The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Quarta settimana di fioritura.iniziano AD ingrossare e profumare .queste 2 prosecco della korngarden.seeds stanno venendo super Diventano giorno per giorno sempre più belle e grosse..... forza prosecco kor garden seeds
Day 27 ⚠️Green gelato destroyed because hermaphrodite.⚠️ currently high temperature (28/32 degrees), humidity 45/50% (thanks to the dehumidifier), tall plants, between 50 and 80 centimeters at the start of the 5th week. I reduced the power of my lamp by 10%. Day 29: temperature 27* and humidity 45%.
What's up fellow growmies! I hope all is well with your grows! This week progressed like usual, they actually are starting to pre-flower and growing stigmas. Its like clock work with these autos July 1st marked a complete year in growing and each time I've grown autos they always start to transition to flower in week 5/6. Its hard to believe it has been a complete year for me💪🏾 I have gained so much knowledge and received so much help from this community and I really appreciate it. It seems like yesterday I was frantically worrying about everything. Although I have much to learn I think I pretty much have it down to a science. This last year I have grown 4 different strains 2 times each. On my current grow I have stopped obsessing over watering, one thing I am learning is that watering until run off is not really needed, unless you want to test the ppm/ph of said run-off, otherwise you are just wasting water. I start off with 1 liter of water per plant, and as they grow I make my way up to 2 liters. It appears to be the sweet spot especially for the 5 gallon pots, after about 2 liters I start to see run-off in the 3gallon pots I see it after about 1.5 liters of water. I am still using the General Hydroponics Flora Series trio, it has worked well for me. I always mix what the manufacturer recommends per gallon into a 3 gallon sprayer, so I am giving 1/3rd of the recommended dosage out of fear of nute burn or lockout. I performed LST on both Big Bud Auto plants, and one of my White Widows, the other 2 White Widows I am letting grow naturally. Stay tuned and Happy Growing!!!! 🤘🏾🤙🏾💪🏾
This was a easy grow had some heat issues for a few days during Flower because of a heatwave but everything was smooth and easy going very easy plant to grow
Topping recovery all sorted. Growing vigorously and bushing out nicely. Dressed with new worm casts this week, days hanging around 20 degrees c, with lots of showers. Spot still protected with no signs of visitors. We continue to wait for flowering!
Plain water as usual, did top some of them with bat guano only the ones I think need it the rest looks ok
7/2 Last week it was extremely hot (80's-90's) with cold nights. We had a severe thunderstorm last night and it's raining like crazy today. I didn't spend time in the garden as it was pouring. However I defoliated yesterday briefly. I had maybe a half dozen leaves yellow and die a couple days after the organicide application. They were mostly the largest oldest fan leaves most infected with pm. A couple smaller interior leaves yellowed and died as well but they were the leaves most infected. I assume that's normal. As I defoliated I noticed my first aphid of the season. I saw a few dead ones the organicide killed and a couple that were alive. Aphids aren't a big deal. They'll be evicted soon enough. I haven't seen one spot of pm though since the application. Maybe a little on a dead leaf but it seems to be working good. Didn't take pictures today but needed one to update the diary. Trying to upload videos but they take forever. 7/3 Ridiculously hot all last week. Extremely hot yesterday then a severe thunderstorm but it cleared to 90 degrees with 90%rh. This environment is a fungal nirvana. Still a slight smell from the organicide. I'm glad I used it though. I threw away some more leaves but this is the time that starts happening anyway. Before the stretch. With the ideal conditions I saw WPM rear it's head again. Only this time the organicide seemed to still have a residue. The PM only infected the super old biggest fan leaves and a few tiny tiny leaves on the very interior of the plant. I didn't know I had aphids but I've found a few dead on the underside of leaves I defoliated. So it seems to be working. My plants are growing towards the sun (partially due to my tarps which I need to be legal) which make airflow harder to maintain. My dad gave away my pallets this year. I had planned to put bags and supports on pallets with some sort of wheel so I could spin them. Oh well I'll do that next year in my new location. I have also found moth holes in couple leaves so BT it will still be needed. If videos didn't take so long to upload I would have a bunch. Happy growing. 7/5 Watered lightly (as it had been 90's) before feeding three gallons to the garden. Noticed some telltale leafhopper signs on a 9lb kush. The organicide seems to be doing a decent job of keeping PM at bay. The blueberry is now the worst it seems. I'm planning on another application before I try anything heavier. The fishy smell is now totally gone. Plants seem healthy and are a nice dark green. I have had some problems that have effected my ability to fully care for my girls. I have some defoliation I need to do. I also see moths sometimes in the morning plus the pm and the random munch. I guess that's to be expected outside but I need to get on top of this shit. I also have more LST I could be doing. 7/6 Rained all night and still off and on. Can't see any pm but I've found a few spots on the blueberry that could be septoria. I'm going to hit them either tonight or tomorrow with the organicide and if it doesn't work I may try a sulfer based fungacide. Took a few pictures. I need to defoliate as well. 7/7 Uploaded some duplicate pics accidentally. If I could've created the perfect environment for fungal infections I don't think I could've done better than yesterday. Hence the organicide. I was surprised it wasn't pronounced and only a little here and there. Also saw leaf hopper and pillar damage so hopefully this will straighten that out. Blueberry seems weak in it's stalk. I'm not sure if the wind is blowing it against that hard metal circle around it. It may have septoria. If it does I'll have to switch to something different or junk the plant. 7/8 This sucks. I can see signs of leaf septoria on the GDPs. This is definitely not a strain for the Maine climate. It's not resilient enough against diseases. This year has been particularly bad with 40 degree temp swings and rain then bright hot sun. I couldn't engineer better conditions. I appears senescence starts at the same time looking back over the past four years. However maybe that's just the life cycle of the earwigs. Oh yeah. I raked the inside of the grow bag with my hand and AT LEAST a half dozen earwigs came out RIGHT FROM THE SOIL IN THE BAG. I dealt with these prehistoric bastards last year and lost half my harvest. They eat other insects but the spread disease like crazy and they DO eat your plant while leaving behind the worst bacteria and plant disease. I have research to do. Like I said. This sucks. I'm changing locations next year but I need some help dealing with the septoria and the earwigs or I'll be fucked again. I defoliated anything that looked suspect. Still need to improve airflow.
Hello everyone! The last two weeks I have been very busy so I did not have time to upload the previous week. The previous week I noticed a mold starting to form in the flowers of the wedding cake (the taller plant) because the humidity was too high in the growing space. I acted quickly and added a dehumidifier, an extra fan and a home co2 system . On top of that, I cut out any part I found that was infected with the mold. Last week I started washing the gorilla skittles (the low plant) hoping to harvest it next week.
Doubled the nutes and the plant grew 8" in a week span and its not in flower. I may have to transplant to 20 gallons next week if it is measured around 40". I did a lot of defoliating to get rid of some huge fan leaves covering up bud sites and I also trained a lot. She is very wide and almost 3ft tall with a lot of pulling down, I'm very pleased
Doubled the nutes and the plant grew 8" in a week span and its not in flower. I may have to transplant to 20 gallons next week if it is measured around 40". I did a lot of defoliating to get rid of some huge fan leaves covering up bud sites and I also trained a lot. She is very wide and almost 3ft tall with a lot of pulling down, I'm very pleased
Doubled the nutes and the plant grew 8" in a week span and its not in flower. I may have to transplant to 20 gallons next week if it is measured around 40". I did a lot of defoliating to get rid of some huge fan leaves covering up bud sites and I also trained a lot. She is very wide and almost 3ft tall with a lot of pulling down, I'm very pleased