Week 1 and the first round of testing for this recent new cross. The F1 generation of Northern Spice. Germination was a full 100% with varying degrees of development across 3 days in the towel. Oddly however, about half of the beans cracked the shell head first with their cotelydons. Stability is always suspect with F1s anyway, but this kind of sampling, this early is concerning somewhat. We’ll see where it goes.
On another topic, we also made some big changes to the grow method this cycle. We’ve moved over to a grow system by the bucket company. Fairly similar to the Dutch bucket design, just without the small reservoir in each bucket that acts as an additional insurance policy. So far, she’s purr’n like a kitten👌.
Strain details
She’s a mix of a particularly strong Northern Lights, mixed with a Spicy Bitch sativa hybrid. The hope is that we’ll be able to combine the overtly narcotic effects in the NL and mellow it out somewhat with the quality daytime sativa effects found in the SB.
Both strains feature numerous grower qualities. Both parents possessed vigour and resiliency, the SB particularly colourful in late flower.