The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Unknown 1 has come to it’s end going a total wet weight of 288.44g with stems see what the end result is same as the other had a haircut then will tidy up once dry want to dry a slow as possible thanks for viewing.
Unknown 1 has come to it’s end going a total wet weight of 288.44g with stems see what the end result is same as the other had a haircut then will tidy up once dry want to dry a slow as possible thanks for viewing.
12/2/2024 - Starting this post a little early since it doesn't start until tomorrow. That said, two of the three plants are in flower while the Mystery Seed remains in Veg. I would expect it to transition and stretch over the next day or two. The other two plants (Granite Runtz & Frosted Cherry O's) are growing/stretching rapidly easily putting on 1-3 inches of growth per day. I have decided to top dress throughout flower with Gaia Green Power Bloom. I'm just a little leary of the Grow Dots fizzling out towards the end so I'm going to use a slow release organic to top dress with high in Phosphorous. These plants couldn't look any better and now my focus will turn to caring for all the bud sites and making sure each nug gets plump and dense and as big as it can get. I'm banking on a 1lb crop total from these three plants. 12/3/2024 - Ok we're into week 6 now and two of the plants are well into flower and the Mystery Seed is showing pre-flower now and is stretching out. I expect it to catch up with the other two in the next few days. Everything is going extremely well and I couldn't be happier. This morning I fed all three plants with Recharge and Silica along with 2 liters of water PH'd to 6.5. I think watering is going to increase a bit still from here but I'm paying very close attention to moisture in the soil. I've got PPFD readings up near 850-900 across the canopy and with the addition of side lights I'm hoping that I can get some deeper penetration to some of the lower branches. I continue to build out my toolkit for future grows. 12/4/2024 - Probably my last post for this week unless something spectacular happens. Everything is going very well though I found a few rust spots on one leaf which I removed from the Frosted Cherry O's...nothing I'm too concerned about at this point. Overall things are going extremely well and the plants are growing beyond my expectations. Looking forward to the coming weeks as the buds start to develop.
There’s a big variety of budshapes on the Q1 which I really like the dos si dos buds all have the same shape and look big and stacking Unfortunately one of my mates spotted a banana on the Q1 maybe caused by calmag deficiency so on Monday to Tuesday night I decided to harvest her . Trichomes were most milky and with an expected blooming time from 5-6 weeks harvesting her starting of week 5 hurts a little but should be fine . Dos si dos now solo in the tent with no bananas or seeds spotted yet
Final countdown!!! 💐
Week 4 update! 🌱 Week 3 is done, and the ladies are now three weeks into their flowering phase. So far, everything has gone really well. However, one bud and the plants in the front showed slight signs of potassium overfertilization, which likely caused a calcium uptake issue and led to minor necrosis. No worries, though – today I completely flushed the entire system and replaced it with a fresh solution. With this reset, everything should be back on track 💪💧. On top of that, I decided to bring out an old Cree& Osram LED lamp as a booster. This will provide the two smaller front plants with more light intensity so they can metabolize the higher nutrient levels more effectively 💡🌿. Everything is looking great so far! Stay tuned, follow along, and let’s see how this journey continues 🌺📸. Woche 4-Update! 🌱 Woche 3 ist geschafft, und die Ladies sind jetzt drei Wochen in der Blütephase. Bis jetzt lief alles super. Eine Bud und die Pflanzen vorne zeigten jedoch leichte Anzeichen von Kalium-Überdüngung, was wahrscheinlich zu einer Kalzium-Aufnahmehemmung geführt und leichte Nekrosen verursacht hat. Kein Grund zur Sorge – heute habe ich das komplette System gründlich durchgespült und die Lösung durch eine frische ersetzt. Mit diesem Reset sollte jetzt wieder alles reibungslos laufen 💪💧. Außerdem habe ich beschlossen, eine alte Cree& Osram LED-Lampe als Booster herauszuholen. Damit bekommen die beiden kleineren Pflanzen vorne eine stärkere Lichtintensität, damit sie die höheren Nährstoffwerte besser verstoffwechseln können 💡🌿. Es sieht alles richtig gut aus! Bleibt dran, folgt mir, und lasst uns schauen, wie sich die Reise weiterentwickelt 🌺📸.
