Smoke report! 10/10/20 Tastes like heaven 😍 the beauty tastes like pure joy lemon dessert 🍨 sweet and mellow vanilla honey cream flavours! Has pink tones and a beautiful look on the nug! She’s a beauty makes you feel it instantly every hit is to the head! Put you into deep thought great feelings dreamy almost 😅 Can’t believe I got 12g off a solo! Was grown in a 300ml pot! Dried for 5 days in brown paper bags at 52%rh 18c (64.4f) very strong pungent lemon flavour and smell and that’s before cure so be so much more stronger in 2-4weeks! Can’t wait to grow her properly in a 10-15L pot
June 29: watered with compost tea. Bacteria in these teas seem to help hold the water and I don’t need to water this too often or too much. Did a foliar spray of potassium silicate and soluble seaweed extract. Fast growth phase happening now. June 30: forecast for next week is hot and the week after is a bit hotter. Having made it through the cold spring, the plants should get a lot bigger over the next couple weeks. July 1: nice fast growth now 👍👍 July 4: did foliar spray of Extreme Blend in the morning. July 5: she’s doing great with strong vegetative growth. After the last round of topping the fan leaves got quite a bit bigger and the growth tips have been a bit slower to start growing than on my other photoperiod. Looking nice and green and growing fast. Waiting a few more days before starting another scrog layer. She has grow 7 inches this week. I love the “inch a day” stage. 👍 #seedsman420growoff #seedsmanseeds
June 29: should start growing quickly here soon. July 1: last 30 days has been 1.5 C cooler than historic average, and is more than 3 C cooler than last year. Big heat wave in eastern Canada, but not here this year (so far). July 4: some growth going on above ground but she should pick up speed here now with nice weather and Week 4.
June 29: watered with compost tea. The bacteria in these teas help to retain water in the soil and I don’t have to water as much. Misting leaves frequently to make up for low daytime humidity. Did foliar spray of potassium silicate and soluble seaweed extract. Looking really nice and green and healthy. June 30: forecast for the next week is hot and the week after is a bit hotter. Plants should be ready for a strong vegetative growth phase with the nicer weather. July 1: Happy Canada Day. Was some rain yesterday and overnight but still doing at least an inch a day vertical growth. July 5: she’s doing great in the warmer weather. Looks like she grew 7 inches this week so that’s in the good “inch a day” range I want to see over the next couple weeks. Will start force flowering (12 h darkness in the garage) in about two weeks.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of water to be fed. Day 1 we had high temperature of 89°F. We had scattered thunderstorms and roughly two hours of rain. No watering today Day 2 we had a high temperature of 80°F. The skies were partly cloudy with a healthy breeze. I water 2-2.5 gallons today. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 79 and partly cloudy skies. This cooler weather has been nice. I watered 2-3 gallons each pot once. Day 4 we had high temperature of 92°F. I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 85°F. Skies were cloudy to overcast with off and on rain until noon. Then partly cloudy in the afternoon. I added 50ml of blood meal and 50ml of iron spread evenly across the tops of the pots. Watering done by rain today. The roots have begun to grow out of the soil on top and down through the pots into the ground. Day 6 we had a high temperature of 86°F, a short rain shower, with cloudy to partly cloudy skies. Watering done today by the rain. Day 7 we had high temperature of 81°F skies were cloudy to partly cloudy. We had some intermittent heavy rain so everyone was watered by nature today. This week was a success.bthe plants topped out at 70" of height. They've begun to feed heavy, so I added blood meal and iron. Next week I'll add some plant tone and coop poop.
June 29: she should start strong vegetative growth soon. July 1: last 30 days have been 1.5 C cooler than historic average and 3 C cooler than last year. Starting the autos late was likely not a bad thing this year.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of water to be fed. Day 1 she was inside and I watered .5 gallons. Day 2 she was inside and I watered .5 gallons. Day 3 This girl will be going back outside. She was inside day 1 and 2. The thunderstorms, rain, clouds, and humidity were more than I was willing to expose her to. I watered .5 gallon today Day 4 we had a high temperature of 79 and partly cloudy skies. This cooler weather has been nice. I watered .5-1 gallons from the hose. I noticed a small amount of powdery mildew on the lower leaves. Day 6 we had a high temperature of 85°F. Skies were cloudy to overcast with off and on rain until noon. Then partly cloudy in the afternoon. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 86°F, a short rain shower, with cloudy to partly cloudy skies. Watering done today by the rain.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of water to be fed. Day 1 we had high temperature of 89°F. We had scattered thunderstorms and roughly two hours of rain. No watering today Day 2 we had a high temperature of 80°F. The skies were partly cloudy with a healthy breeze. I water 2-2.5 gallons today. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 79 and partly cloudy skies. This cooler weather has been nice. I watered 2-3 gallons each pot once. Day 4 we had high temperature of 92°F. I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 85°F. Skies were cloudy to overcast with off and on rain until noon. Then partly cloudy in the afternoon. I added 50ml of blood meal and 50ml of iron spread evenly across the tops of the pots. Watering was done by rain today. The roots have begun to grow down through the pots into the ground. Because we get high winds this is a bonus. The #1 plant has some small spots of powdery mildew on it today. Day 6 we had a high temperature of 86°F, a short rain shower, with cloudy to partly cloudy skies. Watering done today by the rain. Day 7 we had high temperature of 81°F skies were cloudy to partly cloudy. We had some intermittent heavy rain so everyone was watered by nature today.
