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the mother plant and clones complete their cycle, the leaves begin to fade and change color shades, and the buds have gained maximum density. very fragrant sound from the box, the mother plant and clones have different smells and external differences, the clones have smaller inflorescences than the mother, as well as different shades of flowers and leaves.
A little increase nutrients. Now I feed 1 time pH Perfect (Micro, Grow, Bloom) in double amounts, B52, CalMags, Sensizym and bacterias. 2 time Flora(Micro, Grow, Bloom, BigBud )in double amounts, B52, CalMags, Sensizym and bacterias. By the end of the week i ran out of BigBud and Flora Grow. Don't know if need to buy more of it or not. Despite I had lower humidity, it looks like she's still drinking less water. To be honest, it's first time, when i see my plant drink that small at this stage. I defoliated a lot this week, dozens of leaves every day. Although this time, I cut not only big fan leaves, but also small ones in the lower center of a plant. I also cut down some lower buds to lollypop the plant a bit. But since most of the lower buds are still even not developed to the size, when it may be cut down easelly, I think i will continue doing it in the next week. Lightning is also not perfet for the grow. Lamp has enough power to maintain the plant, but it's shape leaves much to be desired, it's too concentrated it the center with very small light at the sides. It allows me understand, that i have mainlained too much, I should've stopped with 4 colas. I was afraid i wouldn't have enough space, but the problem is not with the space, but with lights now. It's funny and weird how the buds are looking now. Some of them are pretty big already, some are just formed. And all of which are located in the top of the plant, they can't even receive equals amount of light even there. Smell is becoming from 'just bud smell' to 'very sweety buds' now. It remind me the smell of Zkittles a lot.
Прошла 6я неделя вегетации, пора переводить девочку на цветение. За все время вегетации пару раз возникали проблемные моменты с питанием, но все было достаточно быстро нейтрализовано, поэтому эта "вдова" к началу цветения выглядит превосходно!!!
Using a Rhaspberry Pi 4 to automate the watering and a TP-link 105 smart plug to automate the Viparspectra P2000 LED grow light. You can see how I automated it here: https://hackaday.io/project/188129-rhaspberry-pi4-basic-watering-system-for-balcony Basically, this is an "Automated Watering how-to Guide for Dummies" - as simple as technically possible. You still require some basic command line expertise, but the steps have been proven and I provide links to the gear I used AND the Node Red code, making this EASIER than anything else I've seen online.
Hi Gromies all is well, just doing her thing, been training through the scrog net. This girl is ready to flower and will be changed over today . Pulling the 600W m/h - HPS out of retirement to flower this girl as I need the l.e.d. for an Auto grow that is just kicking off. Please give me a like & a comment thanks. HI-AZ
Will update after dry and cure - great yield and prob the highest for fast buds for me this year. Nice resinous sticky buds :) 10/10
7/4 SUN was poking out a little bit. Plants loved that little feeding and seen to he noticeable larger this morning. I'm considering starting the nutes. At least the organic ones as well as upping the water intake I've been scared to water with all this rain and my experience last time. I plan on applying BT this afternoon and doing some work on the bottoms of the plants. I also saw a chipmunk in my cage so I have some spots in my fence that need to be patched. I know I can't compare this year to orher years as these are seeds and all the other years were clones. I CAN say for certain that my plants are healthiest they've been out of any of my journals. Previous plants were much larger but I was fighting numerous fungal, pathogens and pests at the sane time. Ear wigs would've lollipopped most buddies by now but I've seen no sign of them. I'm going to apply more poison where they were and add some rat traps inside the cage for the