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10/31 Week 11 Still building The clones have done well their strength builds Heh no changes to nuets at this time like where they are 11/1 Shifting their light turn on time one hour due to the silly time change so extra hour dark tonight. 11/2 Took the time change just fine on a 7-7 schedule. Looking at two weeks till first finish on the FF9 followed by the FF11 the next week and finish with FF10 following. More a question of dry space cant dry more than a couple safely at a time given humidity is unstable this time of year swinging from 30% to 90% depending on weather. Not sure how we will handle the finish, will tell more after we see what happens with the Green Poison grow that harvests a week earlier. Removed Soul Peak PK for the time being using up the last of some koolbloom and it really wont matter much till next week. They are drinking more so buds are being built hard, good sign. 11/5 All seems well FFT-11 is maturing on one clone much faster than the other looks like they will be ready about the same time as the FFT-9 in a week or so Moving the 11 to the middle the 10 to the back of the tent as it will be last. So looks like over the next two weeks the 11 and nine come out so will be shifting feed to organic beginning with PK. So Ending Koolbloom restarting Soul Peak and Fish Shit
Not really packing on as much as hoped, probably because of the genetics, or she'll only start stacking on the final weeks For the rest I didn't really change anything just letting her do her thing She seems happy, thanks for having a look
Good grow ended up curing some for a couple months still smoking it truly gets better the longer it sits the color gets messed up in most of the pictures when I upload them btw
Bien hallados los que llegaron a este seguimiento, comenzamos durante esta semana como se venia advirtiendo en el post pasado nos afectaría una sobre dosificación por parte del bio-vega aplicado la semana 4, una de las plantas mas afectadas es la Critical Mass CBD quien fuera la primera en demostrar quemaduras en sus puntas, posterior a ella la siguiente mas afecta es la Forum Cookies x OG Badazz que a diferencia de la Critical presenta menos quemaduras, la O.M.G y Brain Cake al ser alimentadas con otra dosificación no demostraron quemaduras. El otro punto importante es una deficiencia de calcio y magnesio, que e ido detectando durante la semana 4 y comienzos de la semana 5, para corregir dicha carencia se comenzó a dosificar con 0,8 ml de calmag de atami, lo que se ira administrando de manera constante en los riegos debido a que estamos trabajando con agua des-mineralizada, por lo tanto es necesario agregar este suplemento. Probablemente la próxima semana, volvamos a abonar con bio-vega solo a la O.M.G y Brain Cake, con el fin de eliminar la sobre dosificación de la Forum y Critical quienes solo se les seguirá suministrando agua, rhizotonic y calmag con bajas dosis. Que opinan de la estrategia que estoy tomando?, comenten y compartamos. Saludos. 😬 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Well found those who came to this follow-up, we started this week as it had been warned in the last post, an overdose by the bio-vega applied in week 4 would affect us, one of the most affected plants is Critical Mass CBD whoever it was. the first to show burns on its tips, after it the next most affected is the Forum Cookies x OG Badazz which, unlike the Critical, presents less burns, the O.M.G and Brain Cake when fed with another dosage did not show burns. The other important point is a calcium and magnesium deficiency, which was detected during week 4 and at the beginning of week 5, to correct said deficiency, the dose was started with 0.8 ml of atami calmag, which will be administered constantly in the irrigations because we are working with demineralized water, therefore it is necessary to add this supplement. Probably next week, we will fertilize with bio-vega only the O.M.G and Brain Cake, in order to eliminate the overdose of Forum and Critical who will only continue to be supplied with water, rhizotonic and calmag with low doses. What do you think of the strategy I am taking ?, comment and share. Cheers 😬
This week has been just keeping them happy/learning the needs of the grow room to keep a steady environment. The humidifiers are pushing hard to keep it at 65~70 so im sure once I bump the RH down next week It will be more manageable. I have to fill humidifier #1 once a day but have to keep a eye on #2. It picks up the slack but it runs out every few days. Will start feeding on Monday so the plant can take the days to start rooting in the new pots. If you live in the south Publix reusable bags are .99 and are great 5gl~ fabric pots. Will find bin to put in the bottom of tent to be able to water to run off but I have time for that.
Nun endlich ist das Kopfzerbrechen vorbei und als Fazit können wir entnehmen ich werde nurnoch mit Easyplugs Samen aufziehen. Mitte kommender Woche werden die Ladys getoppt :slight_smile: wenn sie sich weiter so gut entwickeln können wir bald in die Blüte eingehen
Week 10. Not much to say again. She grows more. Training is getting harder for me as branches are more mature and harder to bend without feeling like they may snap. I've come too far to risk breaking her now. I will do slight adjustments each day over the week to get the shape I want and fingers crossed she will take it. Feeding is still just some N and once a week some P and K along with her soil improvers. I've managed to do all my autos with out the need for Cal mag but this lady is asking for some. So will introduce some Cal mag this week. The 4 tops I took off her previous topping are all rooted and potted. So I have 4 clones of triple cheese to try and schedule into what is already an over crowded space.. ah well. Fun fun fun. Day 66 After she had her tops taken I thought she would need to rest but she pushed another 4cm of growth on about 5 of the 16 colas. The canopy height difference between highest and lowest cola was around 15 cm. I decided to put her through some more torture and now the canopy is flat(er) around 5cm difference now which I can live with as I feel I can level bits out as new growth pushes. I will try and take her shape out wider rather then higher for now but again I will see want she wants to do and hopefully we can come to an agreement 😊. She will spend the next 5 days to herself eating drinking and living the good life. Thanks for looking. Stay safe.😷 Happy grows to all👍🌱🌿🌱
Alright so im gonna stop adding veggie nutes and just gonna keep adding bloom nutes from now on. She is doing pretty good I must say she's super XL She keeps growing and growing Starting to smell some citrus Smell is not strong yet I will continue using the LST technique Fed them today last veggie nutes followed by bloom nutes and then some water Day 61 She keeps growing strong and healthy, They looking good Day 62 She's doing great after applying HST Day 63 Growing bigger and tomorrow we gonna add more nutes Day 64 end of week 8 gotta add more nutes This time will only add floranova bloom
Hello, semaine 6 de croissance. Les plantes se portent bien. Les 2 plus petites on finis par rattraper les autres,, elles sont presque toutes a la même hauteur. Elles arrivent juste sous le filet. je vais donc pouvoir commencer à faire mon scrog!👍 J’ai aussi réalisé une défoliation des parties basses pour optimiser la circulation de l’air. C’est tout pour cette semaine. Happy grow...😎