The Mandarin Squeeze sisters are growing good. The grow room appears to be pest free now. I had neem oil treated the plants twice. I then treated the grow space with ortho home defense. I did not get it on the plants. It appears to have work. Grow diaries is really messed up still, and Is altering my information input on numbers. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Terpyz Mutant Genetics. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Pablo Escobar is doing good. All the pest appear to be eliminated. I defoliated her some today. Gd has been having site issues, and some of my input numbers are changing on their own. I do plan to change to flowering next update. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Casey's Rollex OG has been making progress. I believe the pest problem has been resolved. I did a good defoliation on her today to open her up more. I plan to switch to flowering in a week. Everything is looking fairly good at the moment. Thank you Spider Farmer, and DutchFem Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
7/3 Hot as fuck today. Japanese beetles were around. I killed a few. I'm going to have to go over and keep an eye on things. It reached 90° today for the majority of the day. I watered around 1pm as I noticed most of the bags were very light. I'm glad I held off on the BT. I've dealt with jpn beetles before so hopfully that won't be an issue. Things are getting big. It won't let me upload any pictures or the video I did. I may upload it to past week. Went back over at night and and plants looked dropy but it was after 7pm and they were just going to sleep. 7/4 Didn't take photos this morning. Found some jpn beetles. That's the damage I've been seeing. I went back over last night to hunt them but I only got two. There weren't any others. No biggie. I'll put some pics up from today after I get back 7/5 Didn't get a chance to check the plants out today. My intuition tingled around 1pm and I had just gotten home and I ran over to check them. They displayed minor signs of heat stress as seen in the pics (due to the super high humidity and 90° weather) and the bags were light. A few were REALLY light. I could see they needed water. I WATERED 4 1/2 GALLONS TO THE GARDEN. DO TO THE HIGH TENPS AND WINDS IVE HAD TO WATER THE LAST THREE DAYS IN A ROW. IVE SLOWLY STRARTED INCREASING VOLUME. I don't want to water until I get a shit ton of run off because I want to keep the nutes in my soil as long as possible. As you can see things are going great. Minor pests but notjing major. They're growing at a very rapid pace. I'll need to add another layer of supports soon and begin to LST some of these girls. I've got one seedling in a 10 gal and I'm pretty sure it's a feminized red runtz but it's in preflower and looks and SHOULD be a female but I haven't seen the white hair yet. Looks like a female preflower though. I do have one auto though in a 5 gallon tjats doing good too. I have a bunch of pics but the internet is too slow. I'll upload tomorrow. Started pouring around 6.
Auto Opium has filled in and is starting to look good in the course of her bulking. She has about 2 weeks left roughly. She has endured some light burn or bleaching on the upper leaves. Everything is looking really good. She is starting to develop her smell. As it is becoming more every day. She will likely go to ph water around the next update time. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
~ WEDDING CHEESECAKE FAST FLOWER by FastBuds ~ Well fam, here we go again with another epic strain from FastBuds Fast Flowering stable. After having such tremendous success growing their Gorilla Cookies Fast Flower outdoors last year, I've decided to run another of their fast flowering strains outdoors this year... Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower! The best description of this awesome cultivar comes directly from my friends at FastBuds which is as follows: "A delight for the mind and body: Wedding Cheesecake FF (Fast-Flowering) is a delicious strain that offers XXL yields in a 7-8 weeks flowering cycle. This terpene powerhouse produces loads and loads of mouth-watering vanilla-creamy-cookie-scented terps with hints of citrus and cinnamon. In addition to its delicious aromas, this variety grows very well in both indoor and outdoor setups, yielding up to 650 g/m2 without extra maintenance, making it the ideal strain for beginners as it allows you to maximize yields while minimizing work. This super-fast feminized photoperiod version offers upbeat and energetic yet deeply relaxing effects that are perfect for consumers looking for a heavily focused, motivating, and creative high. It’s the ideal strain for those needing that extra energy boost to start a busy day on the right foot. Wedding Cheesecake FF boasts chunky, large-sized buds with a thick layer of silvery-white resin and bright orange hairs scattered all over: that just screams ‘quality’. The lime-green flowers sparkle with an array of hues ranging from dark to light green, to magenta and purple, and reek of a delicious aroma that’ll remind you of fresh store-bought cheesecake. This is an XXL hybrid that grows extremely tall in height, reaching up to 3m with one huge main cola and multiple long side branches that can withstand enormous yields of up to 650 g/m2 with ease. Wedding Cheesecake FF is extremely resilient to the elements and can be grown in almost every climate as long as you’ve got the space and basics covered, making her an excellent choice for those looking for large-scale harvests with a quick turnaround time without much effort." ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the Wedding Cheesecake FF indoors as our weather is still too cold to put her outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 30's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures stay above the mid 40's℉, at which point she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes, and then let the fun begin!🤪💚 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 6/26- Can you believe that it is now Week Thirteen since breaking ground for the FastBuds Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower??? This lady has turned into a genuine beast of a plant and continues to remain healthy with great color and vigor! 6/28- Our weather is HOT now with heat indexes over 100℉ so I'm watering the Wedding Cheesecake FF every day with 5-8g of straight well water from the garden hose in the late afternoon once the plant is in the shade. Other than the ever present leaf hoppers, which love the leaves but leave the flowers alone, and an occasional Japanese Beetle there aren't any serious pest issues currently. The Wedding Cheesecake FF continues to have excellent color and vigor and continues to add vertical growth! 6/30- The weather continues to be hot and humid and the daily watering continues. I also removed a few shade leaves that were below the canopy, as well as some in the middle of the plant that were blocking a lot of light to new shoots. 7/2- Thirteen weeks of veg behind her now, the FastBuds Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flower is on her way to stardom... see you next week!🤩 Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