chipmunks. Once I fix the cage I think I'll be good. UPDATE: Went back over and fixed the holes on my cage from high winds. I found an old wire trap or cage and just cut sections and ziptied them to the existing wire and to the structure thus covering any open holes. I'll need to put lathes aroubdvtge outside because if a rodent REALLY wanted in they could get in. My belt had been wearing thin but I use shit until it breaks (yesterday the heal came off my shoe lol) so I was working hard sweating my nuts off and my belt gives out totally. At least ive got the major stuff done. I took a few videos too. I'm imagining it was this little bit of sun that gave these plants that boost of growth but I'm wondering if the added nutes had anything to do with it. Bags weren't light and I could feel moisture in the soil so I didn't water. I'll check again tomorrow morning. Since I didn't see many plants or even leaves for that matter with damage I decided to hold off ob the BT and the plant doctor. Only time will tell if that was the right decision. 7/5 Plants look fantastic. I see a few more holes in leaves sporadically amd I'm hoping it's pillars. I've seen lots of lightning bugs on my camera though and grasshoppers are abundant. Not one growth shoot has been chewed (knock on wood) which is what the earwigs had always done. I watched a video from last year and by nowcthey had lollipopped all lower leaves. It may not be the best weather growing season wise but despite the rh consistently in the 90's I still don't have pm or fungal pathogens. Need to get the BT out. Didn't water as we've had all that rain. I'll water either tonight or tomorrow morning. Sunny high in the 90s low is 66. Tomorrow looks good too. UPDATE WENT BACK OVER AROUND FIVE. IT WAS 88 DEGREES SO I WANTED TO CHECK THE GROW BAGS. THE POTS ARE FINE. IT WAS HUMID AS HELL. ONE PLANT WAS SLIGHTLY DROOPY BUT VERY LIGHT AND DRY. I FOUND TWO OTHERS THAT SEEMED LIGHTER THAN THE REST BUT HADNT DROOPED. I MIXED TWO GALLONS OF WATER WITH 1TSP KANGOROOTS AMD PHED IT CLOSE TO 6. I FED THE 3 PLANTS THAT WERE SUPER DRY LIKE A HALF GALLON AND SPRED THE REST OVER THE OTHER EIGHT PLANTS. THEY WERENT DROOPING BUT THEY WERE VERY DRY. I PLAN ON A FULL WATER TOMORROW. I WOULDVE DONE IT TODAY IF THE TEMPS WERENT SO HIGH. ITS RAINED A MONTH STRAIGHT SO I HAVENT HAD TO WATER. I MADE A COUPLE VIDEOS BUT I'LL HAVE TO UPLOAD TOMORROW. 7/6 Another super hot day. I hefted the pots and they still had some weight but I could tell they were dry. This rain has messed up my watering schedule. Well it made it so I didn't NEED to water. These are big plants now. I need to get a schedule to stick too. They're going to probably need a gallon a piece at least. I'm still nervous watering. Right now I'm just reading the plants. I added .5tsp kelp me/you to 1 gallon of water to help with heat stress. I fed an additional two gallons to the garden this morning including the two container plants in the back. They were dry on top too but I know they have water deeper down. Next watering I'll be more consistent and try to give them there 10%. It's great having the bags elevated. I can finally see when I start getting run off. I could even measure the ph of it instead of relying on that meter. Ill check the ph when I go back over. Still a few 🐛 holes but they are few and far between. I really don't want to spray for such a small problem but if I cant find them at night that's what I'll do. UPDATE: Another 90 degree day. I went back over and gave the garden a gallon of water as they were dry and it didn't rain. Tried to use a soil ph meter to check ph. First couple were 6.4, 6.5 then I got 7.3 and I accidently dropped it. Then I got somethings that were high eights and even one 9! Obviously the Meter shit the bed. I'll lower the ph of the water slightly when I fully water tomorrow and I'm going to measure the runoff. 7/8 I must've messed up the journal again as the dates are off. GAVE PLANTS A FULL WATERING. Each girl got a gallon. I couldn't upload my videos this morning as I had to break up a fight. 