First week of flower growth for the older ones, younger ones are still sort of finishing stretch (4 day difference). Plants got much taller than I expected, especially the one which started out extremely weak with very messed up leaves, which is around 2 feet at the moment. I remember weeks 3 and 4 I was butthurt like “why are they so small :,(“ LOL, if only I knew. Now I’m having to actually move my light up!
Past few weeks most of the new growth has been growing in with yellow tips, still haven’t figured out why. Don’t think it’s nute burn cause I’m barely pushing 800, could definitely be wrong though I’m too new to this. Otherwise they’re completely healthy, consistently standing right back up immediately after I train them whether it’s LST or even HST.
Humidity is beginning to become a problem, which I was not prepared for. The paint in the closet is beginning to crack and bubble off so I will most likely have to go in there scrape it and re prime and paint it myself eventually. Ordered a small dehumidifier on Amazon because I’m on a budget, that was a mistake. It pulls about a quarter pint out per day -_- wasn’t trying to spend 150+ on a new one so I found a 25 pint on Craigslist for 40 bucks, it should work, picking it up later today.
Edit: dehumidifier is up and running and works perfectly, rh now at a steady 50.
Leaving on a trip for a month in December so I will unfortunately be forced to harvest at 12 weeks, really hoping they will be close to done by then.
But yeah, still having fun tending to these awesome organisms!