The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
1.english version 2. german version 1: Strain: RS11 (Original US-Cut from Doja) Setup: System: NFT hydro system Nutrients: Metrop (First vegi using this nutrient line) Medium: Hydro (Nutrient solution) About Me: I am approximately 40 years old and have over 20 years of experience in cannabis cultivation. During this time, I have gained extensive knowledge across all media and systems. This grow report provides insight into my current cultivation and my experiences with new methods and products. Starting Point: This grow report documents my first cultivation of the RS11 strain, an original US cut from Doja, which I am growing in Germany. It is also my first vegi using Metrop nutrients, so I initially approached nutrient dosing with caution. Initial Challenges: During the first two weeks, I struggled with slight underfeeding due to the strain's high nutrient demand. Since I was unfamiliar with the Metrop nutrient line, I increased the dosage gradually to avoid overfeeding. I am currently at an EC value of 4.5 – a level where the plant is now optimally supplied. Current Status: Since finding the optimal nutrient level, the plant has shown extremely rapid growth. I plan to switch to the flowering phase in about a week. Updates and Media: Photos and videos from the first weeks are already available on my Instagram profile. A detailed time-lapse in full quality is available on my YouTube channel, where previous grows are also documented. From now on, I will regularly share updates on this grow here on GrowDiaries. I am looking forward to engaging with the community and am excited to see how the strain develops during the flowering phase! German: Strain: RS11 (Original US-Cut von Doja) Setup: System: NFT-Hydrosystem Dünger: Metrop (Erste Vegi mit diesem Dünger) Medium: Hydro (Nährlösung) Über mich: Ich bin ca. 40 Jahre alt und habe über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Anbau von Cannabis. In dieser Zeit habe ich umfassende Kenntnisse auf allen Medien und Systemen gesammelt. Dieser Growreport bietet einen Einblick in meinen aktuellen Anbau und meine Erfahrungen mit neuen Methoden und Produkten. Ausgangslage: Dieser Growreport dokumentiert meinen ersten Grow mit dem Strain RS11, einem originalen US-Cut von Doja, den ich in Deutschland anbaue. Es ist zugleich meine erste Vegi mit Metrop-Dünger, wodurch ich zu Beginn vorsichtig an die Düngerzugabe herangegangen bin. Anfangsprobleme: In den ersten zwei Wochen hatte ich aufgrund des hohen Nährstoffbedarfs des Strains mit einer leichten Unterdüngung zu kämpfen. Da ich den Metrop-Dünger noch nicht genau kannte, habe ich die Dosierung langsam erhöht, um eine Überdüngung zu vermeiden. Aktuell bin ich bei einem EC-Wert von 4,5 angelangt – ein Wert, bei dem die Pflanze nun optimal versorgt wird. Aktueller Stand: Seitdem ich die optimale Düngermenge gefunden habe, zeigt die Pflanze ein extrem schnelles Wachstum. In etwa einer Woche plane ich den Wechsel in die Blütephase. Updates und Medien: Bilder und Videos aus den ersten Wochen findet ihr bereits auf meinem Instagram-Profil. Eine detaillierte Timelapse in voller Qualität ist auf meinem YouTube-Kanal verfügbar, wo auch vorherige Grows dokumentiert sind. Ab sofort werde ich hier auf GrowDiaries regelmäßig Updates zu diesem Grow teilen. Ich freue mich auf den Austausch und bin gespannt, wie sich der Strain in der Blüte entwickeln wird!
