The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Querido diario, esta semana he crecido 3cm por arriba y tres por abajo... me estoy haciendo mayor!! 07/01/21 Hoy he pasado todo el día mirando por la ventana, es todo luz y color!! 😘 Mi armario es triste, aunque al menos se está caliente y me da luz cuando el día acaba, he estado haciendo señas a las otras plantas a través del cristal, pero ellas no se mueven, no responden, parece que les cuesta, tienen las hojas muy gordas, no como yo, que soy liviana, elástica y grácil... me quiero!! 😍 11/01/21 Ya he desarrollado mi tercer nudo, mi cultivador está muy contento, pero sobre todo porque me ha dicho que mis raíces están creciendo perfectas; blancas, peludas, vigorosas y muy verticales... me ha dicho que si sigo así la semana que viene me trasplanta a una maceta mayor, que será mi suelo para toda la vida!! 😊 Le he preguntado que maceta me pondrá, pero me ha dicho que no lo sabe aún, pero que me reserva algo especial!! Yupyyy!! Me ha dicho también que si me porto bien y sigo creciendo me va a poner un armario de floración para mi sola!!.... que suerte!! 😋 Anoche mi jefe me preguntó si no tenía sed, porque dice que consumo mucha agua, le he tenido que explicar que la temperatura de estos días y mi tamaño no necesita más, que por ahora mis raíces crecen libres por los agujeros de la maceta y captan la humedad ambiente. Aun así anoche mi cultivador me regó con un agua templada que me sentó muy bien, además desde ese riego siento unas cosquillas en mis raíces, mi jefe dice que son los Microorganismos que me inoculó y que serán mis eternos ayudantes para el flujo de nutrientes y minerales por todo mi ser. Esta mañana los he conocido!! 😳 son muy, muy pequeños, no los veo, sólo los siento y los escucho 😦, me han dicho que ellos necesitan constantemente la energía que produzco, captada de la luz... el azúcar, porque los MM son diabéticos y no almacenan azucar, si tienen ellos trabajarán día y noche para solubilizar los nutrientes del suelo y pasármelos a mi... no estoy segura de poder hacerlo... soy muy pequeña 😨... le voy a a preguntar al jefe... Ya lo tengo claro!! 😊 vengo de hablar con el jefe y me ha dicho que no me preocupe por el azúcar, el le dará melaza a los MM y también la materia orgánica para que coman y se reproduzcan por millones y mantengan mis raíces muy funcionales para absorber todos los nutrientes que necesito... Yeah, que haría yo sin mi jefe?!! 😁 Hoy estábamos todos contentos, bueno menos el perro de mi jefe, que me ignora y sólo quiere comer y jugar... es un presumido!! Hoy para festejar el día nos hemos hecho un selfie, mi jefe, mi prima Sweet Amnesia Haze y yo... estoy haciendo migas con mi prima, aunque es muy pequeñita todavía y habla poco, yo la cuido como si fuera su hermana mayor, dormimos hasta en la misma cama. Realmente los días de esta semana son muy tranquilos y hasta monótonos, mi jefe se esfuerza en mantenernos calentitas, pues el frío exterior es mucho... pero hoy la rutina se ha roto!! una vibración muy agradable y estimulante ha recorrido todo mi cuerpo... he conocido la música!! 😁... estoy tan emocionada que mi cultivador me ha preparado un escenario, y ha dicho... que no pare la fiesta!! y también me ha dado una mariquita para decorar mi pequeña maceta... mi primera joya!! 😁 En esta discoteca improvisada hemos bailado, cantado y hecho coros, para acabar regados con la emoción incontenida de dos amigos inseparables!! - And when I'm lonely, Cherry's there --And she plays along while I sing out my blues... - Maybe we could talk 'bout things - If you was made of wood and strings... - Her name is AKU, we've just met.... ... estoy Happy, amo mi vida de plántula!! Hasta la próxima semana mi querido diario!! Saludos lectores!! 