Hello everyone Welcome 🙂 In the end I harvested at day seventy of flowering ✂️⚘ This strains was pretty easy to grow and doesn't stretch to much.. Internodes are very close , but onestly this I have to say happends mostly of the time thanks to infrared in led light.. In any case , she's a very good choise for indoor : 1: She produce a good amount od dense flowers and the central cola wasn't to much bigger respect the lower branches.. In fact, the central flower is practically the same size as the lower primary flowers 💪 The aroma is delicate , a little sweet and earthy with somnthing else.. Nice one cannabis flowers about smell and taste , but nothing to special , for my experience.. But onestly , one thing I really need to say it's, trichomes are pure glue 🔥 During I roll the joint for the taste test , I was have hard time due the stickiness.. Very difficult to close 😅 Not to much to see her finish burn 😎 Nice oil all around the ash , on the rolling paper.. Almost all white.. Smooth and clean.. Much better on the Mighty or on the Ghost mv1 And more potent 🚀👌 I usually vapes at the temperature around 177° to 195° , with Ghost 200° The effect is very calm , mellow state but you can do things or work out , it not knock you out 😁 At least on me About the Living Soil High-Brix recipe Loke I say week by week , for this lasy I have use a 20l geotextile pot with around 1/3 of the Living Soil I have made ( in this case in november 2019 ) Isn't a Super Soil subcool recipe or similar.. Trought this metodology we're not feeding the plants , but the soil.. Basycally the important things are principaly four Soil energy Cation exchange Microbial activity Mineral balance Soil energy is kept high with humus Cation exchange with rock powders Microbial activity is achieved with innoculants and some teas or other Mineral balance is achieved by adding the micronutes and having everything in the right ratio's For doing this I have use a base mostly of light-mix soil with already perlite inside ( classic cannabis soil ) coco nut humus zeolite then I have add Neem soil , Kelp , Krill , Azomite , Basalt , Gypsum , Calcium Carbonate , Phosforite , Alfalfa and Leonardite Then I was have "cooking" it for a month an half.. And this was the engine that allowed the plant to stay in constant health, keeping the Brix level high 🌋 During the flowering time I have add mostly only water , one times a week with molasses for feeding the microbs.. I have also make a humus/nutrient tea for she and her sisters , just one time.. I'm feel good doing in this way , like it and I understand so many more things about the lives into the ground in general.. But just for be precis For having the high brix in plants we can not just have a good soil but everything around her , the envroiment , especyally in indoor.. And obviously a fundamental it's First , great strain 💪🌳🔥 Second , love Anyway.. At the end she was produces around 29g of flowers dryed , manicured and cured for about one month and a weeks.. Good strain.. And thats all for this diary thank you so much at all supporter during the grow , or only now : 1:: 1: 🙏 See you somewhere 😎 Always growing 🌱🌳🔥 Ciao ✌️ 🇮🇹 BONUS I have also growing the same strain but in different ways.. Here is the link below 👇 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/48209-barney-039-s-farm-dos-si-dos-33-grow-journal-by-funclouds And I have using the same type of "Living Soil High-Brix" with this other lady , Blue Gelato #41 👇 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/46282-barney-039-s-farm-blue-gelato-41-grow-journal-by-fun-clouds
We have Day 1 of Week 6. The buds Get Biger And Denser. Last week of Nutrients and week 7- Harvest only Water. They smell like Exotic Fruits.