☆♡ Gorilla Cookies: I've noticed a leaf fell off the bottom. I think I may've overdone the nutes. She's growing tremendously. I top dressed with the below, as the rest of my plants. I will only use PH'd water for the next several waterings, probably with Biosys or seaweed. ♡☆ 16.2.25: I decided to check out the lower canopies of all plants to see if I need to get rid of any foliage. I did get rid of a few small branches and leaves. However, whilst I was doing this, I saw more garden pegs from my LST remaining. There were about 6 or more in Pink Mist alone. Additionally, on Watermelon, there were some left in, too. I'm so annoyed to see that because the plants are really stretching, and I could've potentially disrupted this by leaving the pegs in for all this time without realising it. 🤞 that I haven't compromised things too much. We'll see. I watered today with 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3 containing the following nutrients; ♡ .8g Green Leaf Nutrients PK booster ♡ .5g Ecothrive Biosys I ordered quite a few things for the garden. I got Greenleaf Nutrients Sea K(elp) and Mega Crop Parts A+B. To go with their PK Booster I got last month. I'm excited to try it all together. Next run, maybe just using these. We'll see how it goes. 18.2.25: The plants are going crazy for water! Everything is getting used right up so fast! Today, I decided to add some more Black Strap Molasses to add some carbs and other micronutrients. I'll add the jar with the label in the photos section above. I watered a very small amount to each plant. What I put in: ♡ Black strap molasses 150g ♡ 2g Sea K(elp) Greenleaf nutrients. I dissolved everything in 4ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. 19.2.25: I received the majority of the garden purchases that I made. I'm still waiting for the Ecothrive Life Cycle. I wanted to top dress, but it's been delayed unfortunately. I am using my Greenleaf nutrients products which I bought on Amazon. I got the Mega Crop 2 part system Part A and Part B. I have the Sea K(elp), and the bud explosion PK booster. I really wanted to get some of their sweet candy asking read many positive reviews. Unfortunately, for me, this is unavailable to buy currently. So that's a little disappointing. I needed to do a good watering so when my nutes were delivered today, I got excited 🤗 I watered 2ltrs of dechlorinated water per plant, PH'd to 6.4, containing the following nutrients: ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part A ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part B ♡ .5g Sea K(elp). The plants drank this up within a few hours. I'm going to try and hold off on watering in hopes that my Ecothrive Life Cycle will arrive so I can top dress and water it in then. 20.2.25: My Ecothrive Life Cycle arrived yesterday, and the plants are ready for their top dress and a good watering in. I have some Biobizz Light Mix, Canna Coco,and perlite. I'm going to use this as a base to mix my amendments in. I'm going to fill my 5 gallon bucket with about 4.5 gallons of my top dress mix. I will distribute this across 6, 4-5 gallon pots. Then I will water in well with Greenleaf nutrients Mega Crop Parts A+B and Sea K(elp). I've made a crude attempt to video mixing my top dress. Don't listen to the audio. lol, my YouTube didn't stop playing whilst I recorded this 😂 So anyway, I added the following amendments to the above base mix of 4.5 gallons; ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Life Cycle ♡ 3 TBSP Vitalink Bat Guano ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Charge ♡ 1 TBSP RHS Mycorrhizal Fungi granules ♡ 6 TBSP Ground Cinnamon.
Saudações Vamos começar nossa planta de concurso. Tenho tido muito pouco tempo, mas estamos pronto para fazer umas plantas, modo foguete. Dar a elas 4 semanas e por em flor.
