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I’m watering the 7 girls (minus Trainwreck 1) every other day with 15+ gallons of R/O water & week 4 bloom nutes between 6.2-6.5 PH and 1100-1500 ppm. Every third feeding is just water with molasses Sept.. 7 the day started with 15+ millimeters of rain and wind gusts over 50 km/h. A couple of girls got blown over but luckily no broken branches. Time to start tying down these pots geez. I was checking up on Super Skunk auto #2 while she’s been drying and unfortunately bud rot has taking over most of her so the entire plant has been trashed. FAK!😢😢😢😢😢 Sept. 8 it's been overcast and humid all day and noticed some more powdery mildew on some of the girls. 😩 Unfortunately temps overnight have been in the mid to low teens celsius which is not helping Sept.9 mixed a new concoction of 3 teaspoons baking soda & 1 teaspoon vegetable oil to 500 ml of water and carefully sprayed fan and sugar leaves trying best to avoid bud sites. Sept.10 powdery mildew seems to be under control although the baking soda concoction burned some of the white hairs on a few buds. Trainwreck 1 is on her final week of nutrients followed by a long flush. Sept.12 the last couple of days have been cooler than average and somewhat breezy. The girls are looking healthy and the colas are starting to put on some serious weight so I added a few more bamboo stakes and a bunch of ties for more support. 👌😁👍 Sept.13 started the day with almost 15 mils of rain (that's about 1 inch for you non-metric peeps)😄 Colas are getting way heavy😲 A couple more branches snapped on Blue Fire 2. Man I can't catch a break. I hope it doesn't stress her out too much. 🙏 Thanks for stopping by, hope to see ya next week👉 Cheers and happy growing👍
On this week the aroma has started to get stronger, very beautiful flowers, amazing sour sweet smell very pungent, I just cannot wait to smoke this nuggets, I've removed some little flowers to gain a little more air flow and avoid any type of fungal infections that could appear in this stage, let's see how she keeps developing those buds, very interesting strain!! Don't forget to check the hard diesel pheno #1 that you can find in my page! ❤️💚💛
Absolutely beautiful strain to grow, Super pleasant smell very very pungent like OG but you can definitely feel some cheese notes because of the sweetness, it's a little like uk cheese, very happy with this strain, looks very good quality both phenos have the exact same smell, let's see how this 2 beautiful phenos perform!!! Stay tuned growmies!
31/1 So yes I've had some trouble keep this lady under control, she keep forcing again LST so to give a better light compensation at the lower branches I've cut a top leaf, now the canopy look much more uniform hope she gonna react and respond well, we'll see in the next days 4/4 So we had an amazing week, the runtz improves a lot and start to produce many withe pistils, it's gonna be the last week of vegetation so from now on i was thinking to add an extra light, the low branches are streching out and the top cola it's incrementing his yield, hope to see new nice improvement btw Happy easter!
I'm noticing that some of the plans are growing at different rates and so the ones who are growing slower probably experience more trauma during transplant is my only guess. I've been reading more about the temperature of the water so I am focusing on that but the thermometer I got doesn't read the best so I'm going to get a new one here soon. For now I'm trying to stick between cool and lukewarm water to the touch.
29.03.21 hab heute die ersten weissen terpene entdecken können vorblüte is in gange. Biegen und binden wird immer mehr stand heut fast eine Stunde vorm Zelt bis ich einigermaßen mit der Positionierung zufrieden war. Ist ein ziemliches wuchs monster bis zu 5 cm am Tag die jeden neuen Tag runter gebogen werden wollen mal schauen was Woche Nr.2 so bringt..... 30.03.21 biegen und binden ich werd irre davon...... 32.01.21 hab heut wieder Luft unterm Netz gemacht hier und da Blätter entfernt Ach ja und nicht zu vergessen der biegen und binden horror.... 01.04.21 hab mir heute weichen pflanzen Draht besorgt um die einzelnen Seiten und Hauptbestände besser fixieren zu können damit sie auch da bleiben wo ich sie haben will die Pflanze wächst ziemlich rasant ich Weiss langsam garnicht mehr wohin mit den ganzen Ästen. Hab mich heute dazu entschieden kein Vita race mehr zu Sprühen obwohl laut Hersteller bis Ende der dritten blüte Woche 1x wöchentlich gesprüht werden kann, hab Schiss mir die Blüten Geschmacks massig zu versauen...... 02.04.21 das Wachstum ist enorm Habe heute 2 1/2h Arbeit investiert in biegen und binden. Ich hoffe das sich die ganze Arbeit am Ende lohnt und ich mit schönen klebrigen nuggetz belohnt werde... 03.04.21 hab heute das ganze einfach mal laufen lassen wollte eigendlich heute giessen da die Ladys gut durstig sind hab aber heute verpennt und dann noch der ganze feiertags Kram hab somit das Gießen auf morgen verschoben die Ladys werden es sicher überleben..... 04.03.21 hab heute ein bißchen die Blätter unters netzt gebogen und gegossen sieht gut aus soweit bin zufrieden für die 2te Woche....
Спокойная неделя в плане тренировок, без дефолиации. Довольно хорошо сформирована крона, я ничего не делаю с ней, я просто отпустил её в росте и в коротком темпе междоузлий она проявляет свои цветы даже в таких местах, которые скрыты от света. Цветы по всей площади относительно равномерно растут, запах по интенсивности "Нормальный", пахнет так же - скунсом. Очень ветвистая, с толстыми, короткими ветками и короткими междоузлиями в 3-5 сантиметров. Немножко подросла, на 10 сантиметров, поэтому приподнял лампу на 10 сантиметров. Мощность лампы 70%, от растения 60 сантиметров, 25000lux, лампа слегка теплая. при покупке примени код и получи скидку 😀👌 код: GDVIP Спасибо за комментарии и оценки, друзья! Цветение продолжается!