Hey all!
This was a crazy week. The girls continued growing up and have reached 30" (CBD+ and Moby Dick) and 23" (GG #4), pretty much outgrowing my vertical space. I removed my carbon filter (which was clogged and needing maintenance anyways) and pushed my LED lights all the way up, allowing CBD+ and Moby Dick to stay 7" away and GG#4 12" away.
Although the LED manufacturer recommend a distance of at least 14", the girls seems to be liking the strong light and have not shown any light burns. One of the MD colas is only 4" away!
~~ Defoliation
I've finally gained courage and heavy defoliated the girls (Schwazzing style). I removed one fan leave in each node + top leaves that were creating lots of shade. I'm looking forward to see the results of this so much controversial technique!
Since GG#4 presented some nut burns, they received only one scheduled feeding plus one "watering" (only Cal Mag, Florilicious Plus, and Molasses, Ph = 6.0). Next week I'll come back to the normal feeding schedule.