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Had one week of flush and I think I’ll give her a few more days and then harvest. Been a really easy grow and a pleasure to watch. Can’t wait to try the beautiful buds.
I have a little issue with some clawing going on here. But only on these 3 plants. These are the ones closest to the circulation fan which was right on them so I pointed it upwards a bit last week to not hit them so hard. Granted it’s not been a problem before. They are in coco and the run pretty dry every other day and they get a reasonable 800ppm water of nutrients from floraflex with cal mag and some micros from ghe. I can’t imagine it’s a nitrogen toxicity in the second week of flower especially with these nutes. Now only on the middle one I also have a large fan leaf as the photos show starting to yellow. What do you think??
Now this side of the tent seems to be doing great. At first I thought it was the air circulation with the other side so I’m still digging into that. Either way this is about these two ladies and I see the forming of pistils and can’t wait to see what kind of stretch they get into in the upcoming weeks. As for the coco vs. the rockwool way I’ve done it in the past I’m leaning towards the rockwool way. It’s easier and thus far the plants I get from it are larger. It consumes about the same amount of water although less nutrients.
Day 100 - 39 flowering I am getting worried about temp inside the tent. Yeaterday when i check, it was heating 30Celsius. And outside was 24... i dont know what could be... i put a new fan inside, maybe it is making more heat!! On the other hand, plants are looking nice. Frosting, buds are developing, smell is great...
February has arrived and with it high humidity. Garden is looking great so far. Keeping an eye out for PM and doing prevention spraying with some organic fungicide. Expecting lots of rain next week too. The haze next door to this blue berry girl is stacking up huge buds. Getting excited! I've decided not to attempt to cover the plants as it's far too humid and some are 11ft tall. Just going to let nature do its thing.
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Day91 arrosage avec 30 centilitres d'eau ph6.3 Inspection des Trichomes (30% ambrés) la sénescence ce voit nettement ce qui fait que je récolte jeudi au jour 95 après sa sortie du pot... Le fait que la sénescence soit de plus en plus visible démontre que le planing mis en place de fendre le tronc ou jour 86 est impeccable. Les trichomes seront ambrés comme je le souhaite. Je m'étais fixé un poid sec de 16g je pense en être relativement loin mais je suis tout de même satisfait de ce diarie qui touche prèsque à sa fin et qui m'a procuré beaucoup de plaisir. Jour 92 arrosage avec 30 centilitres d'eau ph6.3 et ensuite je la plonge dans le noir 48h Cette méthode est sujette à controverse au sein de la communauté des cultivateurs, et il n’existe que des rapports anecdotiques quant à son efficacité. La plupart des cultivateurs qui s’y sont essayé n’ont pas remarqué la moindre différence en termes de puissance des têtes. Certains argumentent même qu’étant donné qu’il faut plusieurs mois pour faire grandir la plante, 1 journée ou 2 avant la récolte ne permettront pas de transformer du tout au tout le processus. Mais bon, si vous êtes du genre aventureux, testez-la. Que la force soit avec vous, 💪
Okay I'm very happy with the quality of the weed very good bag appeal fat buds on every branch covered in Crystal's looks like top shelf BUT I'm not very impressed with the smell of this strain the cookies that I buy of my dealer is alot more potent smelling extremely and the smell is completely different to what he has obviously he has a different cookie strain Fastbuds cookies smells very pleasant but not what I thought it would smell like if I could describe it's like a cheese smell but sweetened alot the smell is very strong when smoked and can make your house smell alot the high is very good I have over phenos still drying that might have a different smell update soon
Normally I wanted to do a Mainlining// SCROG. But the Stalks of the Gorilla_ladies are so Sturdy and strong. No way for SCROG. So i just let them grow. They turned out resinous and very smelly.