This week I realized that I actually never fed her with runoff since I started flowering her, which is something I usually recommend others to do! 😂
So I gave her 10l plain RO water at lights off, and then at lights on 10 more liters with nuts. There came about 5l of runoff with an EC very close to 5, very high.
Two days after she started giving a wonderful strong smell and the buds seem to be swelling. So at the next watering, I prepared 20l(EC 1,8), and gave her that all at once. You can see the video.
This time there came 8l runoff with EC 5.31. I think I will repeat this 20l again next time to be sure she doesn't get root lock.
I'm impressed by her, it looks like she will end up making some really nice big buds if she keeps going this way for 3 more weeks :D