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In small barrels there is good wine, says a classic proverb from my home country and our two Do si Dos naturally branded Zamnesia seem to fit this proverb perfectly. Small and beautiful like two very beautiful girls, it often happens I have a weakness for short and pretty girls. The smallest one was worked with a topping to create a mainfold and then main lining. Being a plant with a low internodal distance it ended up becoming a kind of bonsai which to tell the truth we don't mind at all very cute and effective. The worked plant left growing straight is practically ready and. we are flushing it with industrial quantities of water because it arrived a bit loaded at the end. The shape is very very beautiful like the structure of this plant for real. We are still using soil, fertilizers and all the additives recommended by Plagron 100% organic on one and the other Canna Flush. ---- Decide on the right soil and calculate your fertilization program based on the soil on the official website. -- Try a seed of this strain that drives us crazy.. ---- Zamnesia Description // From the team at Zamnesia Seeds comes Do-Si-Dos F1 Automatic. Using consistent and reliable F1 genetics, this strain is not only incredibly easy to grow, but also offers potent and delicious buds. The plants remain small and offer a reliable growing experience that everyone will appreciate. All the best that mother nature has to offer is at ----
9/3 Day 50 of the grow I cannot complain at all,reduced the nuet list to what they are getting from here out 9/5 Everybody always takes pics of their plants at their best thought it might help to see otherwise, well here they are at their worst. Dried out intentionally as part of last stage of flower, like to get them conditioned for drying. Five minutes later all happy again after the water. Fed Bio-Grow/Bio-Bloom/Karo syrup as a boost to bio 9/7 Re-adding Big Bloom (Fox Farms) to nuet mix, plants seem to be missing it and I agree. Once a week at 3 tps/gal 9/8 Fed each .75 gal full nuets Moved Becky and Ceila towards edges to lower light to them. Seem very sensitive to it but the other two are just soaking it up so moving them into the center. Pics later at lights out. Greatly preferring the dark leaf pheno (Anna and Deb) over the light leaf (Becky and Ceila), Have two of each and the first grow was also dark leaf. Plants are more compact, drink a little less, easier to maintain, and I think will end up producing at least as much as the larger sativa leaning plants. Some defoliation on all Changing nuet list add Fox Farm Happy Frog Cavern Culture 1-12-0 for the P think thats the nuet hole, three tablespoons top dressed one time application... for now. See how it goes
So here we are, day 72 september 8th. RIP first grow, I shoulda had a dehumidifier guys.... The 3 other plants are transpiring wayyyy too much and I didn't realize how much of a humidity problem it would cause. Low and behold, it ruined my girl. I believe only the main cola is affected. Can I chop her top off and continue on till the rest of her buds ripen? What can I do ?? Please help I fucked up, this really sucks ass.... EDIT EDIT: ITS NOT ROT YAY! IT'S SPIDER MITES I BELIEVE! I saw a little red bug and i was like OH SHIT. Turns out they can leave little webs in your buds. Any recommendations on how to treat this ? EDIT 9/10: Okay, after not wanting to believe it was mold.... it was mold. lol. I removed the top part of the main cola that was in the early stages of bud rot (botrytis) I have never seen the inside of a developing bud like this. I wasn't really sure exactly what I was looking at lol. So I probably removed more than I had to and some parts probably could have been salvaged but fuck that I just got rid of all of it. Cleaned the tent with lysol disinfecting wipes and got a cheap dehumidifier. I am almost 100 percent sure I am gonna have to buy a 150-200$ dehu in the near future..... i hope not tho. ALSO, changed light schedule back to 20/4. 10 AM off, 2 PM on. Hopefully this will help with some cooler temps during the day. :) and @Philindicus recommended I switch it, I am gonna take his advice this time after he warned me of mold issues xDDD Sept 11th Day 75 - Got a 50 pint GE dehu setup today, big boy moves. Plants are thriving now, 55% RH controlled and ooooo its so nice! Feels good to regain control over the grow again xD. Will post some nice pics tomorrow :) Sept 12th day 76 - sorry no pics again today, just been super busy :p Plants are still thriving, currently 50% rh in the tent and 74.5f degrees :) TEXTBOOK! Catch y'all tomorrow ;)
The spring is coming. The T is 19 C max 15 C min. This winter was dificult this year because she grow up to slowly. I hope bog buds.
