Week 26
Sweet Love is ready for harvest. Part of Spicy CBD plant 1 is also ready.
Spicy CBD plant 2 is a few weeks away.
Plants are developing differently on different parts. I think I may explain it a little better with a video.
Temperature is back to normal hot with humid air.
Humidity and VPD:
Hottest part of the day during the week;
34 degree C, Humidity 64%, VPD 1.9
Coolest part of the night during the week; 24 degree C, Humidity 73%, VPD 0.8
62 days of flowering for Spicy CBD plant 1.
One branch looks ready. And is dripping wet. However, trichome is still clear and just start to get cloudy. And I have started to trim off the bigger fan leaves. I think next week will be a good time to harvest for this branch.
Another branch still looks like it has a few more weeks to go.
50 days of flowering for Sweet Love.
Sweet Love is small. The buds looks fluffy and light. Does not look like she would yield much. The smell is very much green mango with a hint of pepper spice. Pulled off fan leaves. On some part, trichome is ready. On most of the plant, buds are ready. I'll throw away the part that is not ready. I don't think they'll do much any more. And Sweet Love is in the shadow of Spicy CBD.
50 days of flowering for Spicy CBD plant 2.
One branch looks good. A few more weeks for buds to ripen. The other branch is still young with hardly any flower.
Light Feeding with yoghurt and molasses to encourage potency. A dose of light compost tea and another dose of potassium salt to help ripen flower.
Bugs and mold are in check. VPD is down a bit but I don’t see a need to spray anti-mold microbes with such fluffy buds.
Feeding summary
Monday evening – Compost tea ( 1.5 ml / liter compost tea + 1.5 ml/liter humic acid).
Tuesday evening – Yoghurt ratio ( 1 liter yoghurt to 5 liter of water)
Wednesday evening – Molasses ( 2.5 ml / liter).
Thursday – none
Friday evening. 1.5 ml/liter compost, 0.5 gram / liter potassium salt, 0.5 ml cal mag.