The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Set up net trellis. Tried to set up a DIY CO2 generator but could'nt seal it right.
******************************************** Week 12 Mid flower (week 6 flower) ******************************************** Light cycle=12/12 Light Power=160w 67% Extractor controller settings (during lights on). High temp= 26c Temp step=0c High Rh= 50% Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=3 Extractor controller settings (during lights off). High temp= 21c Temp step=0c High Rh= 55% Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=3 Smart controller settings (during lights on). Lights on=9.00am Radiator on= -22.5c Radiator off=+23.0c Top fan on= Smart controller settings (during lights off). Lights off=9.00pm Radiator on=-18.5c Radiator off=+19.0c Top fan on VPD aim=1.0-1.5 DLI aim=40-45 EC aim=1.0-1.8 PH aim=6.0-6.5 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 NPK= 10-19-30 Method= Automatic Feed=Flower nutes Neutralise=0.1ml/L Plagron bloom=5ml/L Plagron Power buds=1ml/L Green Sensation=1ml/L Easy Ph Up=0.053ml/L (1ml=23 drops, each drop is 0.043ml) Ec=1.75 PH=6.3/6.2 Runs=18 Run times=4mins (0.3L each) Gap times=16 mins Total runtime=72mins(5.5L each) Total flowrate= 152ml/min(76ml/min each) Auto start time=10.00am Auto stop time=15.44pm 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 ******************************************** ******************************************** 📅22/12/24 Sunday (Day 78)(flower day 38) 📋 💧 Automatic mid bloom nutes Ph up=0.64ml, 15 drops Ec=1.75 PH=6.3/6.2 Volume=12L Volume left=1L Volume used=11L(152ml/min) Volume each=5.5L(76ml/min) Runoff. Total runoff=0.7L Ec=4.0 PH=/6.1 💧 📅23/12/24 Monday (Day 79)(flower day 39) 📋 📅24/12/24 Tuesday (Day 80)(flower day 40) 📋 Christmas Eve. 📅25/12/24 Wednesday (Day 81)(flower day 41) 📋Christmas Day. Have a merry Christmas. 📅26/12/24 Thursday (Day 82)(flower day 42) 📋 Boxing Day. 💧 Automatic mid bloom nutes Ph up=0.69ml, 16 drops Ec=1.8 PH=6.3/6.2 Volume=13L Volume left=2L Volume used=11L(152ml/min) Volume each=5.5L(76ml/min) Runoff. Total runoff=1.0L Ec=4.4 PH=/6.2 💧 Leaf tips are getting burnt and runoff Ec is climbing so just water next time, should have really just been water this cycle. 📅27/12/24 Friday (Day 83)(flower day 43) 📋 📅28/12/24 Saturday (Day 84)(flower day 44) 📋H=81cm D=32cm Dli=40.3 ppfd=932 ******************************************** Weekly roundup. 📋 She has done fine this week, showing a bit of nute burn but plodding along at a decent speed. This zoap is further along in development then the other strain. The weather is still fairly cold so used 34.17Kw £8.64 on the radiator. Back soon. Take it easy. ********************************************
One of the LCC and the RAK are little runtz, and the other LCC is growing almost twice as tall. They all look pretty healthy, and I am trying hard not to over do it with light intensity. I think in about a week or so they will go into flower.
