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done some defoliation to expose bud sites getting ready to flip to flower shortly
I swapped over to organic nutes part way through this grow cocked up with the medium I used anyway she's doing alright and has produced some very nice solid buds
Hello everyone week 5 of flower has passed for this Strawberry Gorilla auto 🍓 For the feeding schedule i stopped feeding Power Roots and Pure Zym and started feeding Green Sensation 0,5/l Spider Farmer SE7000 80% have a great day and wish you all happy growing 😎👨‍🌾🏻
Hello everyone week 5 of flower has passed for this LSD-25 auto 🎢 For the feeding schedule i stopped feeding Power Roots and Pure Zym and started feeding Green Sensation 0,5/l Mars hydro FC-E6500 75% have a great day and wish you all happy growing 😎👨‍🌾🏻
Week 1 Aiming for: Generative steering VPD 1.18 DLI=44 37-53luxx Day 3 Irrigation system did not produce runoff. I will hand water them all untill runoff. Dripper uses 4.224gl per day Plants are 14-18inch tall (4 minutes is a shot)2%= 220ml 4minutes to hit 220 8.64*110=950 4 events of 220=880 Early flower schedule (Generative 4 minute water) 6:30 220 P1 6:49 440 P1 7:09 660 P1 7:24 880 P1 7:43 1000 P1 03:00 1220 P3 36.8klux(40.8DLI)is minimum(940umol) 40klux (44.37DLI) is Perfect(1027umol) 53.2klux(59.18DLI) is maximum (1370umol) They say PPFD of at least 800-1100 (800-1100) micromoles/m2/s-1 for perfect optimal lighting without additional CO2. PPFD of at least 800-1500 (800-1500) micromoles/m2/s-1 for perfect optimal lighting WITH additional CO2 Day 6 Plants are good for LST Day 7 looking like we need to defoliate. 4 plants still look sick WAtering is going well
Stretch regolare ed omogeneo per tutte le bimbe! Ad oggi mi ritengo soddisfatto di queste genetiche! Continuiamo e vediamo come procede Stay fuc*ing tuned
Stretch regolare ed omogeneo per tutte le bimbe! Ad oggi mi ritengo soddisfatto di queste genetiche! Continuiamo e vediamo come procede Stay fuc*ing tuned
Hello everyone week 5 of flower has passed for this Vanilla Latte auto 🍼 For the feeding schedule i stopped feeding Power Roots and Pure Zym and started feeding Green Sensation 0,5/l Mars hydro FC-E6500 75% have a great day and wish you all happy growing 😎👨‍🌾🏻
Hello everyone week 5 of flower has passed for this Tropicana cookies auto 🌴 For the feeding schedule i stopped feeding Power Roots and Pure Zym and started feeding Green Sensation 0,5/l Mars hydro FC-E6500 75% have a great day and wish you all happy growing 😎👨‍🌾🏻
Hello everyone week 4 of flower has passed for this Cherry Cola auto 🍒 For the feeding schedule i stopped feeding Power Roots and Pure Zym and started feeding Green Sensation 0,5/l Mars hydro FC-E6500 75% have a great day and wish you all happy growing 😎👨‍🌾🏻
Hello everyone week 5 of flower has passed for this Mint Jelly auto ❄️ For the feeding schedule i stopped feeding Power Roots and Pure Zym and started feeding Green Sensation 0,5/l Mars hydro FC-E6500 75% have a great day and wish you all happy growing 😎👨‍🌾🏻
Hello, J’ai recoupé les extrémités des 4 branche pour créer 8 nouveau site de buds, plus qu’à attendre pour recouper et faire 16 sites… la végétation se passe bien dans l’ensemble, je vais la voir une fois par jour, elle est heureuse et pas compliquée 😎
Hey all, its our 2nd week after casing drop. Facing some issues with Night temp, sometimes it could fall to +12C, thinking about how to improve it. Also concerned about slow growth because of that. Using just 1/3 of Plagron recommended dose. Modified a bit my tank, made some technical window. Also set up automatic irrigation, because wool started to dry up during the day Upd Sunday 10.12.2023, Decided to put Babys finally to Seramis. Washing ceramics is some kind of hell: -First, I decided to sift all the dust through a sieve, stood in a half-bent position with bags of Seramis for 30m (my back didnt like it), but there was a lot of dust. -then I decided to check the Ph and rinse thoroughly. Although the package says 5.5-5.7 Ph, after the first flush with a balanced solution at 5.5 Ph, there was 6.5 in the drainage. - I was concerned by the very muddy brick colour water, then got tired of mixing 5.5 in a bucket for flushing and decided to rinse it with tap water from shower and then balance it back to 5.5 Ph . As a result, I poured from the hose for