😍 ========================= • CONOCE MIS TÉCNICAS DE CULTIVO Y MIS FERTILIZANTES ORGÁNICOS AVANZADOS.... HACER ES COMPRENDER!! 😉 - ORGANIC GROWING TIPS!! 👇 3M • PURPLE BUD SEMANA 17: Activación de Microorganismos Sólidos (MMA) y biol de frutas con minerales. SEMANA 20: Agua de montaña y estructurada. SEMANA 21: Abono sólido y mulch. 3M • Anubis y Auto Magnum SEMANA 1: Super sustrato y aireación de macetas 3M • Frodo's & OG Kush SEMANA 7: Elaboración de auxinas. SEMANA 10: Humato potásico de leonardita enriquecido con minerales. 3M • Diesel bastard. SEMANA 11: Sólidos y Mulch SEMANA 13: Aireación forzada del sustrato. SEMANA 14: Elaboración de un Lacto fermento de auxinas, nutrientes y minerales. 3M • Sweet Zkittlez SEMANA 2: Agua estructurada, agua viva. SEMANA 3: Ormus y agua de coco. SEMANA 5: Compactación con luces Cool White. SEMANA 6: Cicatrizante y protector de cortes o podas apicales. 3M • Sweet Clementine SEMANA 5: Elaboración de Lacto fermento multi frutas y minerales. 3M • Fresh Candy auto SEMANA 4: Recuperación de esporas de Microorganismos y Micorrizas. 3M • Tropicanna Poison SEMANA 7: Elaboración de un semillero de Microorganismos de Montaña Sólidos (MMS) SEMANA 10: Extracción de HBO con el método QWISO 3M • Black Domina SEMANA 6: Reutilización de residuos: Mulch de palos secos. 3M • Monster Bud Kush SEMANA 7: Elaboración de un Bocashi de Pasto ensilado enriquecido con nutrientes y minerales. 3M • San Fernando Lemon Kush SEMANA 5: Reutilización de sustrato orgánico. SEMANA 16: GD TIP: ¿Lente u objetivo? 3M • Magnum Auto SEMANA 5: Aprovechamiento de residuos caseros. Cáscaras de frutas. Deshidratación y almacenaje. 3M • Quick Sherbet SEMANA 12: Crema tópica de karite y HBO. SEMANA 24: Como el agua -Like a water 3M • Purple Shot SEMANA 18: Tierra a la tierra.😎 3M • Gorilla Glue SEMANA 4: Fibra de coco con Microorganismos de Montaña Activados (MMA) para mezclas de sustratos. 3M • Diesel S1 SEMANA 17. Humato PK. Hidrolizado potásico de leonardita con fósforo.
07-11 - Plants all looking healthy - good growth so far 08-11 - Plant nearest to the fan has bent over a fair bit - re-positioned away from the fan - bottom fan turned off - top fan still running 09-11 - Bent over plant is looking far better 10-11 - Watered with PH 6.02 water
I am honestly blown away with how amazing all 3 plants done! I didn’t really have any deficiencies or issues with any of them the entire grow & it really shows in the quality & weight these ladies put off! Bud smells almost like licorice & has a very sweet taste when smoking! If you havnt already make sure to go check out New420Guyseeds, he has extremely fast shipping, great prices and quality genetics! Thanks for following & happy growing friends!🙏🏼✌️🏼🌱
Explosive bud development the past week. These girls are gonna be STACKED! I wish every plant I ever grew could grow like these! Absolutely beautiful look to these ladies! One plant is further along than the rest, but probably still a couple weeks from harvest. I truly see these plants going 110 plus days from seed. Im still on the same watering regimen. Feeding every water, but definitely done with any and all nitro for this grow. Feeding general hydro micro and bloom, at full strength, and feeding them big bud by advanced at 5ml per gal. Also, giving them a full dose of recharge every 7 days. They love it! I don't have a single burnt or rust colored leaf on the entire grow. Thats impressive under an HPS on 1000 watts! Love love love these plants and everything about them! The plant that is a couple weeks ahead of the others (planted the same day), the buds are absolutely rock hard! Gonna be some dense, sticky, resinous, absolutely killer medicine!
