Semana 13 de los esquejes y su segunda semana de floración, en realidad llevan 16 días de flora. Hago los riegos 1/1, uno solo con agua(EC: 0.4) y el otro con los fertilizantes. En los riegos estoy utilizando Sensi cal-mag para llegar a una EC base de 0.4 y luego aplicar los fertilizantes. Regulo el PH con los reguladores de BioBizz. Durante esta semana se hizo la tercera y ultima aplicación de Delta9 la cual se hizo vía riego. Esta se hizo el décimo día de floración, es decir, el día 14/08. Por lo demás todo va bastante bien, las dos plantas van con buen aspecto y sin posibles carencias, espero que todo siga así. Seguimos con todo la flora!! Cualquier recomendación será bien recibida!!
Nach dem Ich eine Woche mit Canna Flush und Osmose Wasser gespühlt hatte , habe ich Ihr kein Wasser mehr gegeben bis alle Blüten nach unten gehangen haben.. Da die Temperatur gerade recht hoch ist , habe ich die komplette Pflanze einfach aufgehängt, damit die Luftfeuchte langsamer entweichen kann.. Hatte diese Pflanze sozusagen als Test um zu sehen wie eine Automatik so wächst.. Hatte anfangs die ersten 4 Wochen auch nur eine 25 watt Lampe , dann 3 wochen lang 8 stunden 25 watt und dann 10 stunden 60 WattWatt und letzte 2 wochen 120 Watt , aber auch gedimmt auf 70 % Verbrauch Stromkosten 30 Tage 25 Watt 18 Stunden - 13,5 Kw 21 Tage 25 Watt 8 Stunden - 4,2 Kw 21 Tage 60 Watt 8 Stunden - 12,6 Kw 14 Tage 70 Watt 18 Stunden - 17,64 Kw Durchschnittlich mit Daylight zyklus 70 Tage lüfter 5 Watt 24 Stunden-8,5 Kw 70 Tage Abluft 15 Watt 24 Stunden- 25 Kw Verbrauch zusammen für den Grow ist 81,44 Kw Bei einen Kwh preis von 0,37 cent sind das insgesammt ausgaben von knapp 30 euros Und das Hydro system war nur ein 2 Liter kanister mit einen Aquarium Sprudelstein.
Day 35: They went into pre-flowering this week, I still gave them vegitation nutrients since they still grow a bit in this stage. The leafs look healthy and green. I't is getting warmer outside now so hopefully they will stretch a bit in the preflower stage. Did some Defoliation and LST again. Until next week!
Really nasty week.. I noticed budrot on the 19.06 on quick one. Following that I removed the bud and two nearby buds, disinfected the whole greenhouse tent and placed the plant outside the tent for the rest of the week. The two buds that I took of got trimmed and didn’t show any signs of mold as of now. The days after that I also removed a few buds from Do-Si-Dos and more from Quick One. I decided to chop the top collar of Quick One and Do-Si-Dos a few days later. Those are trimmed and drying in a drying box connected to the inlet of my growtent (with cookies gelato) and a dehumidifier. Trichomes were milky and all the buds with mostly milky trichomes were also harvested. Cookies gelato got put in my indoor tent with a total of 450W (69W real usage) LED power (3*6500K and one plant light) I also vigorously removed any unnecessary leaves hiding in the buds and covering buds to ensure proper airflow. I also installed the outdoor fan in my grow tent in the basement.
Juju grow 2ml Juju flowa bloom 3ml Juju Greenmystic 2ml 1l Water First flowers are incoming
Day 31 (from sprout): Upon my return, I found that the plants were underwatered given they are in living soil this was especially bad. The first thing I did was to defoliate and to install a new trellis net. Sadly I was tired and couldn’t reach / see my plants well and ended up cutting off two valid branches from the gorilla skittlez
Two of the plants had little bit of powdery mildew so I defoliated those leafs. Also sprayed them with baking soda, liquid soap and water mixture. Hopefully we don't find any more of that. Otherwise everything seems good they are healthy and growing well.
Started the week by watering in the night from 24.06 - 25.06 with 300-400-400. Biscotti is now (25.06) 57 cm high. The other ones are smaller. Biscotti, Jack Herer and Blueberry are already flowering since around 5 days. Frosted Guava is starting to show her first nodes with hairs. Train Wreck is starting lol pretty small and looks a little bit sick. But still he’s growing. I sprayed also neem Oil (1ml in 0,5 ml warm water and with just a drop of kitchen soap) over Frosted Guava and Train Wreck when I watered them (24.06-25.06). Since then the spider mites very rarely appear.