Training > topping, defoliation, and LST, using a cage for the first time, liked a lot to model a even canopy.
Girls wore grown in 15l fabric pots, I choose a higher pot so is not wide, my idea was to grow three, felt that 25l pots still ideal, the girls net bigger and have more room for the roots.
She was constant feed
> Watering 1 = Base Nutes + Recharge .
> Watering 2 = Boosters.
> Preventive Cal Mag every 15days +- .
Based on my feeling, and the leafs color I released some nutes or added so this is just an Idea on my schedule, no expressive or relevant burning.
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My LED started to fail in mid cycle, so the light intensity started to vary, and i feel the matrix is not working and full potencial anymore.
At first was hard to control the RH but in a few weeks i have got a hang of it, and all went ok besides my LED.
Liked a lot this cycle, was flawless, simple and rewarding, only downfall was the weight, but everything was new, the tent, the pots size, the nutrient line, so on, so i’m satisfied.
Weight is compensated over quality, none the less she was not heavy flushed, without the cure she was already tasting amazing, butter smooth, and white ash.
When you open the jar a very pungent sweet, berry like smell comes out mixed with a pleasant cheese cake sour end.
Potency is above average, 3 hits are what I can take, a bit more and the fun is over and the experience becomes too strong for me.
The effect is just perfect for a night smoke, to me is instant, I feel mainly on the body, just want to lay and relax. Just perfect for our needs home.
Smoke is clean and easy to smoke, you feel the joy of the usual insense smell around, very strong, stealth smoking is not a option, taste is sweet and fruity, easy to overdo.
Vaping is a joy, the effects are more controlled as you have the temps to do that. The terpenes profile is very pronunced with the Volcano and the Davinci IQ, Pine berryes is what i taste.
At this point buds are curing woth boveda 62 for 1 1/2 weeks, then I will change the humidity pack to a dryer one.