This weeks been hectic! Iv had a lot of training to do and a fair amount of defoliation - all only done until my plant had no feed left.
Iv signed up to a couple of patreon accounts : ‘Willymyco’ and ‘DGC - dude grows podcast’s. Another great podcast.
However, over the past week there’s been a heatwave and I accidentally pulled the red on/off plastic valve from the res for a second , it’s all good and just went on insulated wires…so I just mopped it up.
I changed it to a mars hydro ts-1000w, and then the ts-600.
Glad the dimmer works though or temps will be insane! I am still thinking of putting in the fc-e3000 but if I do that I’m going to have to take out the stoppers from the ends and hacksaw some off. It’s only cheap aluminium and then I’m going to think about removing one of the light strips if I can. Then I’ll just keep it low. It’s still weird working with a plant they suggested, un-topped— this is the first time i have done this in my life - I have literally always - HST’d, using the early veg stage and making used of the time for it to heal.