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Desde 13/12 a 20/12 13/12: empezó el día con lluvia en la madrugada y mucho viento. Esperemos no haya sufrido la planta ya que estaba atada y no pude ir a cortarle los hilos. El pluviómetro marcó 130ml. El viento fue fuerte pero lo soportó como una campeona. El problema es que los caminos estan feos y no se puede entrar. Tendré que esperar hasta el miércoles o jueves para poder ir a verla. 14/12: temperatura de 29ºC. Humedad de 63%. Me dicen que sigue creciendo bien, aun no se mejoran los caminos rurales así que hoy no podré ir a verla. Mañana posiblemente si y subo fotito. 15/12: tuve que pedirle a un amigo que me lleve en moto porque en auto no se puede entrar, hay mucho barro y aún no se escurre el agua de los caminos. La nena no sufrió nada. Crecio mas de 15cm desde la ultima vez que la vi. Parece que con el viento se desataron los hilos así que volví a atarla. No hizo falta riego ya que aún dura la humedad de la lluvia del domingo. 16/12: hoy fui a verla y a regarla. Me llamo la atención la fuerza que hace para irse para arriba, tanta fuerza que desató varios hilos. Tuve que volver a atarla. Se marcó a tal punto de casi quebrarse el tallo en la punta, donde doblé la planta. Le puse aloe vera natural para que cicatrice, espero de buen resultado. Por otra parte regue con 20 litros y saque muchas arañas blancas, muchos huevos y varias chinches. No nos olvidemos que el lugar de cultivo está cerrado por monte autóctono y virgen, hay cualquier cantidad de insectos. Suelo ponerle musica a la planta cuando voy a verla, hoy escuchamos el CD “Lobo suelto, cordero atado” de Los Redondos. ¿Ustedes creen que las plantas disfrutan de la música como nosotros? 18/12 - mucho calor durante la siesta/tarde. Conserva bien la humedad. Hoy regué con manguera. No encontré ningún huevo de araña, pero si una araña pequeña. Ayer no pude venir a verla por falta de tiempo, y hoy note el crecimiento de los dos días. Va bastante bien. Esta semana descansa de fertilizantes. Esperaré a fertilizar fuerte pasado el cuarto menguante. 19/12: como de costumbre fui por la tarde antes de que cayera el sol, y me encontre con la sorpresa de que tenia mucha araña roja varios sectores de la planta, muchos huevos debajo de las hojas grandes. Tuve que volver a mi casa a buscarlo Jabón Potásico para hacerle aplicación foliar. Le puse 1 litro con dos tapas de jabón; esperemos haga resultado. Mañana tendré que dedicarle más atención a la nena y sacarle todo lo que pueda de forma manual. Hoy es luna llena y alumbra muchísimo, la nena lo siente, le gusta.
Growing the 3gal naturally with a small amount of lst. The 5gal was topped, and the 7gal has more intense lst done. Minor defoliation needed for these ones. All top dressed this week: 3gal 1tbs of 4-4-4 and 2tbs of 2-8-4, 5gal 2tbs of 4-4-4 and 3tbs of 2-8-4, 7gal 3tbs of 4-4-4 and 3tbs of 2-8-4. Watering when dry.
I was out of town last week and the girls kept fattening up nicely. Nothing new to report.
1/3 driver on my quantumboard is dead ☠️ now only 440wt 💡
12/12 + 35 jours 1️⃣ 🏠 90x60x90 ☀️ FC-E 4800 => puissance a 75% 🍁 1x Black Bomb / Philosopher Seed 2x Amnesia Lemon / PEV Seeds 1x Blueberry / PEV Seeds 1x Blueberry / 00 Seeds 1x Wappa / Paradise Seed 1x Dark Phoenix / Green House Seed 1x Quick Sherbet / Exotic Seeds 1x Mango Cream / Exotic Seeds 1x Banana Frosting / Sensi Seed 1x Hindu Kush / Sensi Seed 4x Fast Mix / Sweet Seed 📎 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/122084-grow-journal-by-soosan 📎https://growdiaries.com/diaries/124052-grow-journal-by-soosan 2️⃣ 🏠 30x60x50 ☀️TS1000 => puissance a 100% 🍁 4x Quick Sherbet - Exotic Seed 📎 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/122080-grow-journal-by-soosan Sponsorisé par Mars Hydro
12/12 + 35 jours 1️⃣ 🏠 90x60x90 ☀️ FC-E 4800 => puissance a 75% 🍁 1x Black Bomb / Philosopher Seed 2x Amnesia Lemon / PEV Seeds 1x Blueberry / PEV Seeds 1x Blueberry / 00 Seeds 1x Wappa / Paradise Seed 1x Dark Phoenix / Green House Seed 1x Quick Sherbet / Exotic Seeds 1x Mango Cream / Exotic Seeds 1x Banana Frosting / Sensi Seed 1x Hindu Kush / Sensi Seed 4x Fast Mix / Sweet Seed 📎 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/122084-grow-journal-by-soosan 📎https://growdiaries.com/diaries/124052-grow-journal-by-soosan 2️⃣ 🏠 30x60x50 ☀️TS1000 => puissance a 100% 🍁 4x Quick Sherbet - Exotic Seed 📎 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/122080-grow-journal-by-soosan Sponsorisé par Mars Hydro
Plant is showing signs of possible nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency with brown curling leaves and purple tipped leaves, but not too worried about it seeing as there's only about a few weeks left of growth. Removing smaller fan leaves to uncover bud sites. Heavy smells of pine and berries 😁
The first week after the flip. What I have been working on is bringing Gelato's soil pH up. Gelato was given water at 6.5 pH and the run off was measuring 5 pH (yikes.) After flushing with 3 gallons of water at 8 pH, the soil pH was still measuring 5 pH. The reaction the plant had tho after the flush was positive, which is to say, no more burning or yellowing leaf tips 5 days post flush. Sour Diesel and Do Si Dos were fed VEG nutrients at 50% strength ( 1.5 tsp Big Bloom and 1.5 tsp Grow Big.) and the pH of the liquid was 6.5. Everyone is looking good. Because it is only the first week of flower, "the stretch" is yet to be seen.