☆♡ Gorilla Cookies: I've noticed a leaf fell off the bottom. I think I may've overdone the nutes. She's growing tremendously. I top dressed with the below, as the rest of my plants. I will only use PH'd water for the next several waterings, probably with Biosys or seaweed. ♡☆ 16.2.25: I decided to check out the lower canopies of all plants to see if I need to get rid of any foliage. I did get rid of a few small branches and leaves. However, whilst I was doing this, I saw more garden pegs from my LST remaining. There were about 6 or more in Pink Mist alone. Additionally, on Watermelon, there were some left in, too. I'm so annoyed to see that because the plants are really stretching, and I could've potentially disrupted this by leaving the pegs in for all this time without realising it. 🤞 that I haven't compromised things too much. We'll see. I watered today with 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3 containing the following nutrients; ♡ .8g Green Leaf Nutrients PK booster ♡ .5g Ecothrive Biosys I ordered quite a few things for the garden. I got Greenleaf Nutrients Sea K(elp) and Mega Crop Parts A+B. To go with their PK Booster I got last month. I'm excited to try it all together. Next run, maybe just using these. We'll see how it goes. 18.2.25: The plants are going crazy for water! Everything is getting used right up so fast! Today, I decided to add some more Black Strap Molasses to add some carbs and other micronutrients. I'll add the jar with the label in the photos section above. I watered a very small amount to each plant. What I put in: ♡ Black strap molasses 150g ♡ 2g Sea K(elp) Greenleaf nutrients. I dissolved everything in 4ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. 19.2.25: I received the majority of the garden purchases that I made. I'm still waiting for the Ecothrive Life Cycle. I wanted to top dress, but it's been delayed unfortunately. I am using my Greenleaf nutrients products which I bought on Amazon. I got the Mega Crop 2 part system Part A and Part B. I have the Sea K(elp), and the bud explosion PK booster. I really wanted to get some of their sweet candy asking read many positive reviews. Unfortunately, for me, this is unavailable to buy currently. So that's a little disappointing. I needed to do a good watering so when my nutes were delivered today, I got excited 🤗 I watered 2ltrs of dechlorinated water per plant, PH'd to 6.4, containing the following nutrients: ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part A ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part B ♡ .5g Sea K(elp). The plants drank this up within a few hours. I'm going to try and hold off on watering in hopes that my Ecothrive Life Cycle will arrive so I can top dress and water it in then. 20.2.25: My Ecothrive Life Cycle arrived yesterday, and the plants are ready for their top dress and a good watering in. I have some Biobizz Light Mix, Canna Coco,and perlite. I'm going to use this as a base to mix my amendments in. I'm going to fill my 5 gallon bucket with about 4.5 gallons of my top dress mix. I will distribute this across 6, 4-5 gallon pots. Then I will water in well with Greenleaf nutrients Mega Crop Parts A+B and Sea K(elp). I've made a crude attempt to video mixing my top dress. Don't listen to the audio. lol, my YouTube didn't stop playing whilst I recorded this 😂 So anyway, I added the following amendments to the above base mix of 4.5 gallons; ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Life Cycle ♡ 3 TBSP Vitalink Bat Guano ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Charge ♡ 1 TBSP RHS Mycorrhizal Fungi granules ♡ 6 TBSP Ground Cinnamon.
☆♡ Gorilla Cookies: I've noticed a leaf fell off the bottom. I think I may've overdone the nutes. She's growing tremendously. I top dressed with the below, as the rest of my plants. I will only use PH'd water for the next several waterings, probably with Biosys or seaweed. ♡☆ 16.2.25: I decided to check out the lower canopies of all plants to see if I need to get rid of any foliage. I did get rid of a few small branches and leaves. However, whilst I was doing this, I saw more garden pegs from my LST remaining. There were about 6 or more in Pink Mist alone. Additionally, on Watermelon, there were some left in, too. I'm so annoyed to see that because the plants are really stretching, and I could've potentially disrupted this by leaving the pegs in for all this time without realising it. 