02/13/25 Tag 42 seit Keimung Hey zusammen, nach einer kleinen Pause melde ich mich mal wieder – nicht nur aus dem Urlaub zurück, sondern auch zurück im Grow-Alltag. 🌿😎 Zwar habe ich mir in letzter Zeit weniger Zeit für Growdiaries genommen, aber unser geliebtes Hobby hab ich nie aufgegeben! Aktuell habe ich zwei FastBuds Photos am Start, und besonders die Papaya Sherbet hat mich bisher echt begeistert. Deshalb n kurzes Video und paar Infos zu. Ich hoffe ihr seid ähnlich erfolgreich meine Growmies. 👽 Die sind Beide widerstandsfähig, gesund und sehen einfach wunderschön aus – zeigen nie Stress, Vitalität pur, wachsen wie Champions und sehen auch so aus!💪 Die Blüte wurde schon an Tag 22 eingeleitet. Mein aktueller Run – simpel, aber effektiv: Living Soil – pflegeleicht, nur noch Wasser dazu - läuft wie von selbst 10% Flo und ein vernünftiges Substrat Ergebnis: Gesunde Pflanzen mit minimalem Aufwand. Ich kann diese Methode echt empfehlen, wenn man wenig Zeit hat, aber trotzdem Top-Ergebnisse will. Terp 😎💪 Lemon Mandarin THC: 25 – 30 % Genetik: Lemonade x Mandarine (Crocket´s Tangie Selection) Geschlecht: Feminisiert Diese Sorte ist für Liebhaber von allem, was groß ist. Lemon Mandarin ist das Ergebnis unserer Arbeit, bei der wir zwei köstliche Zitrussorten gekreuzt haben: unseren Keeper Lemonade Cut und Tangie (Crockett's Family Farms Auswahl). Wir haben dafür gesorgt, dass sie die besten Eigenschaften ihrer Eltern vereint, wie zum Beispiel eine euphorische, belebende Wirkung, eine wahnsinnige Trichom-Produktion und ein bittersüßes, zitrusartiges Terpenprofil. Lemon Mandarin ist ideal für Liebhaber von riesigen Bäumen und XXL-Erträgen: Sie kann Höhen von bis zu 200 cm erreichen, während sie eine extreme Widerstandsfähigkeit und viele Seitenverzweigungen aufweist. Ihr Aroma ist eine perfekte Mischung aus Tangie, Zitronenschale und der wohltuenden Süße reifer Mandarinen, die die Sinne in einen zutiefst scharfen Mandarinen-Zitronen-Duft einhüllt, der noch lange nach dem Rauchen anhält. Sie eignet sich perfekt für den Innen- und Außenbereich und ihr beeindruckendes Wachstum und ihre aromatische Anziehungskraft machen sie ideal für Züchter, die eine wirklich herausragende Sorte mit einem komplexen Zitrusduft suchen. Aufgrund unserer Erfahrung raten wir dazu, Scrogging oder eine andere Art von Unterstützung durchzuführen, da die Zweige das Gewicht der Knospen nicht tragen können. Im Innenbereich sollte man, um einen maximalen Ertrag pro Pflanze zu erzielen, nicht mehr als 2-3 Pflanzen pro Quadratmeter setzen, da diese Sorte sehr buschig wird. Sie könnte auch von einer häufigeren Entlaubung profitieren, da sie viele große, breite Fächerblätter ausbildet und später in der Blütephase möglicherweise Hilfe bei der Belüftung benötigt. Papaya Sherbet THC: 25 – 30 % Genetik: Papaya (Oni Selection) x Sunset Sherbet Geschlecht: Feminisiert Durch die Kombination der massiven Statur von Papaya (Oni Selection) mit der Stärke und Widerstandsfähigkeit einer unserer besten Keeper-Sorten (Sunset Sherbet) entwickelt sich diese Sorte zu einem großen, ausladenden Busch, der mit zahlreichen Knospen geschmückt ist, die sich später in eine großzügige Ernte mittelgroßer Knospen verwandeln. Die Blüten von Papaya Sherbet liefern einen charakteristischen Geschmack von erstklassigem Cannabis mit subtilen Zitrusuntertönen, die beim Einatmen hervortreten. Während des Wachstums verströmt ihr Aroma einen süßen und doch angenehm bitteren Duft, der eine Vorstellung davon vermittelt, wie der Rauch schmecken wird. Papaya Sherbet ist bemerkenswert stressresistent und eine gute Wahl für Züchter, die in schwierigen Umgebungen arbeiten. Sie ist sehr nachsichtig und erholt sich schnell von allen Widrigkeiten, was den Züchtern die Freiheit gibt, mit der Gewissheit zu experimentieren, dass sie alles wie ein Champion wegstecken wird. Diese Sorte verkörpert Widerstandsfähigkeit, Geschmack und üppige Erträge in jedem Wachstumszyklus.
D24 - 10/02/2025 Last week was really good, none of the girls showed any signs of toxicity after the full strength feed, which is good. I’m already seeing signs of pre-flowering on some of the girls, next week for sure we enter flower mode. Applied some LST to the girls and some defoliation. Fan leaves were taking a lot of space, now internal nodes should have more light to use. Not going too crazy on this though. Unfortunately snapped a branch of Northern Lights #1 while applying the LST, must take extra care next time. Still haven’t changed the reservoir, should do that later this week. — D27 - 13/02/2025 Changed the reservoir and mixed nutrients for pre-flower. I’ve been adjusting the LST, but other than that there’s not much of an update. Girls are looking really great and growth is exploding. PPFD is around ~500 on canopy level. — D28 - 14/02/2025 Did another defoliation session. Went a bit more heavy this time. Now we let them recover for a few days.