3 on 1. Didn't give me a chance to put the videos up. I'll take some stills then I can upload them. I took stills and they all uploaded but didn't fucking save. I'm nit going to keep trying to upload if it's not going to. Noticed a few more holes in leaves and one skeletinized leaf so I need to either spray the bt or something more versatile. I'm putting more poison around the cage and de between the bags. I'll go check things out tonight. Sick of writing a book and uploading to just hace them disappear 7/9 Did a quick video today. Noticed the bags were fairly light despite the plants being soaked amd the pallets wet. I was pressed for time. I gave two gallons to the entire garden. I hope that will hold them over until tomorrow. I'll need to up how much water I give them. Going with a gallon and a half next time. I see more pillar spots and a moth took off when I shook the plants this morning. So I'm gonna have too apply the BT. I figure if I go over before dark tonight I might be able to see aju nocturnal insects around. Luckily my dad feeds the birds and they are always there. I think they help with pests. UPDATE IT WAS A LITTLE COOLER TODAY BUT MICH MORE HUMID. I WENT AROUND SIX TO MAKE SURE THE GIRLS WERE OK WITH WATER AND TO GIVE THEM A TREATMENT OF BT. I WENT THROUGH THE GARDEN ANDCGOUND THREE LEQVES TO DEFOLIATE AND LITERALLY A COUPLE LEAVES ON TWO PLANTS WITH PILLAR HILESM WHEN I ARRIVED TWO BIRDS FLEW OUT. A HORNET CAME IN WHILE I WAS THERE. THIS DO LESS APPROACH SEEMS TO BE REALLY WORKING. I DODNT SEE NEARLT ENOUGH DAMAGE TO WARRANT SPRAY8NG MY EXTREMELY HEALTHY GIROS WITH ANYTHING. ILL KEEP AN EYE ON THEM AND CLEAN THEM UP A BIT. I DO NEED TO INSTALL THE VERY8CAL TRELLIS FOR SUPPORT. THEYRE PRETTY HEALTHY THOUGH. ONE PLANT IS ABOUT AS WIDE AS IT IS TALL. STILL......PLANTS ARE EXPLODING AND ITS GETTING TIGHT IN THERE. I NEED TO GET THE TRELLIS UP THOUGH. 7/10 I went over and was planning to water. Plants were wet and it's raining. Top of the medium was moist but the bags were light. ONE bag was super light but seeing that we are having showers all day and an additional half inch of rain coming tonight so I didn't water them. Especially since they looked great. Decided to to spray BT yet as the damage is so small and i think the birds have been taking care of the pillars for me. Now I'm wondering if I should've gave that ONE plant a little bit of water but it will be find. Did a video. I'm being careful not to over water. Last year this is when all my buddies were devoured by earwigs. And no senescence like the years before. I think it was hust those earwigs. I haven't lost shot for leaves. Even the stalks are bright green and look amazing.
Hi Gromies all is well, just doing her thing, been training through the scrog net. This girl is ready to flower and will be changed over today . Pulling the 600W m/h - HPS out of retirement to flower this girl as I need the l.e.d. for an Auto grow that is just kicking off. Please give me a like & a comment thanks. HI-AZ
Un hobby que demanda mucho tiempo, hago lo que puedo con los horarios, espero disfruten este crecimiento de las hermosas presentes. Primera semana de Floración, espero las raíces dejen de crecer, no tengo contemplado hacer un cambio de macetas 😬 Riego cada 2 días, para ser invierno toman mucha agua 2L. por maceta 6.3 ph.
Un hobby que demanda mucho tiempo, hago lo que puedo con los horarios, espero disfruten este crecimiento de las hermosas presentes. Primera semana de Floración, espero las raíces dejen de crecer, no tengo contemplado hacer un cambio de macetas 😬 Riego cada 2 días, para ser invierno toman mucha agua 2L. por maceta 6.3 ph.
This GSC is a beast of a thing that will love some more room to really spread out once the cherry colas are out . Throwing the K in now , maybe another month to go
Day 15 since seed touched soil. Ducks are very very very slow to develop. Maybe slowest strain i ever grew. Most look nitrogen overfed , dont want to grow at all ... Will be forced to leave them for one more week at home. Other strain goes out this friday . Autumn not far ... Not a big hope with this one ;))) Day 19. They went out !!! Hope summer is long .... Happy Growing !!!
Final 2 weeks coming up , buds are firm and chunky , colours are coming out and the smell is out of control. Just a ween off nutes then flush next week