🤞 that I haven't compromised things too much. We'll see. I watered today with 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3 containing the following nutrients; ♡ .8g Green Leaf Nutrients PK booster ♡ .5g Ecothrive Biosys I ordered quite a few things for the garden. I got Greenleaf Nutrients Sea K(elp) and Mega Crop Parts A+B. To go with their PK Booster I got last month. I'm excited to try it all together. Next run, maybe just using these. We'll see how it goes. 18.2.25: The plants are going crazy for water! Everything is getting used right up so fast! Today, I decided to add some more Black Strap Molasses to add some carbs and other micronutrients. I'll add the jar with the label in the photos section above. I watered a very small amount to each plant. What I put in: ♡ Black strap molasses 150g ♡ 2g Sea K(elp) Greenleaf nutrients. I dissolved everything in 4ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. 19.2.25: I received the majority of the garden purchases that I made. I'm still waiting for the Ecothrive Life Cycle. I wanted to top dress, but it's been delayed unfortunately. I am using my Greenleaf nutrients products which I bought on Amazon. I got the Mega Crop 2 part system Part A and Part B. I have the Sea K(elp), and the bud explosion PK booster. I really wanted to get some of their sweet candy asking read many positive reviews. Unfortunately, for me, this is unavailable to buy currently. So that's a little disappointing. I needed to do a good watering so when my nutes were delivered today, I got excited 🤗 I watered 2ltrs of dechlorinated water per plant, PH'd to 6.4, containing the following nutrients: ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part A ♡ 1g Mega Crop Part B ♡ .5g Sea K(elp). The plants drank this up within a few hours. I'm going to try and hold off on watering in hopes that my Ecothrive Life Cycle will arrive so I can top dress and water it in then. 20.2.25: My Ecothrive Life Cycle arrived yesterday, and the plants are ready for their top dress and a good watering in. I have some Biobizz Light Mix, Canna Coco,and perlite. I'm going to use this as a base to mix my amendments in. I'm going to fill my 5 gallon bucket with about 4.5 gallons of my top dress mix. I will distribute this across 6, 4-5 gallon pots. Then I will water in well with Greenleaf nutrients Mega Crop Parts A+B and Sea K(elp). I've made a crude attempt to video mixing my top dress. Don't listen to the audio. lol, my YouTube didn't stop playing whilst I recorded this 😂 So anyway, I added the following amendments to the above base mix of 4.5 gallons; ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Life Cycle ♡ 3 TBSP Vitalink Bat Guano ♡ 3 TBSP Ecothrive Charge ♡ 1 TBSP RHS Mycorrhizal Fungi granules ♡ 6 TBSP Ground Cinnamon.
Eternity Grow Cup - Week 7 Veg Report Another week down, and what a week it has been! Our Runtz ladies are thriving, pushing forward in their vegetative stage with strength, beauty, and some seriously impressive root development. This week, we officially transplanted them into the Autopots, and let me tell you—the roots are stunning. Root Health & Mycorrhizal Magic The mycorrhizal fungi have been doing their thing, and it's truly a sight to see. When transplanting, I could clearly see how beautifully the roots had colonized the medium, forming a healthy, snow-white network that fully surrounded the pot. The Aptus Holland Mycormix is once again proving itself as an absolute game-changer in root development. Strong, well-established roots mean better nutrient uptake, stronger resistance to stress, and overall improved plant health. If you’re serious about growing, this is something you don’t want to overlook. Aesthetic Update – Pink Vibes! Yes, I know, I know—the pink background is still here, and I’m absolutely loving it! It’s giving the photos that extra pop, bringing out the vibrancy of the plants, and making every shot feel unique. Hope you all are enjoying these visuals as much as I am! New Home - TrolMaster Ecosystem This week also marked another major move—the plants officially transitioned into the TrolMaster Ecosystem. And guess what? They are absolutely loving it! With optimized climate control, precision automation, and a perfectly dialed-in environment, these plants are thriving under their new conditions. Current Environmental Conditions: Room Temperature: ~20°C Relative Humidity: ~67% CO2 Levels: ~1400 ppm Light Intensity (PPFD): ~300 A balanced combination of temperature, humidity, CO2, and light intensity ensures that the plants continue to grow at their full potential. The high CO2 levels combined with the moderate PPFD allow the plants to photosynthesize efficiently, maximizing growth while keeping stress minimal. Nutrient & Watering Program Right now, I’m sticking with the Aptus Holland Clean Program, which consists of: Regulator System Clean RO Water Conditioner All-in-One Liquid The water parameters are as follows: EC: 0.55 pH: 5.86 Water Temperature: 15°C (a bit cold, but still manageable) Ensuring clean, well-balanced water with optimal nutrient availability is essential for healthy root development and vigorous vegetative growth. With this setup, they are getting everything they need to flourish! Shoutouts & Thank Yous! Huge shoutout and thank you to all the amazing sponsors who help make this grow possible: Aptus Holland – Premium plant nutrition TrolMaster – Intelligent environmental control Cannakan – Precision germination & planting tools Grove Bags – Advanced curing & storage solutions Ziggi Papers – Innovation in rolling technology And of course, a massive thank you to Zamnesia, Plagron, and GrowDiaries for putting together this incredible Eternity Grow Cup! Final Thoughts Week 7 has been phenomenal—our girls are thriving, adapting beautifully to their new environment, and setting the stage for what’s to come. The next phase is going to be exciting, and I can’t wait to share every step of the journey with you all! A big thank you to the community—whether you’re watching, supporting, learning, or even just stopping by out of curiosity. Lovers or haters, you all have a place in my heart! Stay tuned for the next update and don’t forget to check out the exclusive content on Instagram and YouTube—let’s grow together! Until next week—happy growing, and good luck to all competitors! 🌱🔥 Genetics - Runtz Nutrients - Plagron - Aptus Holland Controls - Trol MAster LED - LED - Soil - Germination - Cannakan DOGDOCTOR 15% off Smoking Papers - Terpene saver - As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciloved and i fell honored with you all in my life With true love comes happiness Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so As always, this is shared for educational purposes, aiming to spread understanding and appreciation for this plant. The journey with nature is one of discovery, creativity, and respect. Let’s celebrate it responsibly and continue to learn and grow together! Growers Love To you All 💚 #EternityGrowCup #RuntzHunt #GrowersLove #CannabisCommunity #AptusHolland #ProMixSoil #TrolMaster #Zamnesia #Plagron #ZiggiPapers #Grovebags Eternity Grow Cup episode 08 uploaded at 720P ,4K will came out on youtube
2 weeks left until harvest ! I was posting journal on homegrown diaries but it’s a ghost town! Now I’m here to finish up journal!
Die siebte Blütewoche beginnt, den Ladies geht's relativ gut und ihre Knospen werden immer verlockender. 💚😍 Die Woche neigt sich dem Ende zu und es gibt nicht viel zu berichten. Der Appetit steigt!
2 weeks left until harvest ! I was posting journal on homegrown diaries but it’s a ghost town! Now I’m here to finish up journal!
Die zweite Blütewoche startet für die Ladies mit Futter in Form von jeweils 5ml Biotabs Bio PK 5-8. Ich starte erstmal mit der halben Dosis und beobachte wie die Pflanzen sich verhalten. Ich habe das Bio PK in weniger Wasser (ca 300ml / 5ml / je Pflanze) als empfohlen gelöst, um die Untersetzer nicht zu fluten. Ich nehme an bei 4 Liter Nährstofflösung pro Topf würden sonst die Wannen überlaufen. Außerdem habe ich wieder einige Blätter entfernt. Einige Blätter haben einen relativ speziellen Charakter. Einige Tage nach dem letzten Blattschnitt habe ich das Netz eingehängt - besser spät als nie. Bei der Gelegenheit habe ich auch wieder einige Blätter entfernt. Um zu schauen was mich eventuell erwarten könnte, habe ich bei meinem Apotheker des Vertrauens ein bisschen GMO zkittlez bestellt. Etwas speziell, gefällt mir aber sehr gut. 🙏🏻💪🏻 Die Ladies haben die zweite Hälfte Bio PK bekommen. Die Lampe läuft auf 150W Leistung.
7ª Settimana di Fioritura 💐 La bella Sweet Amnesia Haze 💚🤩 sta facendo maturare i suoi fiori.. Mi sembra che abbia succhiato un po troppi nutrienti da se stessa, per questo abbiamo deciso di darle un goccio di Green Sensation in aggiunta alla fertilizzazione Ph Perfect di Advanced Nutrients.