The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Beginning of week... Well, I had to work late last night.. So, she wasn't watered for 24 hours.. I have been having to water/feed 2 to 3 times a day due to the media drying out.. The roots are insane in the cup.. Alot aLoT ALOT of fuckin roots.. This is my first cup grow that had this much roots.. So yeah, I could see her drinking like a mf.. Which she does.. She is happy and healthy... Besides the underwatering today.. I couldn't be more happy with the way this girl is growing. After 7 days of 12/12 and the tops are starting to form pistils.. Next week should be epic pistil growth by the way she's been growing so far.. Will update when she perks up from the underwatering.. Later that day.. Shit.. She perked up.. But not enough to show a full recovery pic.. I watered when I took the underwatered pic and before lights went out.. That was only about... 4 hours.. Usually the girlies perk up after about an hour or maybe 2.. I'm sure she will be fine in the AM.. Oh yeah I forgot to add in the veg cycle I was adding 1mL per L of water of Silica.. So that should have helped her build up a good immunity to my abuse.. This is the only hiccup so far in the grow.. No more stress! Will update on the issue in the AM with pics whether she fully recovered or not 24 hours after decovering she was underwatered... She perked back up.. I forgot to mention that I have been bending the tops to help the lower branches stretch up some.. I remember reading somewhere that is another form of LST, I believe. I'm pretty much just bending the top 2 - 3 nodes to point straight down.. Which is just enough to not snap the top completely off.. When I release the top she stays pointed pretty much at 90° away from the center of the plant.. A few more side branches have almost caught up to their main tops. I read that it kinda like tricks the plant into thinking she's topped 'in a way'.. I feel like it just stresses the branch upward from where the most bending is at.. And the side branches are not being stressed at all so they keep growing/stretching at normal speed, if not a little faster, while the top above the bend has been stressed and slows down, if not stops completely. Just my 2 cents on the dealio.. Just bend the main tops downward 180° from the center of the plant, so that when you release the tops, they stay bent over at 90° (or tied like LST) and let the bottom branches get all the light.. After a couple hours, the tops will have probably already pointed back upward..😁 The capacitor on my home AC went out.. Temps in the tent got up to 90° F.. Leaves were pointing upward.. Praying.. But also canoeing.. Luckily I checked google and youtube on how to fix it.. I fixed it in under 15 mins.. Got the temps back down to normal and just made sure I kept her good and watered thru the heat stress. She is good now tho. The pics for today were 6 hours after seeing the heat stress. When I say LST this week.. Its just bending the tops down as I stated earlier in the grow.. I even removed the ties that I did have.. I shouldn't have done that because the tops kinda bunched together.. Oh well.. Live and learn.. Shouldn't create any issues.. Its easier to water now.. i was using a 1 fl oz turkey baster that worked very well.. But also time consuming.. Now I can just pour straight out of the powerade bottle I use to mix and store nutes and water.. I never keep anything mixed for more than 2 or 3 days at the most.. I have just ordered a bunch of hydroponic stuff.. And organic stuff... I can't run both at the same time.. I don't know which to try first.. Im thinking try hydro first.. Then organics because I think organics MAY be where I end up but still wanna try hydro to see how it ends up.. Hmmm... Went ahead and lollipopped her and bent the main tops down.. One branch kinda snapped so I think it was pretty much supercropped lol whoops.. Didnt break the skin tho.. I dont really care for defoliating alot.. But I always end up doing it anyway.. I need to stop lol
My Skunk Apple Run plant is still a bit young, but I can see those buds starting to form. It's a bit of a slow starter, with buds popping up all over the place instead of a nice even line. We'll see if adjusting the light cycle or its food might help it along. I'll keep you posted on any changes. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
The Bubble OG plants are looking awesome! My tallest one is stacking up with super dense buds. It's crazy to think that the other one is almost ready to chop – the colors are so vibrant. And then there's that short and squat one with the purple leaves. It's definitely the oddball of the bunch, but I kind of like it. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
My permanent marker plants are looking really interesting! The short and stocky one with the purple leaves is super vibrant. I love that pop of color against the green of the other plants. It's a little different from the taller plant, which has this really cool stacked-up look to it. I'm curious to see if those stacked-up leaves will change color too. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
The Blackberry Moon Rocks are looking promising. One of them is growing into this beautiful little bush, and I think it's almost ready to harvest. The other plant is stacking up buds, but I'm thinking it's still a couple of weeks away. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
My gas tax plant is looking absolutely incredible right now. It's got these massive buds that are super dense and have this awesome dark color to the leaves. I'm so excited to see how it turns out when it's finally ready to be harvested. I've been checking the height, the thickness of the stem, and the density of the buds to get an idea of how much longer I have to wait. I think I might start flushing it soon. The past few weeks have been so beautiful, watching the plants grow and change. It's amazing how something so small and fragile can turn into something so strong and vibrant. Now that they're getting ready to bloom, it feels a little bittersweet. I'm so excited to see the finished product, but I'll definitely miss having them around while they're growing.