She gets bushy quick, led me to tying down some branches, caused me to snap a branch. I tied it back with a good fit and 2 days in its still alive, going to monitor and prune it off if necessary...just starting to get open amd see some decent growth but might have to up the nitrogen
Recovered after my topping issue, going let her get 2 or 3 nodes and top agian...more carefully. Gained good size since last week. Opened up decently.
Week 7 of flower in the books and the Kush is in the home stretch. Pistils are all turning orange and buds are getting thick and resinous. She's got a nice citrusy smell and the colas are all swaying in the breeze. Shout out to Seedsman for these stable genetics. No deficiencies or issues that I had to fix along the way. Really happy I still have a couple more seeds left over.
From the 15th day I start adding half the norm of Hesi TNT Complex 2ml/L, we test with 210 ppm so as not to burn the roots. On the 18th day, I moved the plant into a larger pot and watered it with half the recommended amount of nutrients and of course, transplanted the plant into a larger pot. On the 21st day, I did LST (Low-Stress Training).
Week 8 Observations: Fan leaves are showing significant signs of distress Symptoms strongly resemble calcium deficiency Which is weird because the tap water in my area is known for being extremely hard. Conclusion: Nutrient Lockout, caused by salt buildup in the soil from overfeeding+the hard water. Plan of Action: Stop adding nutrients to the water during watering sessions to address salt buildup. Rely on the tap water's natural pH of ~7 (as per the supplier's documentation) to stabilize the soil conditions.
☘️17/11 - La semilla estuvo por 24hs en agua para hidratarse. ☘️18/11 - Puse a germinar la semilla en papel humedo, el 21 de noviembre germino, aprox tenia 3cm. ☘️25//11 - Ya salió el plantin. ☘️27/11 - Ya tiene 3 días de vida, se encuentra perfecta. ☘️Voy a dejarla una semana en Enraizamiento, asi las raices se desarrollan un poco mas antes de pasarla a una maceta de 10L. ☘️Los productos que voy a estar utilizando en todo el cultivo son los de Advance Nutrients. ☘️En crecimiento voy a dejarla 3 semanas con 18/6 de luz. Una vez que ya entre en flora la luz la cambio a 12/12 y el banco de semillas recomienda hasta 9 semanas de floración. ☘️Voy a estar regando con un ph de 5.8 hasta llegar a 6.4. ☘️En estos días estaré publicando mas imágenes de como viene. ☘️Podes seguirme en Instagram como @bruweed_arg para mas contenido.
☘️22/11 - La semilla se hidrato en agua durante 24hs. ☘️23/11 - La puse a germinar en papel húmedo. ☘️25/11 - Ya germino y aproximadamente media 3cm. Ese mismo dia la coloque en un vaso chico con un poco de tierra. En una semana ya la traspaso en una maceta de 10L y ya queda en esa maceta hasta el final. ☘️27/11 - Broto el plantin. Se encuentra bien por el momento. Por lo que noto viene rápido su desarrollo. ☘️Voy a dejarla 2 semanas en crecimiento con luz 18/6. Una vez que este en flora lo cambio a 12/12. ☘️El banco de semillas comenta que en indoor todo su desarrollo es de 75/80 días. ☘️El banco aclara: una variedad para cultivadores experimentados ya que, si se producen diferentes factores de estrés en el cultivo, es una variedad que puede dar alguna inflorescencia masculina en un 2% de los ejemplares, por lo tanto es un dato a tener en cuenta dada su descendencia americana. ☘️Los productos que voy a estar utilizando son los de advance nutrients en toda su etapa. ☘️Con el ph voy arrancar en 5.8 hasta llegar a 6.4. ☘️En estos días estaré publicando mas imágenes de como viene. ☘️🇦🇷Podes seguirme en Instagram como @bruweed_arg para mas contenido.
These pound cake auto seeds are 100 off rip. I put the seeds in some paper towels on nov29, then put them in the pro-mix potting soil on dec2. Now it's dec4. Only 5 whole days sense. I put the seeds in paper towels, and they have already been born into this world. Thanks, fastbuds, for the seeds. Ever since I saw the seed drop with the pound cake auto, I have had my eye on this strain. I have really wanted to grow a plant with giant giant huge nugs, and I have yet to do so. I have high hope for these guy. I'm only allowed 12 plant and have 10 plants in other other tent. So I will be tossing one of them later 2day. I plan on only bringing one if them to flower. This is my 1st real auto grow so I'm testing the waters in a spare 2x2 tent with my spider farmer 100 board light the newer one with the evo leds. Thanks for reading