21 heute war mal wieder bewässern dran und das tägliche Spiel Blätter weg stecken sonnst war nix weiter..... 09.04.21 hab das gefühl das das Wachstum anfängt sich ein zu stellen und Blätter hab ich heut wieder unters netzt gebogen was das hoch drücken der Blätter betrifft sind die Ladys ziemlich stark und eigenwillig gehe 2x täglich runter drücken unters netz werde nächstes mal eine kürzere Maschen weite fürs netz nehmen dachte 10 cm ist genug platz aber 5 cm pro Kästchen sollten sicher auch reichen das macht das spiel mit dem biegen und binden sicherlich einfacher und lässt die Blätter besser an Ort und Stelle Ach ja und ein paar Blätter hab ich heute noch entfernt ist aber auch bald mal Ende mit Blätter entfernen ich will sie nicht zu stark stressen... 10.04.21 Blätter unterm netz halten knapp 2 Std einige Blätter entfernt die von unten gegen die buds drücken sonnst war nix.... 11.04.21 hab heute wieder mal nur Blätter unters netzt gedrückt und den Pflanzen beim wachsen zu geschaut die Woche lief super bin echt stolz auf mich das ich die Finger so gut von der schere lassen könnte die letzten 21 Tage hab das netzt mal fast voll bekommen obwohl ich zu geben muss das die Masse die da wächst mir angst macht vor schimmel im späteren Verlauf des grows....
Pretty simple first week! Seed took 3 nights for the taproot to pop and it was planted in its final pot on day 4. On day 6, it finally popped through the soil and on day 7 the little sprout is starting to grow up. There is a small piece of seed casing left attached. Going to leave it for a day or two. If it doesn't fall off, I'll do it myself. Thanks for stopping by! 🥦
Pretty simple first week! Seed took 3 nights for the taproot to pop and it was planted in its final pot on day 4. On day 6, it finally popped through the soil and on day 7 the little sprout is starting to grow up. There is a small piece of seed casing left attached. Going to leave it for a day or two. If it doesn't fall off, I'll do it myself. Thanks for stopping by! 🥦
Hi guys!! We've come to the 7th week after a long way, the plant has developed wonderful flowrs very sticky and stinky as well as dense buds all over however has a little different smell from her sister, this pheno smells definitely more lemony and gassy but not so sweet as Hard diesel pheno #2 which you can check here on my page, let's see how this lady performs, I'm very excited to see the final result! ❤️💚🤗
Pretty simple first week! Seed took 3 nights for the taproot to pop and it was planted in its final pot on day 4. On day 6, it finally popped through the soil and on day 7 the little sprout is starting to grow up. There is a small piece of seed casing left attached. Going to leave it for a day or two. If it doesn't fall off, I'll do it myself. Thanks for stopping by! 🥦