12/12 + 35 jours 1️⃣ 🏠 90x60x90 ☀️ FC-E 4800 => puissance a 75% 🍁 1x Black Bomb / Philosopher Seed 2x Amnesia Lemon / PEV Seeds 1x Blueberry / PEV Seeds 1x Blueberry / 00 Seeds 1x Wappa / Paradise Seed 1x Dark Phoenix / Green House Seed 1x Quick Sherbet / Exotic Seeds 1x Mango Cream / Exotic Seeds 1x Banana Frosting / Sensi Seed 1x Hindu Kush / Sensi Seed 4x Fast Mix / Sweet Seed 📎 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/122084-grow-journal-by-soosan 📎https://growdiaries.com/diaries/124052-grow-journal-by-soosan 2️⃣ 🏠 30x60x50 ☀️TS1000 => puissance a 100% 🍁 4x Quick Sherbet - Exotic Seed 📎 https://growdiaries.com/diaries/122080-grow-journal-by-soosan Sponsorisé par Mars Hydro
transplanted auto flower day 19 let me know if you guys like videos better
Here we are in week six of flower and not a lot has happen this week other than the usual watering and letting her do her thing. Only trouble this week was updating GoPro had to try a few times. Other than that we got some rain in my home town and collected about 60 gallons that I'm going to use to finish the rest of the grow. Also, got my new AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T4, Quiet Inline Duct Fan System with Temperature and Humidity Controller, 4-Inch. I was really hoping this two plants would finish before the year ended, however, it looks like they got others plans. See you guys next week.
so were almost at harvest, have begun flushing this last week and hopefully will be chopping beginning of next week, then the cure... CAN NOT WAIT TO BUST UP SOME OF THESE NUGS AND PACK THEM IN THE BON 😆
so were almost at harvest, have begun flushing this last week and hopefully will be chopping beginning of next week, then the cure... CAN NOT WAIT TO BUST UP SOME OF THESE NUGS AND PACK THEM IN THE BON 😆
Here we are in week six of flower and not a lot has happen this week other than the usual watering and letting her do her thing. Only trouble this week was updating GoPro had to try a few times. Other than that we got some rain in my home town and collected about 60 gallons that I'm going to use to finish the rest of the grow. Also, got my new AC Infinity CLOUDLINE T4, Quiet Inline Duct Fan System with Temperature and Humidity Controller, 4-Inch. I was really hoping this two plants would finish before the year ended, however, it looks like they got others plans. See you guys next week.
so were almost at harvest, have begun flushing this last week and hopefully will be chopping beginning of next week, then the cure... CAN NOT WAIT TO BUST UP SOME OF THESE NUGS AND PACK THEM IN THE BON 😆
Минус одна растиха, и сразу в боксе как-то пусто 😏 Цикл для медицины продолжается, поэтому окончательные выводы будем делать позже. Хотя уже сейчас очевидно, что между харвестами разных сортов будет не меньше месяца. upd 08.11. добавил фото высушенных шишек, получилось даже больше, чем я планировал Спасибо, что заглянули, и будьте здоровы! 🙏
so were almost at harvest, have begun flushing this last week and hopefully will be chopping beginning of next week, then the cure... CAN NOT WAIT TO BUST UP SOME OF THESE NUGS AND PACK THEM IN THE BON 😆
so were almost at harvest, have begun flushing this last week and hopefully will be chopping beginning of next week, then the cure... CAN NOT WAIT TO BUST UP SOME OF THESE NUGS AND PACK THEM IN THE BON 😆
Giorno 74 (14 fioritura) Le piante stanno abbastanza bene. Per il prossimo giro autunno/inverno dovrò stare attento con le temperature perché tra vegetativa e ora inzio fioritura hanno sofferto un po' di basse temperature (nulla di preoccupante ma preferisco avere 23/24° piuttosto che 17/18°). Come detto la settimina scorsa ho dovuto flushare una Pink Gasoline perché tutte le foglie avevano macchie chiare distribuite in modo non uniforme.Ora, dopo dieci litri di acqua con gli ultimi due con una leggera dose di fertilizzanti finalmente i nuovi getti sembrano stare meglio. Tutte le altre piante stanno bene, sta solo a me non dare troppo cibo e monitorare il colore delle foglie per correggere eventuali eccessi/carenze. Non posso fare danni con questi incroci 😃 🙏 A settimana prossima sperando di vedere un po' di resina 😋