Day 53 has broken for the ladies, and I am very pleased with their progress. The buds are visibly getting stronger every day. A few brown leaf tips appeared, but at this stage I don’t care much for them. Overall, they still look very much alive.
Day 57: Uppermost leaves are curling up. Could be they are saturated with light and I should reduce the lighting period a bit, could be that the water drop installment provided them with a bit too much water, although they don’t show any more fresh signs of over-watering or fertilisation. But I had to remove water that flooded the bottom of the tank … I’ll reduce their lighting period to 14 hours. Rest of the ladies looks very healthy so I don’t want to stress them too much. It would be better to raise the left light a bit but I cannot. So, although the label says they would grow taller, I can be glad they did not gain more height.
Day 58: Buds are really getting massive, and they started to smell a bit more. They even gained 1 cm and tallest bud is now at 89.
It’s a very sweet but deep odour, really enjoyable. Lady #2, while being a bit smaller, looks like being in winter. Sugar leaves are enormous on her.
I added a detail photo from timelapse video showing some of the curled and slightly burnt leaves. They are not many, and damage does not seem to progress. Anyway, ladies are already late in the game and I am rather surprised they still look very healthy.