******************************************** Week 12 Mid flower (week 6 flower) ******************************************** Light cycle=12/12 Light Power=160w 67% Extractor controller settings (during lights on). High temp= 26c Temp step=0c High Rh= 50% Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=3 Extractor controller settings (during lights off). High temp= 21c Temp step=0c High Rh= 55% Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=3 Smart controller settings (during lights on). Lights on=9.00am Radiator on= -22.5c Radiator off=+23.0c Top fan on= Smart controller settings (during lights off). Lights off=9.00pm Radiator on=-18.5c Radiator off=+19.0c Top fan on VPD aim=1.0-1.5 DLI aim=40-45 EC aim=1.0-1.8 PH aim=6.0-6.5 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 NPK= 10-19-30 Method= Automatic Feed=Flower nutes Neutralise=0.1ml/L Plagron bloom=5ml/L Plagron Power buds=1ml/L Green Sensation=1ml/L Easy Ph Up=0.053ml/L (1ml=23 drops, each drop is 0.043ml) Ec=1.75 PH=6.3/6.2 Runs=18 Run times=4mins (0.3L each) Gap times=16 mins Total runtime=72mins(5.5L each) Total flowrate= 152ml/min(76ml/min each) Auto start time=10.00am Auto stop time=15.44pm 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 ******************************************** ******************************************** 📅22/12/24 Sunday (Day 78)(flower day 38) 📋 💧 Automatic mid bloom nutes Ph up=0.64ml, 15 drops Ec=1.75 PH=6.3/6.2 Volume=12L Volume left=1L Volume used=11L(152ml/min) Volume each=5.5L(76ml/min) Runoff. Total runoff=0.7L Ec=4.0 PH=/6.1 💧 📅23/12/24 Monday (Day 79)(flower day 39) 📋 📅24/12/24 Tuesday (Day 80)(flower day 40) 📋 Christmas Eve. 📅25/12/24 Wednesday (Day 81)(flower day 41) 📋Christmas Day. Have a merry Christmas. 📅26/12/24 Thursday (Day 82)(flower day 42) 📋 Boxing Day. 💧 Automatic mid bloom nutes Ph up=0.69ml, 16 drops Ec=1.8 PH=6.3/6.2 Volume=13L Volume left=2L Volume used=11L(152ml/min) Volume each=5.5L(76ml/min) Runoff. Total runoff=1.0L Ec=4.4 PH=/6.2 💧 Leaf tips are getting burnt and runoff Ec is climbing so just water next time, should have really just been water this cycle. 📅27/12/24 Friday (Day 83)(flower day 43) 📋 📅28/12/24 Saturday (Day 84)(flower day 44) 📋H=93cm D=22cm Dli=46 8 ppfd=1080 ******************************************** Weekly roundup. 📋 Good week considering how close she is to the light, she does have some damage from the light but not as much as I was expecting. Next week she'll get a little less intensity when I turn the power down a bit. The weather is still fairly cold so used 34.17Kw £8.64 on the radiator. Back soon. Take it easy. ********************************************
Ladies are getting fat! As of day 69 (Feb 12) we have started CropSalt CAKE feeding. Time to get even frostier and fatter. They are still drinking over a gallon a day each easily. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask! I want to help others grow Autoflowers like this.
Fängt so langsam an zu wachsen...obwohl ich nicht mehr so recht daran geglaubt hab. Ende der Woche 5 noch ein topdress bekommen...2 EL FHM von Almicana
Strong growth within her first week. She got fed and the rains been watering her also…I am satisfied with her do it week progress
My Skunk Apple plant's a little behind the others. I think it started flowering a couple weeks later. It's a smaller plant, but it's finally starting to fill out. I'm guessing I've got maybe two weeks left before it's ready to chop. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Gas Tax plant is looking insane. It's seriously the biggest plant I've ever grown, with these massive buds that are almost completely covered in this crazy purple and black coloring. I'm not gonna have to do much trimming at all, which is awesome. I've never seen anything like it. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Bubble OG plants are looking really good. I chopped down the first one a few days ago, and it's almost dried. The other two plants are absolutely covered in buds. The tall one's a monster, totally solid and covered in crystals. And that purple plant is just gorgeous, stacked with buds all the way down. Can't wait to try them all out. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Bubble OG plants are looking really good. I chopped down the first one a few days ago, and it's almost dried. The other two plants are absolutely covered in buds. The tall one's a monster, totally solid and covered in crystals. And that purple plant is just gorgeous, stacked with buds all the way down. Can't wait to try them all out. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Permanent Marker plants are looking good. The short and stocky one has turned a crazy shade of purple. It's really wild looking. The other plant is still putting on new growth, so it'll probably be ready in about two weeks. I can't wait to see how the purple one smokes – should be interesting. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Permanent Marker plants are looking good. The short and stocky one has turned a crazy shade of purple. It's really wild looking. The other plant is still putting on new growth, so it'll probably be ready in about two weeks. I can't wait to see how the purple one smokes – should be interesting. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.