Day 79: trim , slow vacuum box to cure 22°C and 61%rH . Day 76: videostuff: been drying for 4 days (res 640x480) ( optical zoom x200 - x250 ) Day 72: DLI usage total this Plant : 2236.6 DLI in 70 Days . wet trimmed, cut off, hung upside down. see you after 14 days Day 71: preparing for harvest . 24h long night session . DLI : 0 Day 70: - Sanlight DaylightCycle - + ON 200PPFD (00:00) - 800PPFD (03:30) - 800PPFD (16:30) - 200PPFD (18:00) OFF video and photo tryouts with the digimicro mobil x300 optical zoom , mostly freehand Day 69: - Sanlight DaylightCycle - + ON 200PPFD (00:00) - 1000PPFD (03:30) - 1000PPFD (14:30) - 200PPFD (18:00) OFF incredibly hot and rain. lost some terpene :)) Well, summer is coming, Day 68: - Sanlight DaylightCycle - + ON 200PPFD (00:00) - 600PPFD (00:30) - 800PPFD (03:30) - 800PPFD (14:30) - 600PPFD (17:30) - 200PPFD (18:00) OFF - Added 1L bottle of water It's hot, hot, hot, Zoe would like more water. changed daylight cycle so it match the weather problems. tent is open until my real night comes. 103 flowers (including popcorn) counted, due to an accident about 15 flowers are missing. Day 67: - Sanlight DaylightCycle - + ON 200PPFD (00:00) - 600PPFD (00:30) - 900PPFD (03:30) - 900PPFD (14:30) - 600PPFD (17:30) - 200PPFD (18:00) OFF - watering bottle water 1.75L weather to hot , changed daylight start time and daylight cycle so it match the weather problems. I'm lucky, buds are still growing :))) Day 66 (we are on the road with maximum sanlight ) - analyse some trichome . - make some Zoom Pics and Video stuff . - Sanlight DaylightCycle : - + ON 200PPFD (00:00) - 1000PPFD (00:30) - 1000PPFD (13:30) - 800PPFD (17:30) - 200PPFD (18:00) OFF - DLI will stress alot ... Anyway, it's too hot in my room... I open the tent and now everything is fine with the temperatures and I increase the Sanlight to 100% for the first time. May Zoe love it or leave it :)) We'll see what happens Day 65 : Sanlight DaylightCycle : ON 200PPFD (00:00) - 800PPFD (00:30) - 850PPFD (13:30) - 800PPFD (17:30) - 200PPFD (18:00) OFF It will soon be ready for harvest.
week intel: everything is perfect! stresses : just a little E.C stress around 1.7 once a week feeding: i feed them 3 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them heavy with silicate +base nutrients(calcium & micros + Bloom) about 818 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause a little stress. day 3 : i feed them low dose of Feeding Booster + Karbo Boost around 382 ppm - 0.7 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused. day 5 : i feed them with low dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 250 ppm - 0.5 e.c to let them recover the stresses to get ready for another stress next week. guide of the week : know your plant tolerance limit of E.C stress once you saw the very very little yellowing on tips of leaves , that's the sign to don't go further , never reach that limit if you want a high quality buds, in my case tolerance is 1.8 and i'll reach to that level only once a week to cause precision stress , love your plants and have a happy growing!
So she has reached day 49 and is looking good. The past week the weather was still a mixed bag with a few sunny days and a couple days of rain. Still has been no need to water her yet do to Mother Nature taking care of her. Week review: Mix bag of weather and no complications. 😍
I will change their pot size because i saw root coming out of bottom of the pots and this is a good sign for me 🏼 Next 3 months in veg can bring me lits of new branches 😁 Who grow plants in hot climates should use silicon . I used it and I confirmed it helps plants
Guys i swear it’s like my girls are awakened after a few changes and i love to share with who interested about it. One of them is put something under your fabric pots in outdoor growing to keep your bottom of your pot a little bit wet and don’t worry about water sitting in there because there will be no water after just a few hours. There are 2 other things and i will answer to who ask only! Believe me you want to know about this
2 massive plant 1 with awsome hybrid sativa learning growth pattern
week intel: we are going through slowly stresses : just a little E.C stress around 1.4 once a week feeding: i feed them 3 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them heavy with silicate +base nutrients(calcium & micros + Bloom) about 700 ppm - 1.4 e.c to cause a little stress. day 3 : i feed them low dose of Feeding Booster around 327 ppm - 0.64 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused. day 5 : i feed them with low dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 255 ppm - 0.5 e.c to let them recover the stresses to get ready for another stress next week. guide of the week : know your plant tolerance limit of E.C stress once you saw the very very little yellowing on tips of leaves , that's the sign to don't go further , never reach that limit if you want a high quality buds, in my case tolerance is 1.4 and i'll reach to that level only once a week to cause precision stress , love your plants and have a happy growing!
Месяц не был на поляне - растения слегка забило камышом, в связи с чем к ним был ограничен доступ света. Навел порядок, прорвал камыш, покормил органикой - теперь всё будет хорошо))
Day 23 We were 3 days absent. I think the Lamp was a bit far away. Lots of stem growth. Next time we better top them early.. I don' really like how they grow so tall and thin. and I think I prefer earlier topping. Not sure why people like to top after 5th node so much. But everything is still fine:) They show signs of hunger I guess. We will feed them today full dose bio grow. Day 25 Today them was put out on the sill:) All looking good so far.