looks pretty good, fertilizer is only once a week. Appear something sensitive to me
9/2 -Cream Cookies Trichomes at 90% Clear, 10% Cloudy, 0% Amber. Im a lover of a good heavy indica and usually allow the plant to mature until it reaches 0% Clear, 90% Cloudy, 10% Amber. -Cheese is towering some main cola sites with thick flower development. Going to develop into massive colas. (Cheese has historically taken 2 weeks longer than other plants to mature and is around 2 weeks behind cream cookies. There is still a possibility she explodes with flowering growth in the coming week.) -Lowering dose of nutrients to 12 mL/gal until harvest. 9/3 -Cream Cookies is beginning to change color and dump its fan leaves. Going to allow the plant to do its thing. Don't want to cut the leaves early as the plant is most likely using those fan leaves as a source for mobile nutrients for the rest of the plant. Going to let nature keep its "nutrient batteries" if you will. The plant built up its healthy leaves only to use them later when it doesn't need them anymore. I love nature and the cycle of plant life. Just mesmerizing. 9/4 -Rotated the plants so I could get a better vantage point for cheese and holy shit. Cheese has grown so thick that a major major defoliation was needed just to expose slightly under the canopy to some light. The plant is also growing absolutely huge colas. HUGE. like 8-10 inch colas with flowering buds thickly covering the stem. On these colas you can't even see stem. Im so excited what a pleasant surprise -Cream cookies is beginning to change colors indicating its entering the final stages of flower and is on par to be harvested right at the beginning of week 13. 9/6 -Rigorous defoliation done on both Cheese and Cream Cookies. -Beatiful aromas are dominating my dwelling. Gotta love the natural dankness smell. Ahh home sweet home. Anyway both plants are developing extremely well. -Cheese is towering and developing later kind of, weird growth pattern but if it produces dank thick colas ill be very happy. Cheese is definitely going to stay flowering longer than her sister cream cookies who I'm going to flush next week and harvest in 7 days! Very excited. -Cream Cookies buds are developing very nicely. Accidentaly forgot to raise the lamp 2 inches and as a result the plant got a little stressed and one of the buds got a little light burn on its baby fan leaves but no actual bud damage. Going to leave the leaves on until they begin to become an issue.
I keep finding these little green caterpillars eating leaves 😑 Thankfully I also keep finding praying mantis. I really hope the Sensibloom with PH perfect fixes my soils high PH of 7.2.
Day 14 - Clay balls arrived, all looks good.... 😎 **the rust and damage on the first leaves is nothing to worry about, the ice cream container water level dropped below the root level, fixed it, but was cool to learn how fast hyrdo dmg can occur.... 👍 Day 17 - Lookin good... vid.... 👍😎👊
6.9 3rd veg week got done and all is good. Girls are healthy and growing well. Strawberry Lemonade's looks almost identical to each other.. nice. I started adding some Bio Grow after spotting some nute defs. But otherwise not much to report. I have tried to keep these girls 4-6h darkness. To give them some rest. Next weeks update girls are in well cleaned tent thanks to my lovely human 😂 girl 😍 Ok stay high till next week!! 👽
3rd veg week was done 6.9 and steady healthy grow. Later germinated The New seems to get along just fine. Meaning no big size difference 👌 Germinated in water glass 36h and nice tail then straight to soil and about 50h after putting that seed to water glass it broke soil. Nice 👌 Little sings of nutriens defs but I won't worry about that. It'll fix when they get in their final homes after couple days. Next weeks they in cleaned tent and in bigger pots 🙏 That's all folks!! Stay high, till next week! Happy growing!'' "Fuck the humbe laws, I rather have a violent win"" -Ras Kass -
My first time making alcohol tintcure Using the c1 , Hold on tight gonna be a trip
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** If you like this week, please hit a like, it costs you nothing! 👊. Thanks in advance 😉! From/Desde: 02/09/19 || To/Hasta: 08/09/19 From day/Desde día: 42 || To day/Hasta día: 48 -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- P1 Vs P17 : This week she started to grow at a higher speed, on Tuesday she was at about 20 cm tall in the lower parts and about 24 cm both central colas. ON Sunday, lower parts are about 26~27 cm tall while the central colas reached to ±32 cm. P2 Vs P18: Last week I started using Rhino Skin, trying to help her with the fattening and strength of the main branches. The difference is not too high watching at the images, but they're fattening in a cool way. I think it's time to place some lower support for the branches to help them with the weight, as i've seen many diaries on where the central branch of the plant was totally broken by the middle due to the weight of the top branches, and i really don't want to see that happening on my AliceK... "Rhino Skin" PERSONAL CONCLUSION: I think that Rhino Skin is helping, as in my last Gorilla diary i didn't used it along growing stage, and with the AliceK. it's branches are fattening much more than Gorilla's & MoneyMaker's did without the RhinoS. support (Pot size is helping also). P8: Loving this distribution!!! -----WEEK SUMMARY----- One week more for loving this beautiful plant. I'm loving the easiness of growing an AliceK, this week she suffered low water times, at almost the end of the week. Till today i was watering once each 120 Hrs ±, but it isn't enough at time for the