another 30 minutes until the water became more or less transparent. -I also tested FloraFlex discs, they drip great and, although round, fit perfectly into my square grow bags. -Meanwhile, the Milwaukee Ph meter broke down, even the readings of the calibration buffer were changing from 4-6 Ph within one minute. In the end, I spent another 30min and half a bottle of buffer on this too. It’s good that i had yellow Chinese Ph meter, which even after 3 years of rest in the box showed accurate buffer readings. -Finally, the Ph of the drainage was 5.5-5.7 and it was transparent, so I began to move it into the growbox. I sprinkled it as much as I could, it was impossible to dig deeper. The plants do not yet reach the matrix disk, so for now they will grow with the usual felt. -The cap of the tank is very thin and cannot withstand the weight of 2 grow bags, I’ll have to come up with something else, maybe I’ll put some kind of drainage grid. Watering will be from a tank with a mixed solution of 5.8 Ph and 1.1 EC.
Hello everyone week 4 of flower has passed for this Gelato auto 🍦 Spider Farmer SE7000 80% have a great day and wish you all happy growing 😎👨‍🌾🏻
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 Casi 13 semanas de vida de esta cepa seria y exótica que está poniendo color en mi jardín de la alegría, la planta se mantiene en una calma elegante, bella y orgullosa. Esta semana he doblegado la rama más alta para igualar el dosel, la planta ha comenzado la pre flora y no espero más crecimiento, el tamaño final va a ser fantástico para mi porque voy a poder alumbrarla desde el sustrato hasta la copa con luces intensas, voy a continuar esta semana con las luces blancas de crecimiento, y la semana que viene haré un cambio drástico de todos los paneles led laterales, los sustituiré por otros con temperaturas de color más cálidas, además, voy a reforzar el dosel con otras dos lámparas, una con diodos de 2700K+660nm (50w) y un COB de 2800K con lente (50w), no quiero ningún rincón de la carpa a oscuras! 💡💡💡💡💡 Los riegos de esta planta, durante las dos últimas semanas, así como de todas las demás plantas han sido con poca concentración y con componentes destinados fortalecer la planta y a la inoculación de Microorganismos para la descomposición acelerada de materia orgánica del sustrato, así como la disolución de los minerales también presentes en el sustrato, se trata de no sobrealimentar, en esta etapa de transición, con Fertilizantes solubles y promover por última vez, la expansión de las raíces, que dejarán de crecer cuando la planta entre de lleno en floración, en el momento que claramente deje la planta de crecer y dirija toda la energía a la formación de flores empezará el gran juego, una segunda parte muy intensa y con momento bellísimos, la floración es el momento donde se requiere mucha variedad de minerales, más que en crecimiento vegetativo, por lo tanto la alimentación que tengo preparada para esta etapa va a ser muy variada... todo por la causa! A diferencia de la temporada pasada estoy regando profundamente pero dejando al sustrato agotar mayor cantidad de humedad con el fin de airear el sustrato lo más posible entre riego y riego, controlo el consumo exacto de agua cada día, peso mis macetas diariamente y tengo una hoja de excell que me calcula, este y otros datos de la evolución de los cultivos, al final estas técnicas me están sirviendo para simplificar lo complejo... cada loco con su tema! Hasta la próxima... SALUDOS A TODOS!! ================================ Info de la cepa Seriotica: "Es una variedad sofisticada que ofrece alta potencia y rendimiento..." Serious Seeds - Genética: Mimosa x Cookies - Índica corta y robusta - Tiempo de Floración - 5,5 - 7,5 semanas - Rendimiento: 350-500 g/m² - THC Alto - Hasta 28% ================================
