Coming back strong.. flipped the light schedule on 8/6 and changed the formula in the RES for transition. Plucked some big fans off that were blocking lowers. Will be stripping all fans in two days, and a full strip 19 days after. Going in tonight and cutting some lower BS off so it can focus it's energy elsewhere. I should have vegged longer so I can reach that 1/2lb goal. The tent is nowhere near full, so I doubt I'll hit it this time. Will be saving a cut from this pheno to run again in the future.
-Flower day 2 she's looking real happy this morning. has been drinking quite a bit and eating as well. was on a 2-2-2 formula, now on a 2-2-3 as of this mornings top off. the main stem is nearly an inch in diameter and growing holy fuck. will be stripping the big fans off tomorrow, and trimming some lower shit off. will have before/after pics
F Day6 just noticed my nutrients changed from GHE to something else?? TF? General hydroponics flora series not even listed anymore? Ah well.. RES clean/change today. Prob shoulda stripped more fans the other day, but shit happens and we learn from it right??