size of the plant, she's drinking much more water than in previous weeks, so from Day 47 i'm switching to a water cycle of 84 Hrs±. At last temperatures are giving us a breath, again 27~29ºc along day, with a constant fresh breeze that came from the Mediterranean sea (Shore is at about ± 150 m from my home). This is the last week that i'm going to use that GoPro position to record timelapses. From now on i will record from the middle of one of the walls to have a better view. I'm not using the mobile on the AK more as the field of view is too short at the distance i should place the phone, and it didn't cover all the plant. Probably i'm only leaving one or two more growing weeks as i'm expecting about a 130% stretch of the plant along flowering time. -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 02/09/19 (Day 42) - 3,000 ml with all week nutrients -(B-52) & Organic Growth Nutrition only 1ml/l @ 1 E.C. PH5.8 07/09/19 (Day 47) - 4,000 ml with all week nutrients @ 1.2 E.C. PH5.8 *****ESPAÑOL***** Por favor, si te gusta esta semana dale un like, no te cuesta nada 👊. ¡Gracias por adelantado 😉! -----IMÁGENES & VÍDEOS----- P1 Vs P17 : Esta semana ya está creciendo a más velocidad, el martes medía unos 20 cm es sus partes bajas y unos 24 en las colas centrales (no son las más grandes, pero sí las más altas). El domingo las partes bajas ya estaban a unos 26~27 cm y las centrales ya habían llegado a ±32 cm. P2 Vs P18: La semana pasada empecé a usar Rhino Skin, intentado ayudarla a que engorde y refuerce las ramas principales. La diferencia no es demasiado visible en las imágenes, pero están engordando muy bien. Creo que ya va siendo hora de poner soportes inferiores en las ramas para ayudarlas más adelante con su peso. He visto ya unos cuantos diarios en los que la rama central se parte por la mitad debido al peso de las ramas horizontales, bajo ningún concepto quiero que eso le pase a mi AliceK... CONCLUSIÓN PERSONAL sobre Rhino Skin: Creo que Rhino Skin está ayudando, si comparo el engorde de estas ramas con el de las de mi último diario de Gorilas, en el cual no usé Rhino Skin durante la etapa de crecimiento, puedo comprobar con certeza como las ramas de AliceK están engordando más que lo que lo hicieron las ramas de las Gorilas y las Money Maker sin la ayuda de Rhino Skin (el tamaño del tiesto seguro que también está ayudando a esto) P8: ¡¡¡Me encanta esta distribución!!! -----SUMARIO SEMANAL----- Una semana más de amor para esta preciosa planta, estoy fascinado con la sencillez de llevar a AliceK, esta semana ha sufrido un par de días de sequía como se puede apreciar casi al final del vídeo semanal. Hasta hoy he venido regando una vez cada 120 horas, pero esto ya no es suficiente para el tamaño de la planta, bebe mucho más que las semanas anteriores. A partir del último riego de esta semana voy a cambiar a un ciclo de riego de 84 hrs. Por fin las temperaturas nos dan un respiro, de nuevo 27~29º durante el día con una brisa fresca y constante de la costa. Esta semana será la última que use esa posición de la GoPro para grabar los videos semanales. A partir de ahora la colocaré en el centro de una de las paredes del armario para tener una visión mejor. Ya no estoy usando el iPhone en la AK pues el campo de visión es muy estrecho para la distancia la que debo colocar el móvil de la planta. Probablemente sólo deje una o dos semanas más de crecimiento, pues espero un estiramiento de alrededor del 130% de la planta durante la floración. -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 02/09/19 (Day 42) - 3.000 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales -(B-52) y Organic Growth Nutrition a 1ml/l @ 1 E.C. PH5.8 07/09/19 (Day 47) - 4.000 ml con todos los nutrientes semanales @ 1.2 E.C. PH5.8
Very hard to control temperature and humidity in tent. It’s a small 70x70x160cm on the balcony so it’s prone to fluctuations to outdoor conditions Light increases temp in tent by 4-5 degrees C I started a half dose of AN Micro (15 drops in a litre)
Started LST this week! They are extremely soft to bend Humidity fluctuating a lot especially on rainy days it gets up to 70% RH and as low as 40 in the mornings
la troisième semaine c'est relativement bien passé aucune carence et croissance vigoureuse j'ai commencé le palissage très tôt pour voir si c'est plus efficace quand la plante est jeune
I think it was just one of those things with this plant. It maybe could have benefited with a different positioning below the light. The smell is good very strong blueberry/floral hum. I’m guessing the taste is quite similar, I’ll come back to this when it’s been tried.😬 The hash is a great smoke, a good flavour smell and a very heavy stone. I was suffering from quite a bad toothache after smoking this sleeping wasn’t a problem, the pain was controlled very well by it.✌️
Fotos del termino de la 4ta semana de crecimiento, La ampolleta ya es HPS ya que damos comienzo a la 5ta semana la cual es la 1era de floración. Riego foliar con 2 [mL] de big one y 0,5 [mL] de Barrier en un Litro de agua para estimular y dar comienzo de mejor forma la floración.
First week of flowering ! Amnesia is being a classic sativa and stretching like a bitch already. Hopefully I can keep an even canopy I only have 6-9 weeks of flowering until it’s too cold in Toronto on the balcony. I can go until end of September I feed every nutes every 2 or 3rd day
First week of flowering ! Amnesia is being a classic sativa and stretching like a bitch already. Hopefully I can keep an even canopy I only have 6-9 weeks of flowering until it’s too cold in Toronto on the balcony. I can go until end of September I feed every nutes every 2 or 3rd day