Harvest date 08.12.23 - Day 91 from sprout. HI! My "first" proper grow, I raised some seedlings about 10 years ago and planted them on the side of a field and in the woods, I don't really count that, you do yours :) I just want to be transparent. It went better than expected, like a lot! Thanks to Hoocho on Youtube I got into hydroponics and NFT, I love NFT :D check him out! Did some veggies like salad, pak choi, spring onions etc. they got HUGE the pak choi was ~3x the size you see in the stores and tasted delicious, so at this point it was clear to me, when I grow weed it will be NFT even though almost nobody else does it, that made it even more appealing to me because I don't like to do things the way others do it :) I want to find my own way but that doesn't mean I don't take other growers lightly I study their work and pick what works best for me, a little here a little there and here I am now. Another youtuber I like to mention is Basementganja and his VERY well documented grows, and all the people on the Discord! check him out! I still wish I hadn't grown the Orion because it basically stole the Northern Lights some potential and yield. Also next time 2 plants in a 2x4 not 3! wasn't my brightest moment :D NL#1 yielded 1980g with stem and all, 985g after wet trimming. NL#2 yielded 1788g with stem and all, 1004g after wet trimming. I am not to picky with trimming, my buds don't need to look super good, I want them to taste and smell good + a good effect. I am really satisfied with the outcome, who couldn't be? The smell is kind of earthy and pine, a classic normal european weed smell I guess, not in a bad way but nothing to special, sometimes you just want your usual right? I could have lollipoped more to have bigger top kolas but you never stop learning :) I was kind of afraid to cut to much, but I don't mind smaller airy buds, put it trough the grinder and I bet nobody knows 🙀 My light was dimmed to "75%" measured 208W ~44 DLI for the most part of flower, did some 100% once in a while for a couple of hours. Had to defoliate ALOT like really ALOT almost every single day from mid veg up until mid/late flower that's why I rated it hard to grow, the rest went really easy. The fertilizer ratios I used are meant as RATIOS not exact 1ml etc. when it says 1ml A 1ml B it just means 50/50 until stated EC. I mix my dry salts 1kg/4l water to create a stock solution. I really hope the dry weight will be good, might hit the #1 spot for the RQS Auto Northern Light? One can dream huh :D Leave some comments, ask many questions!
On day 1 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. I defoliated leaves blocking the inside/lower canopy to give more light to lower growth points keeping the top 2 leaves on cola tops. The girls are deff still stretching :) So far so good. I'm glad I flipped to flower early this run and could see even dropping the veg time by another week. Its tough working in a small grow space but I'm determined to master it lol. I lowered the lights intensity from 85% to 75% to give my tops 600-800 PPFD. Usually I just blast the plants with 100% until the stretch is over but I'm realizing that I'm way over doing it based on my quantum sensors data. On day 2 the reservoirs PH is 6.1. The girls are still stretching and putting out new preflowers. My tallest cola is 9" from the light(the other lower colas are between 10"-12" away from grow light). On day 3 I adjusted the reservoirs PH up from 6.0 to 6.3. My tallest cola is 8.5" from the grow light. Lower colas are mostly 10" away from light. On day 4 the reservoirs PH is 6.3. My tallest cola is 7.5" from my grow light and the average/lower cola distance from grow light is 10-11". I defoliated large leafs that are blocking lower bud sites and or touching each other causing wet spots on the leaves. I want as much airflow as possible as I can not control my night time humidity which can be as high as 80%-90%. My last run I noticed some sugar leaves touching my grow box walls and this caused them to start rotting. I want to avoid that this time around so I'm being careful not to have any wet spots from leaves laying on each other as well as keeping all colas far enough from my walls. In the future I would like to have the ability for de humidification but being in a small grow box in a garage makes it difficult to control my lung room. On day 5 I adjusted the reservoirs PH up from 6.1 to 6.3. My tallest cola is 7" from the grow light. Lower colas are mostly 9"-10" away from light. I defoliated and removed lower bud sites not receiving enough light. On day 6 the reservoirs PH is 6.1. My tallest cola is 6.5" from the grow light. Lower colas are mostly 9"-10". My tallest cola is getting 1000 PPFD while my lowers are 600-800 PPFD. On day 7 I changed out the reservoir and adjusted the PH to 6.1. The tallest cola is 6" from the light. Lower colas are mostly 9"-10"