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11/22 Week 14 One has fallen five remain FFT-11-1 is in dry Rate of harvest as much weather driven as anything dont want a lot exposed at once. Planning every 2-3 days FFT-10 is in full bud building mode still so keeping the pedal down on them with a 10/10 finishing feed till we see some closure on those buds. FFT-9 is really showing great color purple so deep almost black water only FFT-11-2 is waiting her turn water only 11/23 pics Harvest FFT-11-2 in the morning 11/24 Yield on FFt-11-1 : 189 grams dry FFt-11-2 in dry (1100 grams wet) 11/25 Unless the weather turns on us will harvest both FFt-9s tomorrow FFt-11-2 still in dry be finished tomorrow 11/27 The FFT-10 stands alone , showing signs of ending, putting them on a finishing feed and reduce as the buds close 11/28 Welp those signs of ending backed off and she making buds heavy again. Go girls go not reducing feed till this goes as far as it will zero pressure to harvest. Lights on pics Built a better jute cage for FFT-10-2 she is very wide and there was a danger of branches breaking from weight of buds. Increased Bloom and Peak PK hitting them a bit harder as dont want noticeable def beginning until I want them as much as practical. Buds still spikey and hairs strong though seem a few less its not much. Seems every time we switch up our PK for them it triggers another round of production. See what what when they begin to slow again. This is fun dont get to do this... ever... no space pressure finally although thats due to problems in germ more than my design going forward I think. Plants are at max par being under their individual ts-2000s so I killed the side lights not doing a lot anyway with the tent near empty 11/30 At lights on the buds seem to be slowing, reducing the Bloom nuets and PK after a single hard hit to see if they pick up
BW 7, Leute. BW 6 war unspannend. Die Blüten sind schön entwickelt. Die Härchen fangen an sich zu verfärben. Grob geschätzt vielleicht noch 2 Wochen? Wir werden sehen.
Yesterday i took off some Leafs down there. Looks Like a Bouquet now 😄 She's responding great to the Training i have her. I'm pretty exited how she'll do in the Future weeks 🤙🏽
una semana mas sin mucho que hacer ni decir.
Que pasa familia, vamos con la novena semana de floración de estas Gorilla Cookies Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Agradezco a Agrobeta todos los kits obtenidos de ellos 🙏. Hasta aquí veis que llevan buen progreso y el color que se marcan es espectacular. Vamos al lío, el ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 22/24 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. El fotoperiodo a 12-12. Estás próxima machete. Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la cosecha de estas Wedding cheesecake Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Por dónde empezar, las flores son bien compactas , y van repletas de resina, tienen tonos por dentro muy bonitos, y tiene un aroma súper dulce aunque engañar engaña porque saber sabe más tropical y cremosa. Es muy sencilla de cultivar, es de ciclo bastante corto aunque también si le dais una semana más no pasa nada agradecer se agradece al final. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la cosecha de estas Wedding cheesecake Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Por dónde empezar, las flores son bien compactas , y van repletas de resina, tienen tonos por dentro muy bonitos, y tiene un aroma súper dulce aunque engañar engaña porque saber sabe más tropical y cremosa. Es muy sencilla de cultivar, es de ciclo bastante corto aunque también si le dais una semana más no pasa nada agradecer se agradece al final. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Saudações. Bem melhor planta do ano no meu jardim. Voltei plantar no futuro, sem dúvida. Bem chegou o grande dia, cortei minha menina. Ela tem botões tão lindos que até me custou um pouco cortar. Na sala tinha ácaros aranha, mas menina não foi afetada. Adicionei luz UV-C para manter praga controlada, mas acho que minha menina tem poucos cabelos, deve ser por isso. Agora nos últimos dias menina estava sozinha, luz UV-C apagada cabelos aparecendo. Bem não é grave ela está cheia de resina, um cheiro apaixonante, deve ter um poder que dá medo 😂 Estou rendido com qualidade de Dutch Passion. Bem todos cultivadores tem um dia plantar genética directa de Dutch Passion. Sim pois indirectamente já todos nós provámos, todos banco do mundo tem um pouco de Dutch Passion. Cannbis e seu mercado como o conhecemos hoje, devemos muito a Dutch Passion pioneiro no mercado. Não preciso dizer para ir ver novidades e promoções em Dutch Passion Bem melhor planta de interior do ano 2024 no meu jardim. Voltarei plantar está menina fazendo mãe para minha coleção de mães. No geral correu tudo bem, para mim melhor planta de concurso, fazendo um comparando outros diários. Muitos podem concordar comigo. Tenho pena não ter tido tempo para tirar uma boas fotos, que era principal objectivo de concurso. Também com máquina fotográfica de alta qualidade e ando tirar fotos com telefone de merda. Podia muito bem estar no pódio, e tivesse dedicando uns minutos para tirar fotos. Bem para o próximo ano vou tentar fazer melhor. Tive ela secar por 10 dias pendurada inteira, mais 5 dias embrulhada em papel. Estou pronta para entrar em cura. Tem botões lindos, duros como pedra, cheios de resina e um cheiro delicioso, fiz uma pequena prova, mas ainda sem cura sabor terraço com uma mistura frutado, simplesmente deliciosa, aguardar por curar. Ansioso para poder provar todo seu esplendor. Saudações até breve
Ze Chem Bang has made it. It was a rough start, but she has pulled through. Everything is looking really good now. Thank you Medic Grow, and Terpyz mutant Genetics. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Blue Dream Auto is doing good. I have been keeping her lst up to date, and defoliated her a little more. Everything is looking good. Thank you Seedsman, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 This is my affiliate link to seedsman. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Zealix is growing well. She was topped today and her 1st node branches were trimmed off. Everything is looking great. Thank you Medic Grow, and Terpyz mutant Genetics. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Nov 29: They seem to be accelerating in veg growth but I see a small portion of the leaf on the smaller plant either grew in mutated or somthing cut it, I haven’t seen a single bug in the box so I don’t think it’s that but you never know, and the bigger plant has some issues near the base of its stem, I noticed it before I did the LST and now I’m wondering if I should have addressed that issue before starting the LST. Let me know what you guys think! Dec 2: Walked into the room and noticed a faint smell, wasn’t any smell last night when I started the LST on the slower girl. Further inspection showed some white pistols on the bigger girl, I believe she is the culprit for the smell as the other seems about a week behind. They are both now LST‘d and leaf tucked. Enjoy the pics and vid’s! Dec 6: I have tied down some of the longer chutes on the bigger plant (will see in week 5 update) to create more airflow and light penetration as I didn’t even realize how bushy the stem and node sections had gotten. I have also cut the chutes coming off the first true leaf. I don’t think I will make any cuts to the smaller one as it’s already a slower growing pheno. Going on a trip starting the end of week secede to late week 8, so I have a automatic feeder coming from Amazon, and I will continue using it through flower to reduce open tent time.
This will be my 1st auto run. Other than one time I was sent some free f1 autos from rqs and I started some but I ended up tossing them for some reason or another. I am actually super excited to try out fastbuds. I have been wanting to try out fastbuds for over a year now. I'm not the greatest with seedlings so I am doing a test run with a 2x2 tent I'm gonna try and grow the best plant I get out if the 3 seeds hopefully it doesn't out grow my small 2x2 tent . Pound cake thou looks like a killer strain with some fat buds can't wait to see how fast fast buds really are. Here we go.