A week with lots of activity from my side, from the Gorilla's side, not so much. She stays behind and I can't find any other reason than genetics/seed quality. She is in exactly the same conditions as the other girls. I'm letting her do her thing. She will give some weed, well see how much. Maybe she is a late-bloomer. She does look lush and healthy so we do not understand but are learning. I put in the scrog net since her roommates need it and lowered the lights and started giving more flowering feed.
The light is still awesome, the amount it puts out. This SP- 3000 rocks and, wallet permitting, we will go for a second one. @MarsHydroLED might be so happy with the amount of coverage we give them, they'll send us another one 😏
If you haven't seen it yet and you are in the market for new gear, check out the Black Friday super sale on www.mars-hydro.com!!
We are gonna see what happens coming weeks with this strain. So far I am a bit disappointed and didn't expect this from this strain. We will never know if it was the age of the seeds or something else.
What I do know is, it was the last time I use a third party seedbank, it is apparently too hard to keep fresh stock with too many strains. Until breeders put a production date o the packaging. Isn't it time someone said that?
Cause lets keep it real, we are talking seeds that in any other case would have a cost of production of fractions of cents per seed. We pay what? 3 to 5 to maybe even 20 dollars a seed for an exceptional strain?
Is it then too much too ask to put a friggin expiry date on the package? Or store them cooled?
The breeder that does that and arranges a deal with third-parties that overstock can be sent back, packaging recycled, in exchange for fresh stock. Like any other fresh trade.
For an industry making what, a billion worldwide, it is remarkable how many are still in the stoner with a garage / 80's trailer park, backwater funfair warranty, kinda customer service.
Me: i grow organic weed for 30 years, these seeds were old
Seed dealer: Yes but you failed to do a raindance on the rising moon, no refund.
Me: but its for cannabis?
Weed industry: Yes why we charged you double!
Me: wow no germination after paying 20 bucks for seeds?
Industry: They are all stoners, they won't notice....
Me: but this bong is made from toxic plastics?
Headshop: yeas but it has this crumbling image of a leaf, 20 dollar!
Can they get their shit together? For god's sake, I've seen crack dealers with better PR and customer care.
Someone do sumtin, take us out of the car boot era please?