I am honestly blown away with how amazing all 3 plants done! I didn’t really have any deficiencies or issues with any of them the entire grow & it really shows in the quality & weight these ladies put off! Bud smells almost like licorice & has a very sweet taste when smoking! If you havnt already make sure to go check out New420Guyseeds, he has extremely fast shipping, great prices and quality genetics! Thanks for following & happy growing friends!🙏🏼✌️🏼🌱
I am honestly blown away with how amazing all 3 plants done! I didn’t really have any deficiencies or issues with any of them the entire grow & it really shows in the quality & weight these ladies put off! Bud smells almost like licorice & has a very sweet taste when smoking! If you havnt already make sure to go check out New420Guyseeds, he has extremely fast shipping, great prices and quality genetics! Thanks for following & happy growing friends!🙏🏼✌️🏼🌱
- Heavy defoliation to canopy twice this week, got rid of all large fan leaves to send energy to buds - Light defoliation every other day Plants are profiled nicely, many buds throughout now. Some of the hairs on the Lemon Ice buds are starting to turn orange. Adding the dehumidifier and extra 6" fan seems to have solved the humidity issue. Plants drank a lot of water this week, I will monitor more closely next week and add some water throughout to help keep pH balanced. The stem I folded over last week seems to have recovered fine and is now laying horizontal across trellis, accidental super cropping.
Using iPhone XS for this journal. Can people please let me know what camera they are using. Also I would love any tips or suggestions. Thanks for watching.
Great week! She grew 10in and responds well to the full dose of nutes. Cut back on the Gro and upped Bloom. Smell up 1100sq feet nicely. She’s been under a 600w and will be put in a 5x5 soon with a 1000w LED.
This girl flowers and branches are very heavy Despite not being sugar coated Flowers She is still in development and will become much more heavy . I think that we are looking at probably three more weeks of development to start to check on flower Maturity maybe more but despite being treated Brutally she is a survivor with so much Height she is ideal for our Canadian outside summer. Thank you for reading I continue to update have a happy grow
Slight delay on this weeks entry as I have been busy with work! Week 6 of flowering was very stress free & the buds are getting really solid! Trichs are milky & all 3 ladies overall are lookin gorgeous. I've included a video this week so make sure to go through all the photos 😁 I've been upping my watering to around 750ml per day & the girls haven't had any issues drinking it all up. I did change the light cycle from 20/4 to 18/6 at the start of this week to give the ladies some extra sleep & time to get fatter. Light defoliation has continued as some of the leaves are starting to yellow & I've removed a few extras from around the bigger buds to give them some extra air. They all are looking so good & I'm loving the smell! It is understandable why this strain is called Blueberry! Check back soon, 2 weeks left! 😊🌿
11/16/2020 She's growing, roots are nice and healthy, so time for flowering. Switching to 11-14 and flower dose will start today. Full bucket switch to Grow, Micro, Bloom flower week one Raised level of water to 16 liters just touching mesh pot, she used about 1/2 her water (6liters) And do not want her to go hungry lol
11/16/2020 She's growing, roots are nice and healthy, so time for flowering. Switching to 11-14 and flower dose will start today. Full bucket switch to Grow, Micro, Bloom flower week one Raised level of water to 16 liters just touching mesh pot, she used about 1/2 her water (6liters) And do not want her to go hungry lol
Hello,,, semaine 1 de floraison. Les plantes se portent plutôt bien. Elles semblent vigoureuses. Le stretch a bien commencé, elles ont poussées de plus de 10cm cette semaine. Le remplissage du scrog est bien répartie même si il reste quelques imperfections😅. J’ai aussi augmenté un peu l’ex, je suis à 1.6/1.7 maintenant,, J’interviendrais probablement sur les plantes une dernière fois après le stretch fini, pour enlever ce qui ne donnera pas de belles buds. Voilà pour cette semaine... Happy grow...😎
Had to harvest a little early, the high is very clarifying, and long lasting. The trichomes were mostly clear, with some slightly milky, not much amber at all. Flavours will be updated after a bit more testing. 20inx20inx36in grow space, 100w quantum board. Taste/effects/more info will be added after some curing time. A little bit sad that I had to harvest around a week early due to a small amount of bud rot, but it looks and smells great, I cant wait to actually try it out. Harvested 125 grams(dried) total from the 3 plants, I honestly didn't expect to get such an amount on the first try. Bud was so sticky during the final dry trim, my scissors kept getting stuck on themselves and I had to keep cleaning them often. Out of the 3 plants it was probably around 50g/50g/25g as the one in the back corner was smaller than the rest, but just as frosty. Great seeds, I would like to try the photo period version in the future.
Stopped weaving to leave them about 6-8 inches above the canopy. Will be defoliating at some point next week to improve light penetration.