hellooo growers,❤️
crazy week last week, from police helicopter flying again around and near my growlocation from diffrent hights but not for 15min but more like 6 hours...That's really abnormal so we will see...
and with growing last week was a heavy one because I had my first fungus gnats infestation ,(mystery where they come /came from I think some teleportation lol ) it started really slow but within couple of days it was not a couple but dozens so that was not funny, with some research I came 2the conclusion yellow sticky papers/plates and canna cure was not solving the problem but more running behind the problem.. so that was a mistake.. I read about mites and little nematodes , fascinating stuff, I know very little about them and they where a eye opener on a lot of different ways. love to learn new things..
I think the infestation did some damage in slow grow but I'm not sure because I never grew amnesia auto before and this is my second grow in total so.. but after a couple of days after I released the nematodes and mites i saw i huge diffrent in flying around gnats, and now 11-12 I only saw 2 or 3 in total last 3 days so that's great! the smell is strong already a fine sweet but strong present aroma with a hint of citrus smell, amazing... now and then I close my eyes and focus on the great smell it gives and sometimes with fascination thoughts..
12- 12 I see already some of the girls are growing very good now so that's great to see I give the lady's all 700ppm from canna call/mag agent 20ml a 15 L or Atami callmag 20ml a 15L Canna A& b 35ml a15L rhizotonic 25ml a15L cannazyme 25ml a 15L BAC sillica power 5ml a 15L
canna cure spray every 3the day
lights power draw is 150watt of 480w quantom boards and the viparspectra p4000 also 150watt and the rubol Josephine 50 watt farRed cob is always on 50watt
stay tuned new updates in progress!