Hallo 👋 die Mädels sind heute 56 Tage Alt und wir gehen in die 9 Woche! Ich bin begeistert 😊 zweite grow und das hatte ich noch nicht! Es schnuppert fantastisch die Bananen verströmen einen süßen fruchtigen Duft und die Gorillas süß Herb ,die Farben spiele sind schon psychidelisch 😂😂 von hellgrün ins Rot und dunkelgrün bis Lila ! Die buds wachsen wunderbar, ja und ansonsten ist es Stress frei 👍 Licht Wasser Futter und ein wenig liebe und sie wachsen. Danke an @420DeepGrow !✌️👍 Und auch an Fast Buds für die Genetik. Freue mich auf nächste Woche! Bis dahin allen einen guten gewünscht 👋✌️
En une semaine, l'odeur est devenue puissante, un mélange de cannabis, de pin et de bonbons, c'est vrai. Elle est quasiment mûre au microscope. Je pense la laisser faisander encore quelques jours. Bonjour les amis, pour rester poli, Maintenant que j'ai compris comment fonctionnent les shorts 😀, je vais mettre l'essentiel au début. J'avais arrosé copieusement avant de m'absenter une semaine mais comme c'est une petite plante elle n'a pas tout bu ! Le sac est encore lourd. Je suis surpris du mûrissement très rapide😳, j'ai tardé pour le rinçage. Encore quelques jours de patience pour la récolte ! Les photos de cette semaine ressemblent beaucoup à la précédente avec un peu plus de résine. A très bientôt, M.
Les couleurs sont très jolies et profonde l'odeur magnifique j'ai vraiment très hâte de la goûter ! Trichomes full laiteux avec quelques rares ambré, début du rinçage
Con 22 dias, pasados 7 de la última poda de hojas y 22 del cambio de fotoperiodo me decidí por hacerles una nueva poda, esta algo más severa . Yemas, hojas y chupópteros de bajos. A partir de entonces solo se irán quitando muy de vez en cuando alguna hoja o algun brote o yema que pueda salir por ahí que no me guste, muy poca cosa. Me deshice de la malla, harto me tenia. La quité para la poda y luego me hizo mucha pereza volver ponerla. Prefiero menos cantidad. Esta semana explosión de tricomas
The bottom watering worked for the week I think as away happy with results think I might just bottom water regularly and feed the tea from top every other changing 2/8 I did a good clean up and some pining Monday 2/10 I will filp to flower I also added power bloom today 2/8
Blue Cheese F1 automatic Week 5 2/2-2-8 The Cheese gals are in full flower and are stretching like crazy. At the beginning of the week, they were 7 inches tall, Wed 10 and today 2/7 they are 14 & 15 inches tall. They have doubled in height. I’ve moved the pins out to the edge of the pot. For future training, I must add some wires thru the pot holes to keep the branches lower as the outer rim is taller than the center. I reduced nutrients in the feed solution since Runtz and Pink Rozay are showing some purples/blues in the leaves. These gals are vigorous and don’t seem to mind the full strength feedings. Hopefully they won’t start showing deficiencies. I added Green Sensation this week then read the instructions said add in 4th week flower. Blue Cheese is supposed to be a 10 week flower from seed to harvest. If I wait till the 4th week, it will only be used for 2 maybe 3 weeks. Would that actually benefit the plant. So I think I will add some each time but a 25% strength. Calls for 4ml/g I will use 1ml. They are autos and I should be lowering the nutes anyway. Pinned more branches. I add 2 gallons of water to the T700 humidifier daily to keep the VPD in line. 2/5 4 gal fed 2 liter each nutrients added at ½ of recommended amount. Making 4 gallons since I have 2 pots of carrots and Dill in the back. Bloom Juice 60ml Plant Juice 60 ml Royal Rush 15 ml power bud 15ml green sensation 7.5ml Recharge 2.5ml/gal 7.5 ml Ppm 333 Ph 7.02 Temp 66 2/7 3 ltr each Bloom Juice 60ml Plant Juice 60 ml Royal Rush 15 ml Power bud 15ml Green sensation not added Ppm 298 Ph 6.5 Temp 65 Your likes and comments are appreciated. Thanks for stopping by. Growers love 💚🌿 💫Natrona💫
Rinçage, je réduis L'EC de moitié, 3,4 a 1,7 , sa mûri, les trichomes deviennent bien ambré,les tête sont énormes et très dense , une odeur gazy sucré bonbon fruits très forte et très agréable, j'ai deja recolter une bouture qui avait commencé la senescence bien avant les autres et le finger hash était sublime, les 4 pied mère int sale Mines et absolument rien a voir avec les clones,
Even that my lady got stuned at veg... she is making nice buds.
Blütewoche 2 Die beiden Pflanzen zeigen keine Anzeichen von Mängeln oder sonstigen Problemen. So solls weitergehen. Pheno Nr.2 hängt weiter ein Paar Tage hinterher, macht sich dafür aber sehr gut.
Blütewoche 2 Die beiden Pflanzen zeigen keine Anzeichen von Mängeln oder sonstigen Problemen. So solls weitergehen. Pheno Nr.2 hängt weiter ein Paar Tage hinterher, macht sich dafür aber sehr gut.
Added bud factor X and bud ignitor, hammerhead , 2.5 liters each 3 days , budding ist nice and getting thicker