Day 15 - Watered again today. Plant grew quite a decent amount and the stem has finally begun to thicken. Will need a bigger humidifier for sure, and then one that can automatically keep humidity at a certain %
Day 16 - Growth is definitely starting to take off. Stem is finally getting thick enough to where LST seemed to be a good idea to start. Smell is getting stronger, but still can only be sensed when holding the plant to your face. Will probably need to plant into the final container in a week. Going to also add another light (105 W) by the end of the week.
Day 18 - Watered, got new humidifier. Just using that for now in the whole room, since it gets too dry in here anyways with the heating.
Day 19 - Transplanted to what should be the final container today. Was a good time to transplant too, the roots were beginning to bunch up at the bottom of the previous container. Using Atami Bio-Growmix as the soil now. Accidentally damaged one leaf during the transplant. Stopped with LST for today to let the plant recover a bit from the transplant. Then will resume it tomorrow. Might be trying out SCROG...but first will read more about it. Also thinking of FIMing soon...but also going to read a little more and let the plant recover more from the transplant first.
Have another lamp now, the 105W. However, didn't realize that it has a low kelvin value. So getting a couple of new higher kelvin lamps soon. Will just use the 105W in combination with a 125W during flowering.
Smell is increasing, but not noticeable outside the tent.
Day 20 - FIMmed today. Not sure if it was a great idea, the part taken off seemed to have possible beginnings of flowers inside. Not certain though, so yeah...will see what happens 😅. The third set of fan leaves turns out to be 7 leafed, so she went straight from 3 leafed for the second set to the 7 leafed. Is that a good thing...?
Also resumed LST.
Day 21 - Seems like the plant might be recovering from the FIMing. Temperatures got way too low last night though, at 60 degrees. Since two 125W lamps (5500K) are being used now, the temperatures are getting a bit warmer, from 78 to 80 degrees. So it's important that the night temperatures don't get that low again. Was thinking of eventually doing three 125W lamps with the 105W for blooming phase, but that will probably be too warm even with an extraction fan (the 105W, being older, produces more heat than the 125W). Not yet sure what will end up being done for the blooming phase lighting.
Tomorrow is week will probably start appearing soon by the end of the week. Hope it's been able to fully recover from FIMing by then.