No reservoir change this week in the end, just top ups and nutrient top ups - If I stop being lazy, I might do a complete change out tomorrow (D85).
They're getting really frosty now. Can't wait to make some leafy THC snow in a few weeks time after I install my 24w UV-B tube above the canopy.
Starting to pack on some lateral buds as well, pretty much mirroring last grow in terms of growth so far, without hacked off tops this time :)
Can't really do anything about the wind burn, just got to accept it, otherwise the fan is on too low and doesn't move air properly.
Solid argument against excessive leaf removal here:
--UPDATE D89--
After the reservoir change on D85, I upped the pure blend tea to 10ml/US gallon, by god she's exploded. I think as a whole, the bud mass is almost on par with my last grow when it was chopped and there is still another 40-45 days left in her... Fingers crossed I don't fuck this one up 🤐
Thanks for stopping by!