Unusual late year warm weather has put a hurting on my grow. I intentionally did RDWC in winter to utilize cool temps for my res and not need a chiller, after having random 78 degree days, I’ve ordered a chiller.
The temps are a death sentence in hydro, I was adding ice to the res to battle it, won’t happen again after this chiller is put in. Definitely hurt the Apex plant, which has been a pain the entire grow.. it all started when Apex was a seedling, with its tap root growing up instead of down.
She looks sad, If she dies or falls too far behind, I’ll train the other three around to fill in the space. No visible signs of root rot but I’m suspicious after those temps, have treated with Orca, SLF-100, and Hydroguard. Worst case scenario, I’ll dump the system and sanitize as best I can.