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Día 71 (30/12) Christmas holidays. Only watering Día 72 (31/12) He recibido mi nueva lampara Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - - Procedo a instalarla, de modo que tengo la tienda de 120x60 cm perfectamente cubierta con las DOS (2) lámparas FC1500 EVO Es ideal tener dos lámparas, porque así puedo ajustar la distancia a la lampara en función de la altura de capa planta Ajusto ambas lámparas al 75% de potencia (Total 225W), que es más que suficiente para cubrir el área de 120x60 cm Día 73 (01/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Muestra una ligera deficiencia con algunas puntas de las hojas dobladas hacia arriba y clorosis... Creo que le voy a dar otra ración de BIO PK 5-8 OG Kush Auto - Está apilando cogollos de forma brutal. Increíble el olor y la cantidad de tricomas que está formando 😍 Día 74 (02/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Se empiezan a formar tricomas entre los incipientes cogollos OG Kush Auto - Una pena que se haya intensificado la deficiencia de CalMag... en las hojas, porque los cogollos son gordos y densos, y cubiertos de tricomas Día 75 (03/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Voy a darle un boost para las 4 semanas que le quedan hasta la cosecha con SILICIUM FLASH Hago un pequeño agujero cerca del tallo, espolvoreo 25g de SILICIUM FLASH en el agujero, lo cubro de tierra. Riego con una solución de 2g de BACTREX por litro de agua. OG Kush Auto - Impresionante densidad de los cogollos que empieza a doblar las ramas 😍 La ventana de cosecha se acerca! 💥 Día 76 (04/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Investigando me doy cuenta de que lo que le pasa es quemadura de luz, ya que la parte externa de la planta sufre clorosis, y la parte interna (donde no alcanza la luz) está completamente verde Ajusto la lampara sobre esta planta para 40 DLI OG Kush Auto - Sigue poniendo los cogollos duros como rocas y muy llenos de tricomas! 😍💥 Día 77 (05/01) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - On going OG Kush Auto - Empieza la senescencia en las hojas de abanico, acelerada por la deficiencia de CalMag... que ha tenido. 💦Nutrients by Bio Tabs - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - "GDBT420" 15% DISCOUNT code for the BIOTABS Webshop With 2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - -
Es Fehlen noch paar Wochen zwischen drine wenn ich mal dazu komme wird es noch aktualisiert. Leider ist mein 80x80 zelt deutlich zu klein. die Linke Pflanze 94cm wurde absichtlich um 0.2 mS überdüngt und ist doppelt so groß wie die Rechte.
Es Fehlen noch paar Wochen zwischen drine wenn ich mal dazu komme wird es noch aktualisiert. Leider ist mein 80x80 zelt deutlich zu klein. die Linke Pflanze 94cm wurde absichtlich um 0.2 mS überdüngt und ist doppelt so groß wie die Rechte.
She has a sweet, berry, fruity aroma. Smells great, and is loaded in trichromes. I did not get a purple color morph, but that is okay. She grew great in the small potter, and there was no major issues during the grow. Thank you again ILGM, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️ Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Do-Si-dos auto has grew well. She has a strong fruity, citrus aroma. Smells really good. The colas didn't get super big, but looked to be very frosty and dense. This is my first time trying this famous strain. It looks like it will be really good. I never had any huge issues during the grow. I also didn't juice her with nutes like I normally do to others in flowering. I am curious to test the results once I get her processed. Thank you Zamnesia seeds, Athena, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️ Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Topped on day 15...Day 20 looking very good.
She has a sweet cookies and pine smell. Very frosty and should be a very calming smoke. I didn't have any major issues during the grow. Thank you Zamnesia seeds, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱❄️ Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
habe an Tag 40 das Licht von 18/6 auf 12 um gestellt und dann angefangen NoVamax Grow und Novamax Bloom nach dem Düngeschema dosiert. Wasser wechsel alle 1-2 Wochen EC und PH wert jeden Tag gemessen und angepasst.( Düngeschema)
habe an Tag 40 das Licht von 18/6 auf 12 um gestellt und dann angefangen NoVamax Grow und Novamax Bloom nach dem Düngeschema dosiert. Wasser wechsel alle 1-2 Wochen EC und PH wert jeden Tag gemessen und angepasst.( Düngeschema)
Its been smooth sailing the last week, little to do but admire progress. I kept feeding the full 3.0 EC from start of flower to today, no signs of too much nutrients nor of too less. I wonder why, either the Athena Pro line is excellently fine tuned to what the plants need and nothing is left to really build up, or I am missing something big...expected some sort of problems at least, but I wont complain also...maybe its the silence before the storm and I am compromising what I would call formidable chances on a high grade yield😅 Ill keep this updated if something big happens or I find too much free time laying around.
Its been smooth sailing the last week, little to do but admire progress. I kept feeding the full 3.0 EC from start of flower to today, no signs of too much nutrients nor of too less. I wonder why, either the Athena Pro line is excellently fine tuned to what the plants need and nothing is left to really build up, or I am missing something big...expected some sort of problems at least, but I wont complain also...maybe its the silence before the storm and I am compromising what I would call formidable chances on a high grade yield😅 Ill keep this updated if something big happens or I find too much free time laying around.
Its been smooth sailing the last week, little to do but admire progress. I kept feeding the full 3.0 EC from start of flower to today, no signs of too much nutrients nor of too less. I wonder why, either the Athena Pro line is excellently fine tuned to what the plants need and nothing is left to really build up, or I am missing something big...expected some sort of problems at least, but I wont complain also...maybe its the silence before the storm and I am compromising what I would call formidable chances on a high grade yield😅 Ill keep this updated if something big happens or I find too much free time laying around.
My 3 week estimate last week might be a little long. Thinking 1 more week maybe. It's going cloudy pretty quick. We'll see how the week goes. Tried to clean up a little more between branches today but the canopy is pretty ridiculous for only 3 plants(really two and a half since #2 got a little stunted from the early root rot). I really should have been more aggressive skirting out the lesser undergrowth. I left it because it managed to stretch to canopy level but it's really choked up some areas. Buds are basically laying on one another when you get deeper in. Gonna be plenty of fluff for extracts.
Day 21 She took a little longer adjusting to the auto-pots bottom feeding but shes starting to come along. Turned the auto-pots + air-domes on to get water and oxygen directly to the roots 3 days ago. Feeding Cropsalt at 5.8ph, really enjoying it atm just look at their colour😍